Listed below are 4128 taxa included on as of 3/12/25, using nomenclature preferred by the online PLANTS National Database. A plus sign indicates that the PLANTS National Database further divides that species into varieties or subspecies.
Click the scientific name to link to information and (maybe) pictures!
1 - ×Hesperotropsis leylandii [Hesperocyparis macrocarpa × Callitropsis nootkatensis — Leyland Cypress
2 - Abelia ×grandiflora [chinensis × uniflora] — Abelia
3 - Abelmoschus esculentus — Okra, Gumbo
4 - Abies alba — European Fir, Silver Fir
5 - Abies balsamea — Balsam Fir, Northern Balsam, Canada Balsam, Blister Pine
6 - Abies fraseri — Fraser Fir, She Balsam, Southern Balsam
7 - Abutilon theophrasti — Velvetleaf, Indian Mallow, Butterprint
8 - Acalypha gracilens — Slender Threeseed Mercury, Slender Copperleaf, Shortstalk Copperleaf
9 - Acalypha ostryifolia — Pineland Threeseed Mercury, Hophornbeam Copperleaf, Roughpod Copperleaf
10 - Acalypha rhomboidea — Common Threeseed Mercury, Rhombic Copperleaf
11 - Acalypha setosa — Cuban Copperleaf
12 - Acalypha virginica — Virginia Threeseed Mercury, Virginia Copperleaf, Shortstalk Copperleaf
13 - Acer buergerianum — Trident Maple
14 - Acer floridanum — Southern Sugar Maple, Florida Maple
15 - Acer ginnala — Amur Maple
16 - Acer leucoderme — Chalk Maple, Small Chalk Maple, White-bark Maple
17 - Acer negundo var. negundo — Eastern Box Elder, Ash-leaved Maple, River Maple
18 - Acer nigrum — Black Maple
19 - Acer palmatum — Japanese Maple
20 - Acer pensylvanicum — Striped Maple, Moosewood
21 - Acer platanoides — Norway Maple
22 - Acer pseudoplatanus — Sycamore Maple, Planetree Maple
23 - Acer rubrum var. drummondii — Drummond’s Maple, Swamp Red Maple, Drummond’s Red Maple
24 - Acer rubrum var. rubrum — Eastern Red Maple
25 - Acer rubrum var. trilobum — Carolina Red Maple, Trident Red Maple
26 - Acer saccharinum — Silver Maple, Soft Maple
27 - Acer saccharum var. saccharum — Sugar Maple, Hard Maple, Sugar-tree
28 - Acer spicatum — Mountain Maple
29 - Achillea millefolium var. millefolium — Yarrow, Thousandleaf
30 - Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis — Eastern Yarrow, Eastern Thousandleaf
31 - Achyranthes japonica var. hachijoensis — Japanese Chaff-flower
32 - Acmella oppositifolia var. repens — Spilanthes, Creeping Spotflower
33 - Aconitum reclinatum — Trailing Wolfsbane, White Monkshood, White Aconite
34 - Aconitum uncinatum ssp. uncinatum — Appalachian Blue Monkshood, Eastern Blue Monkshood
35 - Acorus americanus — Sweetflag, American Calamus
36 - Acorus calamus — European Sweetflag, European Calamus
37 - Acroptilon repens — Russian Knapweed
38 - Actaea pachypoda — Doll's-eyes, White Baneberry, White Cohosh
39 - Actaea podocarpa — Mountain Black Cohosh, American Cohosh, Late Black Cohosh
40 - Actaea racemosa — Common Black Cohosh, Early Black Cohosh, Black Snakeroot, black bugbane
41 - Actinidia arguta — Hardy Kiwi, Bowerberry, Tara-vine
42 - Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa — Green Kiwi-fruit, Chinese Gooseberry
43 - Adiantum capillus-veneris — Southern Maidenhair Fern, Venus-hair Fern
44 - Adiantum hispidulum — Rough Maidenhair, Garden Maidenhair
45 - Adiantum pedatum — Northern Maidenhair Fern
46 - Adlumia fungosa — Climbing Fumitory, Allegheny Vine, Cliff-Harlequin
47 - Aegopodium podagraria — Goutweed, Bishop's Weed
48 - Aesculus flava — Yellow Buckeye
49 - Aesculus glabra var. glabra — Ohio Buckeye, Fetid Buckeye, Chalky Buckeye
50 - Aesculus hippocastanum — Horsechestnut
51 - Aesculus parviflora — Bottlebrush Buckeye
52 - Aesculus pavia var. pavia — Red Buckeye
53 - Aesculus sylvatica — Painted Buckeye
54 - Agalinis aphylla — Scaleleaf Gerardia, Scaleleaf Agalinis, Scaleleaf False Foxglove
55 - Agalinis fasciculata — Fascicled Purple Gerardia, Southeastern Agalinis, Beach False Foxglove, Fascicled Gerardia
56 - Agalinis fasciculata — Wand Gerardia, Wand Agalinis, Pine-barren False Foxglove
57 - Agalinis gattingeri — Gattinger's Gerardia, Midwestern Agalinis, Gattinger's Agalinis, Gattinger's False Foxglove
58 - Agalinis linifolia — Flaxleaf Gerardia, Scaleleaf Agalinis, Flaxleaf False Foxglove, Flaxleaf Agalinis
59 - Agalinis maritima var. grandiflora — Seaside Gerardia, Southern Saltmarsh Agalinis, Saltmarsh False Foxglove
60 - Agalinis obtusifolia — Bluntleaf Gerardia, Bluntleaf Agalinis, Bluntleaf False Foxglove, Tenlobe False Foxglove
61 - Agalinis obtusifolia — Tenlobe Gerardia, Sandplain Agalinis, Tenlobe False Falseglove
62 - Agalinis purpurea — Purple Gerardia, Common Agalinis, Purple False Foxglove
63 - Agalinis setacea — Threadleaf Gerardia, Threadleaf Agalinis, Threadleaf False Foxglove, Sandhills Gerardia
64 - Agalinis tenuifolia var. tenuifolia — Common Gerardia, Slenderleaf Agalinis, Slender False Foxglove, Slender Gerardia
65 - Agarista populifolia — Tall Fetterbush, Florida Leucothoe, Florida Hobblebush, Agarista
66 - Agastache nepetoides — Yellow Giant-hyssop
67 - Agastache scrophulariifolia — Purple Giant-hyssop
68 - Ageratina altissima var. altissima — Common White Snakeroot, Common Milk-poison
69 - Ageratina altissima var. roanensis — Appalachian White Snakeroot, Appalachian Milk-poison, Appalachian Snakeroot
70 - Ageratina aromatica — Small-leaved White Snakeroot, Aromatic Snakeroot, Wild-hoarhound, Small White Snakeroot
71 - Ageratum houstonianum — Ageratum, Floss-flower
72 - Agrimonia gryposepala — Common Agrimony, Swamp Agrimony
73 - Agrimonia incisa — Pineland Agrimony
74 - Agrimonia microcarpa — Low Agrimony, Small-fruited Agrimony
75 - Agrimonia parviflora — Southern Agrimony, Small-flowered Agrimony, Harvestlice
76 - Agrimonia pubescens — Downy Agrimony
77 - Agrimonia rostellata — Woodland Agrimony
78 - Agrimonia striata — Roadside Agrimony
79 - Agrostemma githago — Corncockle, Purple Cockle, Corn-campion
80 - Agrostis capillaris — Rhode Island Bentgrass, Colonial Bentgrass, Browntop
81 - Agrostis elliottiana — Elliott's Bentgrass, Southern Bentgrass
82 - Agrostis gigantea — Black Bentgrass, Redtop Bentgrass, Redtop
83 - Agrostis hyemalis — Ticklegrass, Small Bentgrass, Hairgrass, Winter Bentgrass
84 - Agrostis perennans — Autumn Bentgrass, Upland Bentgrass, Upland Bent
85 - Agrostis perennans — Coastal Bog Bentgrass
86 - Agrostis stolonifera — Creeping Bentgrass
87 - Ailanthus altissima — Ailanthus, Tree-of-heaven, Stink-tree
88 - Aira caryophyllea var. caryophyllea — Silver Hairgrass
89 - Aira elegans — Elegant Hairgrass, Annual Silver Hairgrass
90 - Ajuga reptans — Carpet Bugle, Bugle-weed
91 - Akebia quinata — Five-leaf Akebia, Chocolate-vine
92 - Albizia julibrissin — Mimosa, Silktree, Albizia
93 - Alcea rosea — Hollyhock
94 - Aldrovanda vesiculosa — Waterwheel-plant
95 - Aletris aurea — Golden Colicroot
96 - Aletris farinosa — Northern White Colicroot, Mealy Colicroot, Stargrass
97 - Aletris lutea — Yellow Colicroot
98 - Aletris obovata — Southern White Colicroot
99 - Alisma subcordatum — Southern Water-plantain, American Water-plantain
100 - Alliaria petiolata — Garlic Mustard, Hedge Garlic
101 - Allium ampeloprasum — Wild Leek, Yorktown Onion, Elephant Garlic
102 - Allium burdickii — Narrowleaf Ramps, White Ramps
103 - Allium canadense var. canadense — Wild Onion, Meadow Garlic
104 - Allium canadense var. mobilense — Mobile Onion
105 - Allium cernuum var. cernuum — Nodding Onion, Nodding Wild Onion
106 - Allium cuthbertii — Cuthbert's Onion
107 - Allium cuthbertii — Keever’s Onion, Brushy Mountain Onion
108 - Allium sativum — Cultivated Garlic
109 - Allium speculae — Flatrock Onion
110 - Allium stellatum — Glade Onion, Prairie Onion
111 - Allium tricoccum — Red Ramps, Rampscallions, Wild Leek
112 - Allium vineale ssp. vineale — Field Garlic, Wild Onion, Onion-grass, Crow Garlic
113 - Alnus glutinosa — Black Alder, European Alder
114 - Alnus incana ssp. rugosa — Speckled Alder
115 - Alnus maritima — Georgia Alder
116 - Alnus serrulata — Tag Alder, Hazel Alder, Smooth Alder
117 - Alnus viridis ssp. crispa — Green Alder, Mountain Alder
118 - Alopecurus carolinianus — Carolina Foxtail Grass
119 - Alternanthera philoxeroides — Alligator-weed
120 - Alternanthera sessilis — Sessile Joyweed
121 - Alysicarpus vaginalis — Alyce Clover
122 - Alysicarpus vaginalis — Red Moneywort
123 - Amaranthus australis — Southern Water-hemp, Southern Amaranth, Careless
124 - Amaranthus hybridus — Smooth Pigweed, Smooth Amaranth, Green Amaranth, Slim Amaranth
125 - Amaranthus palmeri — Careless-weed, Palmer's Amaranth
126 - Amaranthus polygonoides — Tropical Amaranth, Smartweed Amaranth
127 - Amaranthus pumilus — Seabeach Amaranth, Dwarf Amaranth
128 - Amaranthus spinosus — Spiny Amaranth
129 - Amaranthus viridis — Slender Amaranth, Tropical Green Amaranth
130 - Ambrosia artemisiifolia + — Annual Ragweed, Common Ragweed, Hogweed
131 - Ambrosia trifida var. trifida — Giant Ragweed, Great Ragweed
132 - Amelanchier arborea var. arborea — Downy Serviceberry, Sarvisberry
133 - Amelanchier canadensis — Eastern Serviceberry, Canadian Serviceberry
134 - Amelanchier laevis — Smooth Serviceberry, Allegheny Serviceberry
135 - Amelanchier nantucketensis — Nantucket Serviceberry
136 - Amelanchier obovalis — Coastal Plain Serviceberry, Pocosin Shadbush, Coastal Serviceberry
137 - Amelanchier sanguinea var. sanguinea — Roundleaf Serviceberry, New England Serviceberry
138 - Amelanchier stolonifera — Running Serviceberry, Dwarf Serviceberry, Thicket Shadbush
139 - Amianthium muscitoxicum — Fly-poison
140 - Ammannia coccinea — Red Toothcup, Scarlet Toothcup, valley redstem
141 - Amorpha fruticosa — False Indigo, Tall Indigo-bush, False Indigo-bush
142 - Amorpha georgiana var. confusa — Savanna Indigo-bush
143 - Amorpha georgiana var. georgiana — Georgia Indigo-bush
144 - Amorpha glabra — Mountain Indigo-bush, Appalachian Indigo-bush, Mountain Indigo, Mountain False Indigo
145 - Amorpha herbacea var. herbacea — Leadplant, Dwarf Indigo-bush, Clusterspike Indigo-bush
146 - Amorpha nitens — Dark Indigo-bush, Shining Indigo-bush
147 - Amorpha schwerinii — Piedmont Indigo-bush
148 - Ampelaster carolinianus — Climbing Aster
149 - Ampelopsis brevipedunculata — Porcelain-berry, Amur Peppervine
150 - Ampelopsis cordata — American Ampelopsis, Heartleaf Peppervine, False-grape, Raccoon-grape
151 - Amphianthus pusillus — Pool-sprite, Snorkelwort, Little Amphianthus
152 - Amphicarpaea bracteata + — American Hog-peanut
153 - Amphicarpum purshii — Pinebarrens Peanut-grass, Pinebarrens Goober-grass, New Jersey Goober-grass
154 - Amsonia ciliata var. ciliata — Sandhill Bluestar, Fringed Bluestar
155 - Amsonia illustris — Swamp Bluestar, Ozark Bluestar, Shining Bluestar
156 - Amsonia ludoviciana — Louisiana Bluestar
157 - Amsonia rigida — Stiff Bluestar, Pond Bluestar, Marsh Bluestar
158 - Amsonia tabernaemontana var. tabernaemontana — Eastern Bluestar, Blue Dogbane, Wideleaf Bluestar
159 - Anagallis arvensis ssp. arvensis — Scarlet Pimpernel, Poor Man's Weatherglass
160 - Anagallis minima — Chaffweed, False-pimpernel
161 - Anaphalis margaritacea — Pearly-everlasting
162 - Anchusa arvensis — Small Bugloss, Alkanet
163 - Anchusa officinalis — Common Bugloss, Common Alkanet, Bee Bread
164 - Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla — Bog-rosemary
165 - Andropogon capillipes — Dryland White Bluestem, Chalky Bluestem
166 - Andropogon capillipes — Wetland White Bluestem
167 - Andropogon floridanus — Florida Bluestem
168 - Andropogon gerardii — Big Bluestem, Turkeyfoot
169 - Andropogon glaucopsis — Chalky Bluestem, Purple Bluestem, Coastal Bluestem, Big Chalky Bluestem
170 - Andropogon glomeratus var. glomeratus — Common Bushy Bluestem, Bushy Beardgrass, Bog Broomsedge, Clustered Bluestem
171 - Andropogon glomeratus var. hirsutior — Savanna Bushy Bluestem, Hairy Bluestem
172 - Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus — Maritime Bushy Bluestem, Bushy Beardgrass, Maritime Bluestem
173 - Andropogon gyrans var. gyrans — Elliott's Bluestem
174 - Andropogon gyrans var. stenophyllus — Narrowleaf Bluestem
175 - Andropogon longiberbis — Longbeard Bluestem
176 - Andropogon mohrii — Mohr's Bluestem, Tawny Bluestem, Bog Bluestem
177 - Andropogon ternarius var. ternarius — Splitbeard Bluestem, Silvery Bluestem
178 - Andropogon virginicus var. decipiens — Deceptive Bluestem, Deceptive Broomsedge
179 - Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus — Broomsedge, Broomsedge Bluestem, Old-field Broomstraw, "Sedge Grass"
180 - Anemone berlandieri — Eastern Prairie Anemone, Glade Windflower, Southern Thimbleweed, Ten-petal Anemone
181 - Anemone canadensis — Canada Anemone
182 - Anemone caroliniana — Carolina Anemone, Prairie Anemone
183 - Anemone lancifolia — Mountain Anemone, Lanceleaf Anemone
184 - Anemone quinquefolia var. quinquefolia — Wood Anemone
185 - Anemone virginiana var. virginiana — Thimbleweed, Tall Thimbleweed, Tall Anemone
186 - Angelica atropurpurea — Purple Angelica
187 - Angelica dentata — Sandhill Angelica
188 - Angelica triquinata — Mountain Angelica, Appalachian Angelica, Filmy Angelica
189 - Angelica venenosa — Hairy Angelica, Downy Angelica, Deadly Angelica, Woodland Angelica
190 - Antennaria howellii ssp. neodioica — Pussytoes
191 - Antennaria neglecta — Field Pussytoes
192 - Antennaria parlinii ssp. fallax — Big-head Pussytoes
193 - Antennaria parlinii ssp. parlinii — Parlin's Pussytoes
194 - Antennaria plantaginifolia — Plantainleaf Pussytoes, Plantain Pussytoes
195 - Antennaria solitaria — Solitary Pussytoes, Southern Singlehead Pussytoes
196 - Antennaria virginica — Shale-barren Pussytoes
197 - Anthemis arvensis — Corn Chamomile, Field Chamomile
198 - Anthemis cotula — Stinking Chamomile, Stinking Mayweed, Dog-fennel, Chigger-weed
199 - Anthoxanthum odoratum ssp. odoratum — Sweet Vernal Grass
200 - Anthriscus caucalis — Bur Chervil, Bur-parsley
201 - Anthriscus cerefolium — Garden Chervil
202 - Anthriscus sylvestris — Cow Chervil, Wild Chervil, Cow-parsley
203 - Antigonon leptopus — Love-chain, Queen's-jewels, Confederate-vine, Corallita
204 - Aphanes microcarpa — Parsley-piert, slender parsley piert
205 - Apios americana — American Groundnut, Common Groundnut
206 - Aplectrum hyemale — Puttyroot, Adam-and-Eve
207 - Apocynum ×floribundum [androsaemifolium × cannabinum] — Intermediate Dogbane
208 - Apocynum androsaemifolium — Spreading Dogbane
209 - Apocynum cannabinum — Indian-hemp, Hemp Dogbane, Marion's Weed
210 - Aquilegia canadensis — Eastern Columbine, Canada Columbine
211 - Aquilegia vulgaris — European Columbine, Garden Columbine
212 - Arabidopsis thaliana — Mouse-ear Cress
213 - Arabis canadensis — Canada Rockcress, Sicklepod
214 - Arabis georgiana — Georgia Rockcress
215 - Arabis glabra — Tower Mustard, Towercress
216 - Arabis laevigata var. burkii — Burk's Smooth Rockcress, Porter's Rockcress
217 - Arabis laevigata var. laevigata — Common Smooth Rockcress
218 - Arabis lyrata — Lyreleaf Rockcress, Dwarf Rockcress, Sandcress
219 - Arabis missouriensis — Missouri Rockcress
220 - Arabis patens — Spreading Rockcress
221 - Arachis glabrata — Grassnut
222 - Arachis hypogaea — Peanut
223 - Aralia elata — Japanese Angelica-tree
224 - Aralia hispida — Bristly Sarsaparilla
225 - Aralia nudicaulis — Wild Sarsaparilla
226 - Aralia racemosa ssp. racemosa — Spikenard, Hungry-root
227 - Aralia spinosa — Devil's Walkingstick, Hercules-club, Prickly Aralia, Prickly-ash
228 - Arctium lappa — Greater Burdock
229 - Arctium minus — Lesser Burdock, Common Burdock
230 - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi — Bearberry, Kinnikinick
231 - Ardisia crenata — Coral Ardisia, Hen's Eyes, Coralberry, Marlberry
232 - Ardisia elliptica — Shoebutton Ardisia
233 - Ardisia japonica — Japanese Ardisia, Marlberry
234 - Ardisia solanacea — China-shrub
235 - Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. lanuginosa var. lanuginosa — Spreading Sandwort
236 - Arenaria serpyllifolia — Large Thymeleaf Sandwort
237 - Arenaria serpyllifolia — Lesser Thymeleaf Sandwort, Slender Sandwort
238 - Arethusa bulbosa — Bog-rose, Dragon's-mouth, Arethusa
239 - Argemone albiflora ssp. albiflora — White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy
240 - Argemone mexicana — Mexican Prickly-poppy, Mexican Poppy
241 - Arisaema dracontium — Green Dragon
242 - Arisaema dracontium — Green Dragon
243 - Arisaema triphyllum ssp. pusillum — Small Jack-in-the-pulpit, Swamp Jack
244 - Arisaema triphyllum ssp. quinatum — Preacher John, Southern Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Prester-John
245 - Arisaema triphyllum ssp. stewardsonii — Bog Jack-in-the-pulpit, Northern Jack-in-the-pulpit
246 - Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum — Common Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip
247 - Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum — Florida Jack-in-the-pulpit
248 - Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum — Jack-in-the-Pulpit
249 - Aristida beyrichiana — Southern Wiregrass
250 - Aristida condensata — Big Three-awn
251 - Aristida longespica var. longespica — Southeastern Slimspike Three-awn
252 - Aristida purpurascens var. purpurascens — Arrowfeather, Arrowfeather Three-awn
253 - Aristida spiciformis — Bottlebrush Three-awn, Spike Three-awn
254 - Aristida stricta — Carolina Wiregrass, Pineland Three-awn
255 - Aristida tuberculosa — Seaside Three-awn, Dune Three-awn, Seaside Needlegrass, Sand Three-awn
256 - Aristolochia elegans — Elegant Dutchman's Pipe, Calico-flower
257 - Aristolochia macrophylla — Dutchman's Pipe, Pipevine
258 - Aristolochia serpentaria — Turpentine-root, Virginia Snakeroot, Serpent Birthwort
259 - Aristolochia tomentosa — Woolly Dutchman's Pipe, Woolly Pipevine
260 - Arnica acaulis — Leopard's-bane, Southeastern Arnica
261 - Arnoglossum atriplicifolium — Pale Indian-plantain
262 - Arnoglossum diversifolium — Variable-leaf Indian-plantain
263 - Arnoglossum ovatum — Savanna Indian-plantain
264 - Arnoglossum ovatum — Broadleaf Indian-plantain, Ovateleaf Indian-plantain, Ovateleaf Cacalia
265 - Arnoglossum reniforme — Great Indian-plantain
266 - Aronia ×prunifolia [arbutifolia × melanocarpa] — Purple Chokeberry
267 - Aronia arbutifolia — Red Chokeberry
268 - Aronia melanocarpa — Black Chokeberry
269 - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana — White Sage, Prairie Sage, White Sagewort, Western Mugwort
270 - Artemisia stelleriana — Beach Wormwood, Dusty Miller, Hoary Mugwort, Oldwoman
271 - Artemisia vulgaris — Mugwort, Felon Herb
272 - Arthraxon hispidus — Hairy Jointgrass, Small Carpgrass, Joint-head Grass, Basket Grass
273 - Arum italicum — Italian Arum, Lords-and-ladies
274 - Aruncus dioicus var. dioicus — Eastern Goatsbeard, Bride's Feathers
275 - Arundinaria appalachiana — Hill Cane
276 - Arundinaria gigantea — River Cane, Giant Cane
277 - Arundinaria tecta — Switch Cane, Small Cane, Mutton Grass
278 - Arundo donax — Giant Reed
279 - Asarum canadense — Common Wild Ginger, Canada Wild Ginger
280 - Asarum canadense — Acuminate Wild Ginger
281 - Asarum canadense — Reflexed Wild Ginger
282 - Asclepias amplexicaulis — Wavyleaf Milkweed, Clasping Milkweed, Sand Milkweed, Blunt-leaved Milkweed
283 - Asclepias cinerea — Carolina Milkweed, Ashy Milkweed, Walter's Milkweed
284 - Asclepias connivens — Largeflower Milkweed
285 - Asclepias exaltata — Poke Milkweed, Tall Milkweed
286 - Asclepias hirtella — Barrens Milkweed, Green Milkweed, Prairie Milkweed
287 - Asclepias humistrata — Pinewoods Milkweed, Fleshy Milkweed, Sandhill Milkweed
288 - Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchra — Eastern Swamp Milkweed
289 - Asclepias lanceolata — Fewflower Milkweed, Red Milkweed
290 - Asclepias longifolia — Longleaf Milkweed, Savanna Milkweed
291 - Asclepias michauxii — Michaux's Milkweed
292 - Asclepias obovata — Pineland Milkweed, Green Milkweed
293 - Asclepias pedicellata — Stalked Milkweed, Savanna Milkweed
294 - Asclepias perennis — Swamp Milkweed, Swampforest Milkweed, Swamp White Milkweed, Aquatic Milkweed
295 - Asclepias purpurascens — Purple Milkweed
296 - Asclepias quadrifolia — Fourleaf Milkweed
297 - Asclepias rubra — Purple Savanna Milkweed, "Red Milkweed", Bog Milkweed
298 - Asclepias syriaca — Common Milkweed
299 - Asclepias tomentosa — Sandhill Milkweed, Velvetleaf Milkweed
300 - Asclepias tuberosa ssp. rolfsii — Sandhill Butterflyweed, Sandhill Butterfly Milkweed, Rolfs' milkweed
301 - Asclepias tuberosa ssp. tuberosa — Butterfly Milkweed, Eastern Butterflyweed, Pleurisy Root, Wind Root
302 - Asclepias variegata — White Milkweed, Redring Milkweed, Variegated Milkweed
303 - Asclepias verticillata — Whorled Milkweed, Narrowleaf Milkweed
304 - Asclepias viridiflora — Glade Milkweed, Green Milkweed
305 - Asclepias viridis — Green Antelope-horn, Spider Milkweed, Green Milkweed
306 - Asimina angustifolia — Slimleaf Pawpaw
307 - Asimina angustifolia — Slimleaf Pawpaw
308 - Asimina incana — Flag Pawpaw, Polecat Bush, Woolly Pawpaw
309 - Asimina parviflora — Small-flowered Pawpaw, Small-fruited Pawpaw, Dwarf Pawpaw
310 - Asimina reticulata — Netleaf Pawpaw
311 - Asimina triloba — Common Pawpaw, Indian-banana
312 - Asparagus aethiopicus — Sprenger’s Asparagus-fern, Emerald-fern
313 - Asparagus officinalis — Garden Asparagus, Sparrowgrass
314 - Asplenium ×heteroresiliens [heterochroum × resiliens] — Marl Spleenwort, Carolina Spleenwort, Wagner's Spleenwort, Morzenti's Spleenwort
315 - Asplenium monanthes — Single-sorus Spleenwort, One-sorus Spleenwort
316 - Asplenium montanum — Mountain Spleenwort
317 - Asplenium pinnatifidum — Lobed Spleenwort
318 - Asplenium platyneuron — Ebony Spleenwort
319 - Asplenium resiliens — Blackstem Spleenwort
320 - Asplenium rhizophyllum — Walking Fern
321 - Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes — Maidenhair Spleenwort
322 - Aster tataricus — Tatarian Aster
323 - Astilbe biternata — Appalachian False Goatsbeard, Appalachian Astilbe
324 - Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis — Canada Milkvetch
325 - Astragalus michauxii — Sandhill Milkvetch, Michaux's Milkvetch
326 - Astranthium integrifolium ssp. integrifolium — Eastern Western-daisy, Entireleaf Western-daisy
327 - Astrolepis sinuata ssp. sinuata — Wavy Cloak Fern, Wavy Scaly Cloak Fern
328 - Athyrium filix-femina ssp. angustum — Northern Lady Fern
329 - Athyrium filix-femina ssp. asplenioides — Southern Lady Fern
330 - Atriplex cristata — Seabeach Orach
331 - Atriplex patula — Spear Orach
332 - Atriplex prostrata — Thinleaf Orach, Fat-hen, Triangle Orach
333 - Aucuba japonica — Aucuba, Japanese-laurel, Spotted-laurel
334 - Aureolaria flava var. flava — Smooth False Foxglove, Smooth Oak-leach, Smooth Yellow False Foxglove
335 - Aureolaria laevigata — Appalachian Oak-leach, Smooth False Foxglove, Entireleaf Yellow False Foxglove
336 - Aureolaria patula — Cumberland Oak-leach, Spreading Yellow False Foxglove
337 - Aureolaria pectinata — Southern Oak-leach, Sticky False Foxglove, Combleaf Yellow False Foxglove
338 - Aureolaria pedicularia + — Fernleaf False Foxglove, Annual Oak-leach, Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove
339 - Aureolaria virginica — Downy False Foxglove, Downy Oak-leach, Virginia Oak-leach, Downy Yellow False Foxglove
340 - Avena sativa — Domestic Oats
341 - Axonopus fissifolius — Common Carpetgrass
342 - Axonopus furcatus — Big Carpetgrass
343 - Azolla caroliniana — Carolina Mosquito-fern, Eastern Mosquito-fern, Water Fern
344 - Azolla filiculoides — Large Mosquito-fern
345 - Azolla pinnata ssp. asiatica — Pinnate Mosquito-fern, Asian Mosquito-fern, Feathered Mosquito-fern
346 - Baccharis angustifolia — Saltwater False-willow, False Saltwater Willow
347 - Baccharis glomeruliflora — Silverling, Sessile-flowered Groundsel-tree
348 - Baccharis halimifolia — Silverling, Groundsel-tree, Consumption-weed, Sea-myrtle
349 - Bacopa caroliniana — Blue Water-hyssop, Sweet Water-hyssop, Carolina Water-hyssop, Lemon Bacopa
350 - Bacopa innominata — Tropical Water-hyssop
351 - Balduina angustifolia — Sandhill Honeycomb-head, Sandhill Balduina
352 - Balduina atropurpurea — Purple-disk Honeycomb-head, Bog Honeycomb-head, Purple Balduina, Purple Honeycomb-head
353 - Balduina uniflora — Savanna Honeycomb-head, Yellow Balduina, Oneflower Honeycomb-head
354 - Bambusa vulgaris — Common Bamboo
355 - Baptisia ×serenae [albescens × tinctoria] — a hybrid Wild Indigo
356 - Baptisia alba var. alba — Thick-pod White Wild Indigo
357 - Baptisia alba var. macrophylla — white wild indigo
358 - Baptisia albescens — Narrow-pod White Wild Indigo, Spiked Wild Indigo
359 - Baptisia arachnifera — Hairy Rattleweed, Hairy Wild Indigo
360 - Baptisia australis var. aberrans — Eastern Prairie Blue Wild Indigo, Glade Wild Indigo, Glade Blue Wild Indigo, Glade Blue Baptisia
361 - Baptisia australis var. australis — Tall Blue Wild Indigo, Streamside Blue Indigo, Tall Blue Baptisia
362 - Baptisia bracteata var. bracteata — Creamy Wild Indigo
363 - Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea — longbract wild indigo
364 - Baptisia cinerea — Carolina Wild Indigo, Gray-hairy Wild Indigo
365 - Baptisia lanceolata var. lanceolata — Gopherweed, Lanceleaf Wild Indigo
366 - Baptisia megacarpa — Apalachicola Wild Indigo, Bigpod Wild Indigo
367 - Baptisia nuttalliana — Nuttall's Wild Indigo
368 - Baptisia perfoliata — Gopherweed, Catbells
369 - Baptisia tinctoria — Horsefly Weed, Yellow Wild Indigo, Yellow False-indigo, Rattleweed
370 - Barbarea verna — Early Winter-cress, Creasy
371 - Barbarea vulgaris — Yellow Rocket-cress, Common Winter-cress, Yellow Rocket, Creasy
372 - Bartonia paniculata ssp. paniculata — Screwstem Bartonia
373 - Bartonia verna — Spring Bartonia, White Bartonia, White Screwstem
374 - Bartonia virginica — Virginia Bartonia, Yellow Screwstem, Yellow Bartonia, Common Bartonia
375 - Batis maritima — Saltwort, Beachwort, Batis, Turtleweed
376 - Bejaria racemosa — Tarflower, Flycatcher
377 - Belamcanda chinensis — Blackberry-lily, Leopard-lily
378 - Bellis perennis — English Daisy, Lawndaisy
379 - Berberis canadensis — American Barberry, Allegheny Barberry
380 - Berberis julianae — Evergreen Barberry, Wintergreen Barberry
381 - Berberis thunbergii — Japanese Barberry
382 - Berberis vulgaris — European Barberry, Common Barberry
383 - Berchemia scandens — Carolina Supplejack, American Rattan, Rattan-vine, Alabama Supplejack
384 - Berlandiera pumila var. pumila — Eastern Green-eyes
385 - Betula alleghaniensis var. alleghaniensis — Yellow Birch
386 - Betula lenta — Sweet Birch, Cherry Birch, Black Birch, "Mahogany"
387 - Betula nigra — River Birch, Red Birch
388 - Betula papyrifera var. cordifolia — Mountain Paper Birch
389 - Betula papyrifera var. papyrifera — Canoe Birch, Paper Birch
390 - Betula populifolia — Gray Birch, White Birch
391 - Bidens alba var. radiata — Hairy Beggarticks, Shepherd's Needles, White Beggarticks
392 - Bidens aristosa — Ditch Daisy, Bearded Beggarticks, Midwestern Tickseed-sunflower, Tickseed Sunflower
393 - Bidens aristosa — Ditch Daisy, Bearded Beggarticks, Midwestern Tickseed-sunflower, Tickseed Sunflower
394 - Bidens bipinnata — Spanish Needles
395 - Bidens cernua — Nodding Bur-marigold, Nodding Beggarticks
396 - Bidens connata — Purplestem Beggarticks
397 - Bidens discoidea — Few-bracted Beggar-ticks, Small Beggarticks
398 - Bidens frondosa — Devil's Beggarticks, Annual Beggarticks
399 - Bidens laevis — Showy Bur-marigold, Smooth Beggarticks
400 - Bidens mitis — Coastal Plain Tickseed-sunflower, Smallfruit Beggarticks
401 - Bidens pilosa — Hairy Beggarticks
402 - Bidens tripartita — Strawstem Beggarticks
403 - Bidens vulgata — Tall Beggarticks
404 - Bigelowia nudata ssp. nudata — Pineland Rayless-goldenrod
405 - Bigelowia nuttallii — Nuttall's Rayless-goldenrod, Glade Rayless-goldenrod, West Gulf Coastal Plain Rayless-goldenrod
406 - Bignonia capreolata — Crossvine
407 - Bischofia javanica — Japanese Bishopwood, Javawood, Toog, Uriam
408 - Blephilia ciliata — Diabase Woodmint, Horsemint, Downy Woodmint
409 - Blephilia hirsuta var. hirsuta — Hairy Woodmint
410 - Boehmeria cylindrica — False Nettle, Swamp-nettle
411 - Boehmeria nivea — Ramie
412 - Boerhavia diffusa — Red Spiderling, Spreading Hogweed
413 - Boerhavia erecta — Erect Spiderling, Smooth Hogweed
414 - Bolboschoenus robustus — Saltmarsh Bulrush
415 - Boltonia asteroides var. asteroides — Eastern Doll's-daisy, White Doll's-daisy, False Aster, Boltonia
416 - Boltonia caroliniana — Carolina Doll's-daisy, Boltonia
417 - Boltonia diffusa var. diffusa — Southern Doll's-daisy, Boltonia, Smallhead Doll's-daisy
418 - Bommeria hispida — Copper Fern, Hispid Bommer Fern, Hairy Bommer
419 - Borrichia frutescens — Silver Seaside Oxeye
420 - Botrychium biternatum — Southern Grapefern
421 - Botrychium dissectum — Cutleaf Grapefern, Dissected Grapefern
422 - Botrychium lunarioides — Winter Grapefern
423 - Botrychium matricariifolium — Daisyleaf Moonwort
424 - Botrychium simplex — Least Moonwort
425 - Botrychium virginianum — Rattlesnake Fern, Sang-find
426 - Bouteloua curtipendula var. curtipendula — Sideoats Grama
427 - Bowlesia incana — Hoary Bowlesia
428 - Boykinia aconitifolia — Brook-saxifrage, Eastern Boykinia, Allegheny Brookfoam, Aconite-saxifrage
429 - Brachyelytrum aristosum — Northern Shorthusk
430 - Brachyelytrum erectum — Bearded Shorthusk, Common Shorthusk
431 - Brasenia schreberi — Water-shield, Purple Wen-dock
432 - Brassica juncea — Mustard Greens, Indian Mustard, Brown Mustard, Chinese Mustard
433 - Brassica napus — Rapeseed, Canola, Rutabaga
434 - Brassica nigra — Black Mustard, Charlock
435 - Brassica rapa var. rapa — Turnip, Field Mustard, Field Rape, Chinese Cabbage
436 - Brickellia cordifolia — Heartleaf Brickellia, Flyr's False-boneset
437 - Brickellia eupatorioides var. eupatorioides — Eastern False-boneset, Eastern False-eupatorium, Eastern Kuhnia
438 - Briza minor — Lesser Quaking-grass
439 - Bromus arvensis — Japanese Chess, Japanese Brome
440 - Bromus arvensis — Field Brome
441 - Bromus catharticus — Rescue Grass
442 - Bromus hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus — Soft Chess, Lopgrass, Soft Brome
443 - Bromus inermis ssp. inermis var. inermis — Smooth Brome, Hungarian Brome, Awnless Brome
444 - Bromus latiglumis — Riverbank Brome, Auricled Brome, Hairy Woodbrome, Earlyleaf Brome
445 - Bromus nottowayanus — Satin Brome, Virginia Brome, Nottoway River Brome
446 - Bromus pubescens — Hairy Woodland Brome, Common Eastern Brome, Canada Brome
447 - Bromus racemosus — Smooth Brome, Bald Brome
448 - Bromus racemosus — Hairy Chess, Meadow Brome
449 - Bromus secalinus — Cheat, Common Chess, Rye-brome
450 - Bromus sterilis — Poverty Brome, Barren Brome, Cheatgrass
451 - Bromus tectorum — Downy Brome, Downy Chess, Downy Cheat, Cheatgrass
452 - Broussonetia papyrifera — Paper Mulberry
453 - Brunnichia ovata — Buckwheat-vine, Eardrop-vine, Ladies'-eardrops, Redvine
454 - Buchnera americana — Savanna Bluehearts, Florida Bluehearts, Buchnera
455 - Buchnera americana — American Bluehearts, Prairie Bluehearts, Plains Bluehearts, Buchnera
456 - Buckleya distichophylla — Buckleya, Piratebush
457 - Buddleja davidii — Orange-eye Butterflybush, Summer-lilac
458 - Buddleja lindleyana — Lindley's Butterflybush
459 - Buglossoides arvensis — Corn-gromwell
460 - Bulbostylis barbata — Old World Hairsedge, Water-grass
461 - Bulbostylis capillaris ssp. capillaris — Densetuft Hairsedge, Common Hairsedge
462 - Bulbostylis ciliatifolia var. ciliatifolia — Savannah Hairsedge, Capillary Hairsedge
463 - Bulbostylis ciliatifolia var. coarctata — Elliott's Hairsedge
464 - Bulbostylis stenophylla — Sandy-field Hairsedge
465 - Bulbostylis warei — Ware's Hairsedge
466 - Bupleurum rotundifolium — Hound's-ear, Hare's-ear, Roundleaf Thoroughwax
467 - Burmannia biflora — Violet Burmannia, Northern Bluethread, Blue Burmannia
468 - Burmannia capitata — White Burmannia, Southern Bluethread
469 - Butia capitata — Pindo Palm, South American Jelly Palm, Brazilian Butia
470 - Buxus sempervirens — Boxwood, Common Box
471 - Cabomba caroliniana — Fanwort, Carolina Fanwort
472 - Caesalpinia bonduc — Gray Nicker, Holdback
473 - Cakile edentula ssp. harperi — Southeastern Sea Rocket, Harper's Searocket
474 - Calamagrostis coarctata — Nuttall's Reedgrass
475 - Calamagrostis epigeios — Bushgrass, Feathertop
476 - Calamagrostis porteri ssp. porteri — Porter's Reedgrass
477 - Calamintha nepeta ssp. nepeta — Lesser Calamint, Basil-thyme
478 - Callicarpa americana — American Beautyberry, French-mulberry, Beautybush
479 - Callicarpa dichotoma — Chinese Beautyberry, Purple Beautyberry
480 - Callicarpa japonica — Japanese Beautyberry
481 - Callirhoe pedata — Palmleaf Poppy-mallow
482 - Callisia graminea — Grassleaf Roseling, Pink Spiderwort, Slender Roseling
483 - Callisia rosea — Piedmont Roseling, Common Roseling
484 - Callitriche heterophylla ssp. heterophylla — Waterstar, Common Water-starwort, Two-headed Water-starwort
485 - Callitriche stagnalis — Pond Water-starwort, European water-starwort
486 - Calopogon barbatus — Bearded Grass-pink
487 - Calopogon multiflorus — Many-flowered Grass-pink
488 - Calopogon oklahomensis — Oklahoma Grass-pink
489 - Calopogon pallidus — Pale Grass-pink
490 - Calopogon tuberosus var. tuberosus — Common Grass-pink
491 - Caltha palustris var. palustris — Marsh-marigold, Cowslip
492 - Calycanthus floridus var. glaucus — Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice, Strawberry-shrub
493 - Calycocarpum lyonii — Cupseed, Lyonia-vine
494 - Calyptocarpus vialis — Straggler-daisy, Lawnflower, Horse-herb
495 - Calystegia catesbeiana — Blue Ridge Bindweed, Silky Bindweed, Downy False Bindweed
496 - Calystegia catesbeiana — Catesby's Bindweed, Catesby's False Bindweed
497 - Calystegia sepium ssp. americana — Northeastern Bindweed
498 - Calystegia sepium ssp. appalachiana — Appalachian Bindweed
499 - Calystegia sepium ssp. limnophila — Coastal Plain Bindweed
500 - Calystegia silvatica ssp. fraterniflora — Twin-flowered Bindweed, Twoflower Bindweed, Shortstalk False Bindweed
501 - Calystegia spithamaea ssp. purshiana — Shale Bindweed
502 - Calystegia spithamaea ssp. spithamaea — Low Bindweed, Upright Bindweed
503 - Camassia scilloides — Wild Hyacinth, Eastern Camas Lily, Quamash Lily
504 - Camellia japonica — Camellia
505 - Camellia sasanqua — Sasanqua, Sasanqua Camellia
506 - Camellia sinensis — Tea
507 - Campanula aparinoides — Marsh-bellflower, Bedstraw Bellflower
508 - Campanula aparinoides — Largeflower Marsh-bellflower
509 - Campanula divaricata — Southern Harebell, Appalachian Bellflower
510 - Campanula rapunculoides — European Bellflower, Rampion Bellflower, Rover Bellflower, Creeping Bellflower
511 - Campanula rotundifolia — Harebell, Bluebell, Bluebell-of-Scotland, Scotch Harebell
512 - Campanulastrum americanum — Tall Bellflower
513 - Campsis radicans — Trumpetcreeper, Trumpet Vine, Cow-Itch Vine
514 - Canna flaccida — Golden Canna, Yellow Canna, Indian Shot
515 - Cannabis sativa ssp. sativa var. sativa — Marijuana, Hemp
516 - Capsella bursa-pastoris — Common Shepherd's Purse
517 - Caragana arborescens — Siberian Pea Shrub, Siberian Pea Tree
518 - Cardamine angustata — Eastern Slender Toothwort
519 - Cardamine bulbosa — Bulbous Bittercress, Spring Cress
520 - Cardamine clematitis — Mountain Bittercress, Clematis-leaved Bittercress
521 - Cardamine concatenata — Cutleaf Toothwort
522 - Cardamine diphylla — Broadleaf Toothwort, Crinkleroot, Pepperroot, Two-leaved Toothwort
523 - Cardamine dissecta — Dissected Toothwort, Fineleaf Toothwort, Forkleaf Toothwort
524 - Cardamine douglassii — Limestone Bittercress, Douglass's Bittercress, Purple Cress, Pink Spring-cress
525 - Cardamine flagellifera + — Blue Ridge Bittercress
526 - Cardamine flexuosa — Woodland Bittercress, Hidden Bittercress
527 - Cardamine hirsuta — Hairy Bittercress
528 - Cardamine impatiens — Narrowleaf Bittercress, Bushy Bittercress
529 - Cardamine micranthera — Streambank Bittercress, Small-anthered Bittercress
530 - Cardamine parviflora var. arenicola — Sand Bittercress, Small-flowered Bittercress
531 - Cardamine pensylvanica — Pennsylvania Bittercress, Quaker Bittercress
532 - Cardamine rotundifolia — Mountain Watercress, American Bittercress
533 - Cardiospermum halicacabum — Balloonvine, Love-in-a-puff, Heartseed
534 - Carduus acanthoides — Plumeless Thistle, Spiny Plumeless-thistle, Broad-winged Thistle
535 - Carduus nutans — Nodding Thistle, Musk Thistle
536 - Carex abscondita — Thicket Sedge
537 - Carex abscondita — Cumberland Sedge
538 - Carex albicans var. albicans — White-tinged Sedge, Architectural Sedge
539 - Carex albolutescens — Greenish-white Sedge
540 - Carex albursina — White Bear Sedge
541 - Carex amphibola — Eastern Narrowleaf Sedge
542 - Carex annectens — Yellow-fruited Sedge
543 - Carex appalachica — Appalachian Sedge
544 - Carex atlantica ssp. atlantica — Prickly Bog Sedge
545 - Carex austrocaroliniana — South Carolina Sedge, Tarheel Sedge
546 - Carex baileyi — Bailey's Sedge
547 - Carex basiantha — Southern Willdenow's Sedge, Widow Sedge
548 - Carex biltmoreana — Biltmore Sedge, Granite Dome Sedge
549 - Carex blanda — Eastern Woodland Sedge, Charming Sedge
550 - Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides — Common Brome Sedge, Brome-like Sedge
551 - Carex bromoides ssp. montana — Blue Ridge Brome Sedge
552 - Carex bullata — Button Sedge
553 - Carex bullata — Greene's Sedge
554 - Carex caroliniana — Carolina Sedge
555 - Carex cephalophora — Oval-leaf Sedge
556 - Carex cherokeensis — Cherokee Sedge, Wolftail Sedge
557 - Carex collinsii — Collins' Sedge
558 - Carex communis var. communis — Fibrous-rooted Sedge
559 - Carex complanata — Hirsute Sedge
560 - Carex corrugata — Prune-fruited Sedge
561 - Carex crawei — Crawe's Sedge
562 - Carex crinita var. crinita — Long-fringed Sedge, Drooping Sedge
563 - Carex debilis var. debilis — White-edge Sedge, Weak Sedge
564 - Carex debilis var. pubera — Allegheny Sedge
565 - Carex debilis var. rudgei — Flexuous White-edge Sedge, Rudge’s White-edge Sedge
566 - Carex decomposita — Cypress-knee Sedge, Epiphytic Sedge
567 - Carex digitalis + — Slender Woodland Sedge
568 - Carex elliottii — Elliott’s Sedge
569 - Carex flaccosperma — Meadow Sedge, Blue Wood Sedge, thinfruit sedge
570 - Carex folliculata — Northern Long Sedge
571 - Carex frankii — Frank's Sedge
572 - Carex glaucescens — Blue Sedge, Southern Waxy Sedge
573 - Carex gracilescens — Slender Sedge, Slender Loose-flowered Sedge
574 - Carex granularis — Limestone Meadow Sedge, Corncob Sedge
575 - Carex gravida — Heavy Sedge, Pregnant Sedge
576 - Carex grayi — Gray's Sedge
577 - Carex grisea — Inflated Narrowleaf Sedge, Wood Gray Sedge
578 - Carex gynandra — Mountain Fringed Sedge, Nodding Sedge
579 - Carex intumescens — Bladder Sedge, Pregnant Sedge
580 - Carex jamesii — James's Sedge
581 - Carex kobomugi — Japanese Sand Sedge, Japanese Beach Sedge, Sea Isle Sedge, Asiatic Sand Sedge
582 - Carex laevivaginata — Smooth-sheath Sedge
583 - Carex laxiculmis var. laxiculmis — Spreading Sedge
584 - Carex laxiflora + — Broad Loose-flowered Sedge
585 - Carex leptalea + — Harper’s Sedge, Bristly-stalk Sedge
586 - Carex longii — Long's Sedge
587 - Carex lucorum var. austrolucorum — Appalachian Woodland Sedge
588 - Carex lupuliformis — False Hop Sedge
589 - Carex lupulina — Hop Sedge
590 - Carex lurida — Sallow Sedge
591 - Carex lutea — Golden Sedge
592 - Carex manhartii — Blue Ridge Purple Sedge, Manhart's Sedge
593 - Carex misera — Wretched Sedge
594 - Carex mitchelliana — Mitchell's Sedge
595 - Carex muehlenbergii var. enervis — Muhlenberg’s Sedge
596 - Carex muehlenbergii var. muehlenbergii — Muhlenberg’s Sedge
597 - Carex nigromarginata — Black-edged Sedge
598 - Carex oxylepis var. oxylepis — Sharp-scaled Sedge
599 - Carex pallescens — Pale Sedge
600 - Carex pedunculata — Longstalk Sedge, Pedunculate Sedge
601 - Carex pensylvanica — Pennsylvania Sedge, High Meadow Sedge
602 - Carex picta — Painted Sedge
603 - Carex pigra — Lazy Sedge
604 - Carex plantaginea — Seersucker Sedge, Plantainleaf Sedge
605 - Carex platyphylla — Broadleaf Sedge
606 - Carex prasina — Necklace Sedge, Drooping Sedge
607 - Carex projecta — Necklace Sedge
608 - Carex purpurifera — Limestone Purple Sedge
609 - Carex radfordii — Radford's Sedge
610 - Carex radiata — Eastern Star Sedge
611 - Carex retroflexa — Reflexed Sedge
612 - Carex rosea — Rosy Sedge
613 - Carex scabrata — Eastern Rough Sedge
614 - Carex socialis — Low Woodland Sedge
615 - Carex striata var. brevis — Walter’s Sedge
616 - Carex striata var. striata — Walter’s Sedge, Pocosin Sedge
617 - Carex striatula — Lined Sedge
618 - Carex stricta — Tussock Sedge, Upright Sedge
619 - Carex styloflexa — Bent Sedge
620 - Carex superata — Limestone Forest Sedge
621 - Carex swanii — Swan's Sedge
622 - Carex tenera — Slender Sedge, Quill Sedge
623 - Carex texensis — Texas Sedge
624 - Carex tonsa var. rugosperma — Parachute Sedge
625 - Carex tonsa var. tonsa — Shaved Sedge
626 - Carex torta — Twisted Sedge, Streambed Sedge
627 - Carex tribuloides var. tribuloides — Blunt Broom Sedge
628 - Carex typhina — Cattail Sedge
629 - Carex umbellata — Parasol Sedge
630 - Carex verrucosa — Warty Sedge
631 - Carex virescens — Ribbed Sedge
632 - Carex vulpinoidea var. vulpinoidea — Fox Sedge
633 - Carex willdenowii — Willdenow's Sedge
634 - Carex woodii — Wood's Sedge, Pretty Sedge
635 - Carphephorus bellidifolius — Sandhill Chaffhead, Carphephorus, Sandywoods Chaffhead
636 - Carphephorus corymbosus — Florida Paintbrush, Coastal Plain Chaffhead, Flatwood Chaffhead
637 - Carphephorus odoratissimus — Vanilla-leaf, Deer's-tongue, Pineland Purple
638 - Carphephorus paniculatus — Deer's-tongue, Hairy Chaffhead, Panicled Chaffhead, Trilisa
639 - Carphephorus tomentosus — Sticky Chaffhead, Woolly Chaffhead, Carolina Chaffhead
640 - Carpinus caroliniana + — Musclewood, American Hornbeam, Blue-beech, Ironwood
641 - Carya aquatica — Water Hickory, Bitter Pecan
642 - Carya carolinae-septentrionalis — Carolina Shagbark Hickory, Southern Shagbark Hickory, Carolina Hickory
643 - Carya cordiformis — Bitternut Hickory
644 - Carya floridana — Scrub Hickory
645 - Carya glabra — Pignut Hickory
646 - Carya illinoinensis — Pecan
647 - Carya laciniosa — Big Shellbark Hickory, Kingnut Hickory
648 - Carya myristiciformis — Nutmeg Hickory
649 - Carya ovalis — Red Hickory, Sweet Pignut Hickory
650 - Carya ovata — Common Shagbark Hickory
651 - Carya pallida — Sand Hickory, Pale Hickory
652 - Carya texana — Black Hickory
653 - Carya tomentosa — Mockernut Hickory, White Hickory
654 - Cassytha filiformis — Dodder Laurel, Devil's Gut, Love-vine
655 - Castanea crenata — Japanese Chestnut
656 - Castanea dentata — American Chestnut
657 - Castanea mollissima — Chinese Chestnut
658 - Castanea pumila var. pumila — Common Chinquapin, Chinkapin, Allegheny Chinquapin
659 - Castanea sativa — Spanish Chestnut, European Chestnut
660 - Castilleja coccinea — Eastern Indian Paintbrush, Scarlet Indian Paintbrush, Eastern Paintbrush
661 - Casuarina equisetifolia — Australian-pine, Horsetail Casuarina, Beach She-oak, Coastal She-oak
662 - Catalpa bignonioides — Southern Catalpa, Fishbait Tree, Cigar Tree
663 - Catalpa fargesii — Farges Catalpa
664 - Catalpa ovata — Chinese Catalpa
665 - Catalpa speciosa — Northern Catalpa, Indian Cigar Tree, Catawba Tree
666 - Catharanthus roseus — Madagascar Periwinkle, Rosy-periwinkle, Cayenne Jasmine
667 - Caulophyllum giganteum — Northern Blue Cohosh, Giant Blue Cohosh
668 - Caulophyllum thalictroides — Common Blue Cohosh, Papooseroot, Green Vivian
669 - Cayaponia quinqueloba — Five-lobed Cucumber, Melon-leaf Cucumber
670 - Cayratia japonica — Bushkiller, Sorrel Vine
671 - Ceanothus americanus — Common New Jersey Tea, Redroot, Northeastern Ceanothus
672 - Ceanothus americanus — Southeastern New Jersey Tea, Southeastern Ceanothus
673 - Ceanothus herbaceus — Prairie Redroot, Prairie Ceanothus
674 - Cedrus deodara — Deodar Cedar
675 - Celastrus orbiculatus — Oriental Bittersweet
676 - Celastrus scandens — American Bittersweet
677 - Celtis laevigata — Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry, Smooth Hackberry, Lowland Hackberry
678 - Celtis laevigata — Small's Hackberry
679 - Celtis occidentalis — Northern Hackberry
680 - Celtis pumila — Georgia Hackberry, Dwarf Hackberry
681 - Celtis sinensis — Chinese Hackberry
682 - Cenchrus brownii — Slimbristle Sandspur
683 - Cenchrus longispinus — Northern Sandspur, Common Sandspur, Longbristle Sandbur
684 - Cenchrus spinifex — Coastal Sandspur
685 - Cenchrus tribuloides — Dune Sandbur, Dune Sandspur
686 - Centaurea ×moncktonii [jacea × nigra] — Meadow Knapweed
687 - Centaurea cyanus — Bachelor's Buttons, Cornflower
688 - Centaurea diffusa — Tumble Knapweed, White-flowered Knapweed
689 - Centaurea jacea — Brown Knapweed
690 - Centaurea melitensis — Maltese Star-thistle
691 - Centaurea nigra — Black Knapweed, Spanish-buttons
692 - Centaurea nigrescens — Tyrol Knapweed, Short-fringed Knapweed
693 - Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos — Spotted Knapweed, Bushy Knapweed
694 - Centella erecta — Centella, Erect Coinleaf, False Pennywort
695 - Centrosema virginianum — Climbing Butterfly-pea, Spurred Butterfly-pea
696 - Cephalanthus occidentalis — Buttonbush
697 - Cerastium brachypetalum — Gray Mouse-ear Chickweed, Gray Chickweed
698 - Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare — Common Mouse-ear Chickweed
699 - Cerastium glomeratum — Sticky Mouse-ear, Sticky Chickweed, Sticky Mouse-ear Chickweed
700 - Cerastium nutans var. nutans — Nodding Mouse-ear Chickweed, Nodding Chickweed
701 - Cerastium semidecandrum — Little Mouse-ear Chickweed, Fivestamen Chickweed
702 - Ceratiola ericoides — Florida Rosemary, Sandhill Rosemary, Sand Heath
703 - Cercis canadensis var. canadensis — Eastern Redbud, Judas Tree
704 - Chaenomeles speciosa — Common Flowering Quince
705 - Chaenorhinum minus — Dwarf Snapdragon
706 - Chaerophyllum procumbens var. procumbens — Common Spreading Chervil
707 - Chaerophyllum tainturieri — Southern Chervil, Wild Chervil, Hairyfruit Chervil
708 - Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculata — Common Partridge-pea, Showy Partridge Pea
709 - Chamaecrista nictitans ssp. nictitans var. nictitans — Sensitive Partridge-pea, Common Sensitive-plant
710 - Chamaecyparis thyoides — Atlantic White Cedar, Juniper
711 - Chamaedaphne calyculata — Leatherleaf, Cassandra
712 - Chamaelirium luteum — Fairywand, Devil's Bit
713 - Chamaesyce bombensis — Southern Seaside Spurge, Dixie Sandmat
714 - Chamaesyce hirta — Pillpod Sandmat, Hairy Spurge
715 - Chamaesyce hypericifolia — graceful sandmat
716 - Chamaesyce hyssopifolia — Hyssopleaf Sandmat
717 - Chamaesyce maculata — Spotted Spurge, Milk-purslane, Wartweed, Spotted Sandmat
718 - Chamaesyce nutans — Eyebane, Upright Spotted Spurge, Nodding Spurge
719 - Chamaesyce polygonifolia — Dune Spurge, Northern Seaside Spurge, Northern Sandmat
720 - Chamerion angustifolium ssp. circumvagum — Great Willowherb, Fireweed
721 - Chaptalia tomentosa — Woolly Sunbonnets, Pineland Daisy, Night-nodding Bog-dandelion, Sunbonnets
722 - Chasmanthium latifolium — River Oats, Northern Sea Oats, Fish-on-a-stringer, Indian Woodoats
723 - Chasmanthium laxum — Slender Woodoats, Slender Spikegrass
724 - Chasmanthium sessiliflorum — Longleaf Woodoats, Longleaf Spikegrass, Upland Oats
725 - Cheilanthes alabamensis — Alabama Lipfern, Smooth Lipfern
726 - Cheilanthes lanosa — Hairy Lipfern
727 - Cheilanthes tomentosa — Woolly Lipfern
728 - Chelidonium majus var. majus — Greater-celandine, Rock-poppy, Swallow-wort
729 - Chelone cuthbertii — Cuthbert’s Turtlehead
730 - Chelone glabra — White Turtlehead
731 - Chelone lyonii — Mountain Turtlehead, Pink Turtlehead, Appalachian Turtlehead
732 - Chelone obliqua + — Purple Turtlehead
733 - Chenopodium album var. album — Lambsquarters, Pigweed
734 - Chimaphila maculata — Pipsissewa, Striped Wintergreen, Rat's Bane
735 - Chimaphila umbellata ssp. cisatlantica — Prince's-pine
736 - Chionanthus virginicus — Fringetree, Grancy Graybeard, Old Man's Beard, Grandsir-graybeard
737 - Chrysogonum virginianum var. australe — Gulf Coast Green-and-gold
738 - Chrysogonum virginianum var. brevistolon — Carolina Green-and-gold
739 - Chrysogonum virginianum var. virginianum — Northern Green-and-gold, Virginia Green-and-gold
740 - Chrysoma pauciflosculosa — Woody Goldenrod, Bush Goldenrod
741 - Chrysopogon pauciflorus — Florida Goldbeard, Florida Rhaphis, Florida Beardgrass
742 - Chrysopsis gossypina ssp. gossypina — Woolly Goldenaster, Cottonleaf Goldenaster, Gossamer Goldenaster, Cottony Goldenaster
743 - Chrysopsis mariana — Maryland Goldenaster
744 - Chrysopsis pilosa — Soft Goldenaster, Hairy Goldenaster
745 - Chrysopsis subulata — Scrub Goldenaster
746 - Chrysosplenium americanum — Golden-saxifrage, Water-carpet, Water-mat
747 - Cichorium intybus — Chicory, Blue-sailors, Succory
748 - Cicuta maculata var. maculata — Water-hemlock, Spotted Cowbane
749 - Cicuta maculata var. maculata — Southern Water-hemlock
750 - Cinna arundinacea — Common Woodreed, Stout Woodreed, Sweet Woodreed
751 - Cinnamomum camphora — Camphortree
752 - Circaea alpina ssp. alpina — Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade, Smaller Enchanter's Nightshade
753 - Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis — Canada Enchanter's Nightshade
754 - Cirsium altissimum — Tall Thistle
755 - Cirsium arvense — Canada Thistle, Field Thistle
756 - Cirsium carolinianum — Carolina Thistle, Spring Thistle, Soft Thistle, Prairie Thistle
757 - Cirsium discolor — Field Thistle
758 - Cirsium horridulum var. horridulum — Common Yellow Thistle, Purple Thistle, Bristle Thistle, Horrid Thistle
759 - Cirsium lecontei — LeConte's Thistle
760 - Cirsium muticum — Swamp Thistle
761 - Cirsium nuttallii — Coastal Tall Thistle, Nuttall's Thistle
762 - Cirsium pumilum — Pasture Thistle
763 - Cirsium repandum — Sandhill Thistle
764 - Cirsium virginianum — Virginia Thistle
765 - Cirsium vulgare — Bull Thistle
766 - Cissus trifoliata — Marine-ivy, Sorrel-vine
767 - Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus — Watermelon
768 - Citrus ×aurantium [maxima × reticulata] — Sour Orange, Marmalade Orange, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange
769 - Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicense — Sawgrass
770 - Cladrastis kentukea — Kentucky Yellowwood, Gopherwood
771 - Claytonia caroliniana var. caroliniana — Carolina Spring-beauty
772 - Claytonia virginica var. virginica — Spring-beauty
773 - Cleistes bifaria — Appalachian Dragonhead Pogonia, Appalachian Small Spreading Pogonia, Smaller Rosebud Orchid, Upland Spreading Pogonia
774 - Cleistes bifaria — Small Dragonhead Pogonia, Coastal Plain Small Spreading Pogonia
775 - Cleistes divaricata — Large Dragonhead Pogonia, Rosebud Orchid, Large Spreading Pogonia
776 - Clematis albicoma — White-haired Leatherflower
777 - Clematis catesbyana — Coastal Virgin's Bower, Satin-curls, Climbing Clematis
778 - Clematis crispa — Southern Leatherflower, Marsh Clematis, Swamp Leatherflower, Blue Jasmine
779 - Clematis flammula — Fragrant Clematis, Fragrant Virgin's Bower, Sweet-scented Virgin's Bower
780 - Clematis fremontii — Fremont's Leatherflower
781 - Clematis glaucophylla — White-leaved Leatherflower
782 - Clematis occidentalis var. occidentalis — Mountain Clematis, Purple Clematis
783 - Clematis ochroleuca — Curlyheads
784 - Clematis reticulata — Vase-vine, Netleaf Leatherflower
785 - Clematis socialis — Alabama Leatherflower
786 - Clematis terniflora — Sweet Autumn Clematis, Yam-leaved Clematis, Sweet Autumn Virgin's Bower, Japanese Virgin's-bower
787 - Clematis versicolor — Pale Leatherflower
788 - Clematis viorna — Northern Leatherflower, Vase-vine
789 - Clematis viorna — Ware's Leatherflower, Coosa Leatherflower
790 - Clematis viorna — Beadle's Leatherflower
791 - Clematis virginiana — Virgin's Bower
792 - Clematis vitalba — Traveler’s Joy, Old Man's Beard
793 - Clematis viticaulis — Millboro Leatherflower
794 - Cleome hassleriana — Cleome, Spiderflower, Pinkqueen
795 - Cleome rutidosperma — Cleome, Fringed Spiderflower
796 - Clerodendrum bungei — Clerodendrum, Rose Glorybower
797 - Clerodendrum trichotomum var. ferrugineum — Harlequin Glorybower
798 - Clethra acuminata — Mountain Sweet-pepperbush, Cinnamonbark, Cinnamon Clethra, Mountain White-alder
799 - Clethra alnifolia — Coastal Sweet-pepperbush, Coastal White-alder
800 - Clethra alnifolia — Downy Sweet-pepperbush, Downy White-alder
801 - Cliftonia monophylla — Buckwheat-tree, Black Titi, Buckwheat-bush
802 - Clinopodium ashei — Ashe's Savory, Ashe's Calamint, Ohoopee Dunes Wild Basil
803 - Clinopodium coccineum — Scarlet Wild Basil, Scarlet Calamint, Red Mint Shrub, Red Basil
804 - Clinopodium georgianum — Georgia Savory, Georgia Basil, Georgia Calamint, False Peppermint
805 - Clinopodium gracile — Slender Wild Basil, Slender Calamint
806 - Clinopodium vulgare — Wild Basil
807 - Clintonia borealis — Bluebead-lily, Clinton's Lily, Yellow Clintonia, Yellow Bead Lily
808 - Clintonia umbellulata — Speckled Wood-lily, White Clintonia
809 - Clitoria mariana — Butterfly-pea
810 - Cnicus benedictus — Blessed Thistle
811 - Cnidoscolus urens var. stimulosus — Spurge-nettle, Tread-softly, Bull-nettle, Finger-rot
812 - Cocculus carolinus — Carolina Moonseed, Coralbeads, Carolina Snailseed, Red Moonseed
813 - Cocos nucifera — Coconut Palm
814 - Coelorachis cylindrica — Carolina Jointgrass
815 - Coelorachis rugosa — Wrinkled Jointgrass
816 - Coincya monensis ssp. recurvata — Wallflower-cabbage, Coincya, Star-mustard
817 - Collinsia verna — Eastern Blue-eyed Mary
818 - Collinsonia canadensis — Northern Horsebalm, Citronella, Canada Stoneroot, Canada Horsebalm
819 - Collinsonia serotina — Florida Horsebalm
820 - Collinsonia serotina — Southern Horsebalm, Anise Horsebalm
821 - Collinsonia tuberosa — Tuberous Horsebalm, Stoneroot, Deepwoods Horsebalm
822 - Collinsonia verticillata — Whorled Horsebalm
823 - Colocasia esculenta — Elephant's-ear, Taro, Dasheen
824 - Comandra umbellata ssp. umbellata — Eastern Bastard-toadflax, Eastern Comandra, Star-toadflax
825 - Commelina benghalensis — Tropical Spiderwort, Benghal Dayflower
826 - Commelina caroliniana — Indian Dayflower
827 - Commelina communis — Asiatic Dayflower, Common Dayflower
828 - Commelina diffusa var. diffusa — Spreading Dayflower, Creeping Dayflower
829 - Commelina erecta var. angustifolia — Sand Dayflower, Pineland Dayflower, Slender Dayflower
830 - Commelina erecta var. erecta — Erect Dayflower, Slender Dayflower
831 - Commelina virginica — Virginia Dayflower
832 - Comptonia peregrina — Sweet-fern
833 - Conium maculatum — Poison-hemlock
834 - Conoclinium coelestinum — Mistflower, Wild Ageratum, Hardy Ageratum
835 - Conopholis americana — Squawroot, Bearcorn, Oakdrops
836 - Conradina canescens — Gray Rosemary, Conradina
837 - Conradina glabra — Appalachicola Rosemary
838 - Conradina verticillata — Cumberland Rosemary
839 - Consolida ajacis — Rocket Larkspur, Garden Larkspur
840 - Convallaria majalis — European Lily-of-the-valley
841 - Convallaria majuscula — American Lily-of-the-valley
842 - Convolvulus arvensis — Field Bindweed, Creeping Jenny, Possession-vine, Cornbind
843 - Conyza bonariensis — South American Horseweed, Hairy Fleabane
844 - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis — Common Horseweed
845 - Conyza canadensis var. pusilla — Southern Horseweed
846 - Conyza floribunda — Tropical Horseweed, Sumatran Fleabane, Guernsey Fleabane
847 - Conyza floribunda — Many-flowered Horseweed, tall fleabane
848 - Coptis trifolia — Goldthread, Goldenroot, Threeleaf Goldthread
849 - Corallorhiza maculata — Eastern Spotted Coralroot, Summer Coralroot
850 - Corallorhiza odontorhiza — Autumn Coralroot
851 - Corallorhiza wisteriana — Spring Coralroot, Wister's Coralroot
852 - Coreopsis auriculata — Eared Coreopsis, Lobed Coreopsis, Eared Tickseed, Lobed Tickseed
853 - Coreopsis basalis — Texas Coreopsis, Golden-mane Tickseed
854 - Coreopsis delphiniifolia — Larkspur-leaf Tickseed, Larkspur Coreopsis
855 - Coreopsis falcata — Pool Coreopsis, Carolina Tickseed, Sickle Tickseed
856 - Coreopsis gladiata — Swamp Coreopsis, Swamp Tickseed, Seepage Coreopsis, Coastal Plain Tickseed
857 - Coreopsis grandiflora var. grandiflora — Large-flowered Coreopsis, Largeflower Tickseed
858 - Coreopsis grandiflora var. harveyana — Large-flowered Coreopsis, Largeflower Tickseed
859 - Coreopsis integrifolia — Chipola Dye-flower, fringeleaf tickseed
860 - Coreopsis lanceolata — Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Longstalk Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed
861 - Coreopsis latifolia — Broadleaf Coreopsis, Broadleaf Tickseed
862 - Coreopsis linifolia — Savanna Coreopsis, Savanna Tickseed
863 - Coreopsis major — Whorled Coreopsis, Woodland Coreopsis
864 - Coreopsis major — Whorled Coreopsis, Stiffleaf Coreopsis, Greater Tickseed, Whorled Tickseed
865 - Coreopsis nudata — Swamp Coreopsis
866 - Coreopsis palmata — Prairie Coreopsis, Finger Coreopsis, Stiff Tickseed
867 - Coreopsis palustris — Beadle's Coreopsis, Swamp Tickseed
868 - Coreopsis pubescens var. pubescens — Common Hairy Coreopsis, Star Tickseed
869 - Coreopsis pulchra — Lookout Mountain Coreopsis
870 - Coreopsis rosea — Rose Coreopsis, Pink Tickseed
871 - Coreopsis tinctoria var. tinctoria — Plains Coreopsis, Calliopsis, Garden Coreopsis, Golden Tickseed
872 - Coreopsis tripteris — Tall Coreopsis, Tall Tickseed, Threeleaf Tickseed
873 - Coreopsis verticillata — Threadleaf Coreopsis, Cutleaf Tickseed, Whorled Tickseed
874 - Cornus alternifolia — Alternate-leaf Dogwood, Pagoda Dogwood, Pagoda Cornel
875 - Cornus amomum — Silky Dogwood, Bush Dogwood, Silky Cornel
876 - Cornus asperifolia — Eastern Roughleaf Dogwood
877 - Cornus canadensis — Bunchberry, Dwarf Dogwood, Dwarf Cornel
878 - Cornus drummondii — Midwestern Roughleaf Dogwood
879 - Cornus florida — Flowering Dogwood
880 - Cornus foemina — Southern Swamp Dogwood
881 - Cornus kousa — Kousa Dogwood
882 - Cornus racemosa — Northern Swamp Dogwood, Gray Dogwood
883 - Cornus sericea ssp. sericea — Red Osier Dogwood, Bailey's Dogwood
884 - Coronopus didymus — Wart-cress, Lesser Swine-cress
885 - Cortaderia selloana — Pampasgrass
886 - Corydalis flavula — Yellow Fumitory, Yellow Harlequin, Short-spurred Corydalis, Yellow Fumewort
887 - Corydalis incisa — Incised Fumewort, Purple Keman
888 - Corydalis micrantha ssp. australis — Southern Corydalis
889 - Corydalis micrantha ssp. micrantha — Slender Corydalis
890 - Corydalis sempervirens — Pale Corydalis, Rock Harlequin, Pink Corydalis, Tall Corydalis
891 - Corylus americana — American Hazelnut, American Filbert
892 - Corylus cornuta var. cornuta — Beaked Hazelnut
893 - Cotinus obovatus — American Smoketree
894 - Crassocephalum crepidioides — Redflower Ragleaf, Thickhead
895 - Crataegus aemula — Rome Hawthorn
896 - Crataegus aestivalis — Mayhaw, Eastern Mayhaw, May Hawthorn
897 - Crataegus arrogans — Bristol Hawthorn
898 - Crataegus berberifolia — Barberry Hawthorn
899 - Crataegus brachyacantha — Blueberry Hawthorn
900 - Crataegus calpodendron — Pear Hawthorn
901 - Crataegus chrysocarpa — Margaret's Hawthorn, Fireberry Hawthorn
902 - Crataegus condigna — Pygmy Hawthorn
903 - Crataegus crus-galli — Cockspur Hawthorn
904 - Crataegus crus-galli — Mohr's Hawthorn
905 - Crataegus dispar — Aiken Hawthorn
906 - Crataegus disperma — Two-seed Hawthorn, Spreading Hawthorn
907 - Crataegus dodgei — Dodge Hawthorn
908 - Crataegus engelmannii — Engelmann's Hawthorn
909 - Crataegus flava — Rough Hawthorn, Southern Haw
910 - Crataegus flava — Alabama Hawthorn
911 - Crataegus flava — Sunny Hawthorn
912 - Crataegus flava — Yellow Hawthorn, Yellowleaf Hawthorn
913 - Crataegus flava — Ravenel's Hawthorn
914 - Crataegus flava — Lance’s Hawthorn
915 - Crataegus flava — Smooth Alabama Hawthorn, Montgomery Hawthorn
916 - Crataegus furtiva — Albany Hawthorn
917 - Crataegus harbisonii — Ashe Hawthorn
918 - Crataegus harbisonii — Harbison's Hawthorn
919 - Crataegus integra — Lake Ella Hawthorn
920 - Crataegus intricata — Entangled Hawthorn
921 - Crataegus intricata — Buckley's Hawthorn
922 - Crataegus intricata — Boynton's Hawthorn
923 - Crataegus intricata — Pale-fruited Hawthorn, Birmingham Hawthorn, Pale Hawthorn
924 - Crataegus intricata — Biltmore Hawthorn
925 - Crataegus intricata — Bush Hawthorn
926 - Crataegus intricata — Little Red Hawthorn
927 - Crataegus intricata — Straw-fruited Hawthorn, Straw-fruited Entangled Hawthorn
928 - Crataegus intricata — Yellow-fruited Entangled Hawthorn
929 - Crataegus iracunda — Forest Hawthorn, Stolon-bearing Hawthorn
930 - Crataegus iracunda — Poplar Hawthorn
931 - Crataegus lacrimata — Weeping Hawthorn, Pensacola hawthorn
932 - Crataegus lanata — Lanate Hawthorn
933 - Crataegus lanuginosa — Woolly Hawthorn, Webb City Hawthorn
934 - Crataegus limnophila — Narrowleaf Cockspur Hawthorn
935 - Crataegus macrosperma — Eastern Hawthorn
936 - Crataegus macrosperma — Balsam Mountain Hawthorn
937 - Crataegus marshallii — Parsley Hawthorn, Parsley Haw
938 - Crataegus mendosa — Albertville Hawthorn
939 - Crataegus mollis — Downy Hawthorn
940 - Crataegus mollis — Texas Downy Hawthorn
941 - Crataegus monogyna — English Hawthorn, Singleseed Hawthorn, One-seeded Hawthorn
942 - Crataegus munda — Dwarf Hawthorn, Restful Hawthorn, Neat Hawthorn
943 - Crataegus munda — Woolly Dwarf Hawthorn, Pexa Hawthorn
944 - Crataegus opaca — Western Mayhaw
945 - Crataegus pearsonii — Sandhill Hawthorn
946 - Crataegus pedicellata — Scarlet Hawthorn
947 - Crataegus pennsylvanica — Pennsylvania Hawthorn
948 - Crataegus phaenopyrum — Washington Hawthorn, Virginia Hawthorn
949 - Crataegus pinetorum — pineland hawthorn
950 - Crataegus pruinosa — Frosted Hawthorn
951 - Crataegus pruinosa — Gattinger's Hawthorn
952 - Crataegus pulcherrima — Beautiful Hawthorn
953 - Crataegus pulcherrima — Broadleaved Beautiful Hawthorn
954 - Crataegus punctata — Dotted Hawthorn, White Hawthorn
955 - Crataegus rufula — Rufous Mayhaw, Florida Mayhaw
956 - Crataegus sargentii — Sargent's Hawthorn
957 - Crataegus sargentii — Red Mountain Hawthorn
958 - Crataegus schuettei — Schuette's Hawthorn
959 - Crataegus spathulata — Littlehip Hawthorn, Spatulate Haw
960 - Crataegus submollis — Northern Downy Hawthorn, Quebec Hawthorn
961 - Crataegus succulenta — Fleshy Hawthorn
962 - Crataegus succulenta — New River Hawthorn
963 - Crataegus triflora — Threeflower Hawthorn
964 - Crataegus uniflora — Oneflower Hawthorn, Dwarf Haw
965 - Crataegus vailiae — Vail’s Hawthorn
966 - Crataegus viridis var. viridis — Green Hawthorn, Greenhaw
967 - Crepis capillaris — Smooth Hawksbeard
968 - Crepis pulchra — Smallflower Hawksbeard
969 - Crinum americanum — Southern Swamp-lily, String Lily, Seven-sisters
970 - Croomia pauciflora — Smallflower Croomia, Elfin Shoes
971 - Croptilon divaricatum — Scratch-daisy, Goldenweed, Slender Scratch-daisy
972 - Crossopetalum ilicifolium — Holly-leaf Rhacoma, Christmasberry, Quailberry
973 - Crotalaria ochroleuca — Slenderleaf Rattlebox
974 - Crotalaria pallida var. obovata — Smooth Rattlebox
975 - Crotalaria purshii — Coastal Plain Rattlebox, Pursh's Rattlebox
976 - Crotalaria rotundifolia — Low Rattlebox, Rabbitbells
977 - Crotalaria rotundifolia — Low Rattlebox, Rabbitbells
978 - Crotalaria sagittalis — Arrowhead Rattlebox, Common Rattlebox
979 - Crotalaria spectabilis — Showy Rattlebox
980 - Croton alabamensis var. alabamensis — Alabama Croton
981 - Croton argyranthemus — Silver Croton, Sandhill Croton, Healing Croton
982 - Croton capitatus var. capitatus — Woolly Croton, Hogwort, Capitate Croton, Goatweed
983 - Croton elliottii — Elliott's Croton, Pondshore Croton
984 - Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis — Doveweed, Tooth-leaved Croton, Sand Croton, Northern Croton
985 - Croton michauxii — Sand Rushfoil, Michaux's Croton, Narrowleaf Rushfoil
986 - Croton michauxii var. ellipticus — Outcrop Rushfoil, Willdenow's Croton, Glade Rushfoil, Broadleaf Rushfoil
987 - Croton monanthogynus — Prairie-tea Croton, One-seed Croton
988 - Croton punctatus — Silverleaf Croton, Gulf Croton, Beach-tea
989 - Cruciata pedemontana — Piedmont Crosswort, Piedmont Bedstraw
990 - Cryptotaenia canadensis — Honewort
991 - Ctenium aromaticum — Toothache Grass, Orangegrass, Wild Ginger
992 - Ctenium floridanum — Florida Toothache Grass, Florida orangegrass
993 - Cucumis melo — Canteloupe, Muskmelon
994 - Cucumis sativus — Cucumber
995 - Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera — Crookneck Squash, Straightneck Squash, Acorn Squash, Spaghetti Squash
996 - Cucurbita pepo var. pepo — Pumpkin, Zucchini, Ornamental Gourd, Vegetable Marrow
997 - Cudrania tricuspidata — Cudrania, Strawberry-bush, Chinese Che
998 - Cunila origanoides — Wild-oregano, American Dittany, Stone-mint
999 - Cunninghamia lanceolata — China-fir, Cunninghamia, Chinese Fir
1000 - Cuphea carthagenensis — Colombian Waxweed
1001 - Cuphea viscosissima — Clammy Cuphea, Blue Waxweed
1002 - Cuscuta cephalanthi — Buttonbush Dodder
1003 - Cuscuta compacta var. compacta — Compact Dodder
1004 - Cuscuta coryli — Hazel Dodder
1005 - Cuscuta gronovii — Common Dodder, Swamp Dodder
1006 - Cuscuta harperi — Harper's Dodder
1007 - Cuscuta indecora + — Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder, Pretty Dodder
1008 - Cuscuta japonica — Japanese Dodder
1009 - Cuscuta obtusiflora var. glandulosa — Glandular Dodder
1010 - Cuscuta pentagona var. pentagona — Five-angled Dodder
1011 - Cuscuta pentagona var. pentagona — Field Dodder, Prairie Dodder, Golden Dodder
1012 - Cuscuta polygonorum — Smartweed Dodder
1013 - Cuscuta rostrata — Appalachian Dodder, Beaked Dodder
1014 - Cuscuta suaveolens — Fringed Dodder, Lucerne Dodder, Alfalfa Dodder
1015 - Cycas revoluta — Sago-palm
1016 - Cyclospermum leptophyllum — Marsh-parsley
1017 - Cymophyllus fraserianus — Fraser's Sedge, Lily-leaf Sedge
1018 - Cynanchum angustifolium — Swallow-wort, Sand-vine, Gulf Coast Swallow-wort, Marsh Cynanchum
1019 - Cynanchum laeve — Bluevine, Sandvine, Honeyvine
1020 - Cynanchum louiseae — Black Swallow-wort, Dog-Strangling Vine
1021 - Cynanchum scoparium — Leafless Swallowwort, Cynanchum
1022 - Cynodon dactylon — Bermuda Grass, Scutch Grass
1023 - Cynoglossum officinale — Hound's-tongue, Garden Comfrey
1024 - Cynoglossum virginianum var. virginianum — Southern Wild Comfrey, Southern Hound’s-tongue
1025 - Cyperus articulatus — jointed flatsedge, Chintul
1026 - Cyperus compressus — Poorland Flatsedge
1027 - Cyperus croceus — Baldwin's Flatsedge
1028 - Cyperus difformis — Variable Flatsedge, Smallflower Umbrella Sedge
1029 - Cyperus echinatus — Roundhead Flatsedge, Globe Flatsedge
1030 - Cyperus entrerianus — Deep-rooted Sedge, Woodrush Flatsedge
1031 - Cyperus erythrorhizos — Redroot Flatsedge
1032 - Cyperus esculentus var. leptostachyus — Yellow Nutsedge, Yellow Nutgrass, Wild Chufa, Earth-almond
1033 - Cyperus flavescens — Yellow Flatsedge
1034 - Cyperus granitophilus — Granite Flatsedge
1035 - Cyperus involucratus — Umbrella-plant
1036 - Cyperus iria — Rice-field Flatsedge
1037 - Cyperus lancastriensis — Many-flowered Flatsedge, Porter’s Flatsedge
1038 - Cyperus lupulinus + — Great Plains Flatsedge, Slender Nutsedge
1039 - Cyperus lupulinus ssp. lupulinus — Southeastern Flatsedge
1040 - Cyperus odoratus — Fragrant Flatsedge
1041 - Cyperus odoratus — Slender Sand Flatsedge, Engelmann's Flatsedge
1042 - Cyperus plukenetii — Starburst Flatsedge, Plukenet’s Flatsedge, Plukenet’s Sedge
1043 - Cyperus retrofractus — Rough Flatsedge
1044 - Cyperus retrorsus var. retrorsus — Pineland Flatsedge, Pine-barren Flatsedge
1045 - Cyperus rotundus — Purple Nutsedge, Nutgrass, Cocograss
1046 - Cyperus squarrosus — Awned Flatsedge, Bearded Flatsedge
1047 - Cyperus strigosus — False Nutsedge, Straw Flatsedge, Straw-colored Flatsedge
1048 - Cyperus virens — Green Flatsedge
1049 - Cypripedium acaule — Pink Lady's Slipper, Mocassin Flower
1050 - Cypripedium candidum — White Lady's Slipper
1051 - Cypripedium kentuckiense — Kentucky Yellow Lady's Slipper
1052 - Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum — Small Yellow Lady's Slipper
1053 - Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens — Large Yellow Lady's Slipper
1054 - Cypripedium reginae — Showy Lady's Slipper, Queen Lady's Slipper
1055 - Cyrilla racemiflora — Titi, Swamp Cyrilla, Leatherwood
1056 - Cyrtomium falcatum — Japanese Holly-fern, Asian Net-veined Holly Fern
1057 - Cyrtomium fortunei — Fortune's Holly-fern, Fortune's Net-veined Holly Fern
1058 - Cystopteris bulbifera — Bulblet Bladder Fern, Bulblet Fern
1059 - Cystopteris fragilis — Fragile Fern, Brittle Fern, Brittle Bladder Fern
1060 - Cystopteris protrusa — Lowland Bladder Fern, Spreading Bladder Fern
1061 - Cystopteris tennesseensis — Tennessee Bladder Fern
1062 - Cystopteris tenuis — Mackay's Bladder Fern, Mackay's Fragile Fern, Upland Bladder Fern
1063 - Cytisus scoparius var. scoparius — Scotch Broom
1064 - Dactylis glomerata ssp. glomerata — Orchard Grass
1065 - Dactyloctenium aegyptium — Crowfoot Grass
1066 - Dactylorhiza viridis — Longbract Frog Orchid, Long-bracted Orchid
1067 - Dalea albida — White-tassels
1068 - Dalea carnea — Pink-tassels
1069 - Dalea gattingeri — Gattinger's Prairie-clover, Purple-tassels
1070 - Dalea mountjoyae — Sprawling White-tassels
1071 - Dalea pinnata var. pinnata — Summer Farewell, Eastern Prairie-clover
1072 - Dalea pinnata var. trifoliata — Summer Farewell
1073 - Dalea purpurea var. purpurea — Purple Prairie-clover
1074 - Dalibarda repens — Robin-runaway, Star-violet, Dewdrop
1075 - Danthonia compressa — Mountain Oatgrass, Flattened Oatgrass, Allegheny Flyback
1076 - Danthonia epilis — Bog Oatgrass
1077 - Danthonia sericea — Silky Oatgrass, Downy Oatgrass, Downy Danthonia
1078 - Danthonia spicata — Poverty Oatgrass, Moonshine Grass, 'Curly Dan'
1079 - Dasistoma macrophylla — Mullein Foxglove
1080 - Datura stramonium — Jimsonweed, Thornapple, Stramonium
1081 - Daucus carota — Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Carrot, Bird's Nest
1082 - Daucus pusillus — American Queen Anne's Lace, American Carrot, American Wild Carrot, Seed-ticks
1083 - Decodon verticillatus — Water-oleander, Water-willow, Swamp Loosestrife, Peatweed
1084 - Decumaria barbara — Climbing Hydrangea, Woodvamp, Decumaria, Decumary
1085 - Delphinium carolinianum ssp. calciphilum — Glade Larkspur, Limestone Larkspur, Tennessee Larkspur
1086 - Delphinium carolinianum ssp. carolinianum — Prairie Larkspur, Carolina Larkspur, Blue Larkspur, Ozark Larkspur
1087 - Delphinium exaltatum — Tall Larkspur
1088 - Delphinium tricorne — Dwarf Larkspur
1089 - Dennstaedtia punctilobula — Hay-scented Fern, Pasture Fern, Boulder Fern
1090 - Deparia acrostichoides — Silvery Glade Fern, Silvery Spleenwort
1091 - Deparia petersonii — Japanese Lady Fern, Japanese false spleenwort
1092 - Deschampsia cespitosa — Tufted Hairgrass
1093 - Deschampsia flexuosa — Appalachian Hairgrass, Crinkled Hairgrass, Common Hairgrass, Wavy Hairgrass
1094 - Descurainia pinnata ssp. pinnata — Southeastern Tansy-mustard
1095 - Desmanthus illinoensis — Illinois Bundleflower, Prairie Mimosa, Common Bundleflower
1096 - Desmodium canescens — Hoary Tick-trefoil
1097 - Desmodium ciliare var. ciliare — Hairy Small-leaf Tick-trefoil, Littleleaf Tick-trefoil
1098 - Desmodium cuspidatum var. cuspidatum — Long-bracted Tick-trefoil, Toothed Tick-trefoil, Largebract Tick-trefoil
1099 - Desmodium fernaldii — Fernald's Tick-trefoil
1100 - Desmodium floridanum — Florida Tick-trefoil
1101 - Desmodium glabellum — Tall Tick-trefoil, Dillen's Tick-trefoil
1102 - Desmodium glutinosum — Heartleaf Tick-trefoil, Clusterleaf Tick-trefoil, Pointedleaf Tick-Trefoil
1103 - Desmodium laevigatum — Smooth Tick-trefoil
1104 - Desmodium lineatum — Matted Tick-trefoil, Sand Tick-trefoil
1105 - Desmodium marilandicum — Smooth Small-leaf Tick-trefoil, Maryland Tick-trefoil
1106 - Desmodium nudiflorum — Naked Tick-trefoil, Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil, Woodland Tick-trefoil
1107 - Desmodium nuttallii — Nuttall's Tick-trefoil
1108 - Desmodium obtusum — Stiff Tick-trefoil
1109 - Desmodium ochroleucum — White Tick-trefoil, Creamflower Tick-trefoil, Cream Tick-trefoil
1110 - Desmodium paniculatum var. paniculatum — Panicled Tick-trefoil
1111 - Desmodium pauciflorum — Fewflower Tick-trefoil
1112 - Desmodium perplexum — Perplexing Tick-trefoil, Dillen's Tick-trefoil
1113 - Desmodium rotundifolium — Roundleaf Tick-trefoil, Dollarleaf, Prostrate Tick-trefoil, Sessileleaf Tick-trefoil
1114 - Desmodium sessilifolium — Sessile-leaf Tick-trefoil
1115 - Desmodium strictum — Pinebarren Tick-trefoil, Pineland Tick-trefoil, Upland Slender Tick-trefoil
1116 - Desmodium tenuifolium — Slimleaf Tick-trefoil, Savanna Slender Tick-trefoil
1117 - Desmodium tortuosum — Florida Tick-trefoil, dixie tick-trefoil
1118 - Desmodium viridiflorum — Velvety Tick-trefoil, Velvety Tick-clover
1119 - Deutzia crenata — Deutzia, crenate Pride-of-Rochester
1120 - Deutzia scabra — Deutzia, Fuzzy Pride-of-Rochester
1121 - Diamorpha smallii — Elf-orpine
1122 - Dianthus armeria — Deptford Pink
1123 - Dicentra canadensis — Squirrel Corn
1124 - Dicentra cucullaria — Dutchman's Britches
1125 - Dicentra eximia — Wild Bleeding Heart
1126 - Dicerandra linearifolia + — coastal plain balm
1127 - Dicerandra odoratissima — Rose Dicerandra, Rose Balm, Harper’s Scrub-balm
1128 - Dichanthelium aciculare — Needleleaf Witchgrass, Needleleaf Rosette Grass
1129 - Dichanthelium aciculare — Narrowleaf Witchgrass
1130 - Dichanthelium aciculare — Sandy Woods Witchgrass
1131 - Dichanthelium aciculare — Spindle-fruited Witchgrass
1132 - Dichanthelium aciculare — Nerved Witchgrass
1133 - Dichanthelium aciculare — Pineland Witchgrass
1134 - Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum — Woolly Witchgrass, Woolly Rosette Grass, Tapered Rosette Grass
1135 - Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum — Slender-stemmed Witchgrass, Western Woolly Witchgrass
1136 - Dichanthelium acuminatum var. lindheimeri — Lindheimer's Witchgrass
1137 - Dichanthelium boscii — Bosc's Witchgrass
1138 - Dichanthelium clandestinum — Deer-tongue Witchgrass
1139 - Dichanthelium commutatum — Variable Witchgrass
1140 - Dichanthelium depauperatum — Starved Witchgrass
1141 - Dichanthelium dichotomum — Ringed Witchgrass
1142 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Forked Witchgrass
1143 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Blue Witchgrass
1144 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Mattamuskeet Witchgrass
1145 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Bog Witchgrass
1146 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Naked Witchgrass
1147 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Peaty Witchgrass
1148 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Spotted-sheath Witchgrass
1149 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Small-fruited Witchgrass
1150 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Shining Witchgrass
1151 - Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum — Roanoke Witchgrass
1152 - Dichanthelium erectifolium — Erectleaf Witchgrass, Erectleaf Panicgrass
1153 - Dichanthelium latifolium — Broadleaf Rosette Grass, Broadleaf Witchgrass
1154 - Dichanthelium laxiflorum — Open-flower Witchgrass, Open-flower Rosette Grass
1155 - Dichanthelium longiligulatum — Long-ligule Witchgrass, Coastal Plain Witchgrass
1156 - Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. oligosanthes — Few-flowered Witchgrass, Heller's Witchgrass
1157 - Dichanthelium ravenelii — Ravenel's Witchgrass
1158 - Dichanthelium sabulorum var. thinium — American Witchgrass
1159 - Dichanthelium scabriusculum — Tall Swamp Witchgrass
1160 - Dichanthelium scoparium — Velvet Witchgrass
1161 - Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon — Round-fruited Witchgrass, Roundseed Witchgrass
1162 - Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon var. isophyllum — Many-flowered Witchgrass, Small-fruited Witchgrass, Roundseed Witchgrass
1163 - Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens — Hairless Witchgrass
1164 - Dichanthelium strigosum var. leucoblepharis — Dwarf Witchgrass
1165 - Dichanthelium strigosum var. strigosum — Rough-hairy Witchgrass
1166 - Dichanthelium villosissimum var. villosissimum — White-haired Witchgrass
1167 - Dichondra carolinensis — Carolina Ponyfoot
1168 - Dicliptera brachiata — Branched Foldwing, Dicliptera
1169 - Didiplis diandra — Water-purslane
1170 - Diervilla lonicera — Northern Bush-honeysuckle
1171 - Diervilla rivularis — Hairy Southern Bush-honeysuckle, Mountain Bush-honeysuckle
1172 - Diervilla sessilifolia — Smooth Southern Bush-honeysuckle
1173 - Digitalis purpurea ssp. purpurea — Digitalis, Common Foxglove, Purple Foxglove
1174 - Digitaria bicornis — Asian crabgrass
1175 - Digitaria ciliaris — Southern Crabgrass
1176 - Digitaria filiformis — Slender Crabgrass
1177 - Digitaria ischaemum — Smooth Crabgrass
1178 - Digitaria sanguinalis — Hairy Crabgrass, Northern Crabgrass
1179 - Digitaria violascens — violet crabgrass
1180 - Dioclea multiflora — Cluster-pea, Boykin's Clusterpea
1181 - Diodia teres — Poor-joe, Rough Buttonweed
1182 - Diodia virginiana — Virginia Buttonweed, Large Buttonweed
1183 - Dionaea muscipula — Venus Flytrap, Meadow Clam, Tippitiwitchet
1184 - Dioscorea alata — Water Yam, White Yam, Great Yam, Winged Yam
1185 - Dioscorea bulbifera — Air Yam, Air Potato
1186 - Dioscorea floridana — Florida Wild Yam
1187 - Dioscorea oppositifolia — Cinnamon Vine, Chinese Yam
1188 - Dioscorea villosa — Common Wild Yam, Streamhead Yam, Yellow Yam
1189 - Diospyros virginiana — American Persimmon, Possumwood, Simmon
1190 - Diphylleia cymosa — Umbrella-leaf, Pixie-parasol
1191 - Diplazium pycnocarpon — Glade Fern
1192 - Dipsacus fullonum — Wild Teasel, Common Teasel
1193 - Dipsacus laciniatus — Cutleaf Teasel
1194 - Dipsacus sativus — Fuller's Teasel
1195 - Dirca palustris — Eastern Leatherwood, Leatherbark, Wicopee, Rope-bark
1196 - Ditrysinia fruticosa — Sebastian-bush
1197 - Dodecatheon meadia ssp. meadia — Eastern Shooting Star
1198 - Doellingeria infirma — Appalachian Flat-topped White Aster, Cornel-leaf Aster, Cornel-leaf Whitetop Aster, Appalachian Whitetop Aster
1199 - Doellingeria sericocarpoides — Pocosin Flat-top Aster, Southern Whitetop, Streamhead Flat-top Aster, Southern Flat-top Aster
1200 - Doellingeria umbellata var. umbellata — Northern Tall Flat-top White Aster, Northern Tall Whitetop Aster, Northern Tall Flat-top Aster
1201 - Draba aprica — Flatrock Draba, Open-ground Whitlow-grass, Granite Whitlow-wort, Sun-loving Draba
1202 - Draba brachycarpa — Shortpod Draba, Short-fruited Draba
1203 - Draba ramosissima — Rocktwist, Branched Draba, Appalachian Draba
1204 - Draba verna — Whitlow-grass, Spring Draba
1205 - Dracocephalum parviflorum — American Dragonhead
1206 - Drosera brevifolia — Dwarf Sundew, Early Sundew
1207 - Drosera capillaris — Pink Sundew, Bog Sundew
1208 - Drosera filiformis — Northern Threadleaf Sundew
1209 - Drosera intermedia — Water Sundew, Spoonleaf Sundew
1210 - Drosera rotundifolia var. rotundifolia — Roundleaf Sundew
1211 - Drosera tracyi — Tracy's Sundew
1212 - Drymaria cordata ssp. cordata — Drymary, West Indian Chickweed, Heartleaf Drymary
1213 - Dryopteris ×australis [celsa × ludoviciana] — Southern Woodfern, Southern Shield-fern, Dixie Woodfern
1214 - Dryopteris campyloptera — Mountain Woodfern
1215 - Dryopteris carthusiana — Spinulose Woodfern, Toothed Woodfern
1216 - Dryopteris celsa — Log Fern
1217 - Dryopteris cristata — Crested Woodfern, Crested Shield-fern
1218 - Dryopteris goldiana — Goldie's Woodfern
1219 - Dryopteris intermedia — Evergreen Woodfern, Fancy Fern, Intermediate Woodfern
1220 - Dryopteris ludoviciana — Southern Woodfern, Southern Shield-fern
1221 - Dryopteris marginalis — Marginal Woodfern, Marginal Shield-fern
1222 - Duchesnea indica — Indian Strawberry, Mock Strawberry
1223 - Dulichium arundinaceum — Threeway Sedge
1224 - Dyschoriste humistrata — Swamp Twinflower, Swamp Dyschoriste
1225 - Dyschoriste oblongifolia — Blue Twinflower, Pineland Dyschoriste, Oblong Twinflower
1226 - Dysphania ambrosioides — Mexican-tea, Epazote
1227 - Dysphania anthelmintica — Wormseed, Epazote
1228 - Echinacea laevigata — Smooth Coneflower, Smooth Purple Coneflower
1229 - Echinacea pallida — Pale Purple Coneflower
1230 - Echinacea paradoxa var. paradoxa — Yellow Coneflower
1231 - Echinacea purpurea — Eastern Purple Coneflower
1232 - Echinacea simulata — Prairie Purple Coneflower, Wavyleaf Purple Coneflower, Glade Coneflower
1233 - Echinacea tennesseensis — Tennessee Purple Coneflower, Tennessee Coneflower
1234 - Echinochloa colona — Jungle-rice
1235 - Echinochloa crus-galli — Barnyard-grass
1236 - Echinochloa crus-pavonis var. crus-pavonis — gulf cockspur grass
1237 - Echinochloa muricata var. microstachya — Rough Barnyard-grass
1238 - Echinochloa muricata var. muricata — Rough Barnyard-grass
1239 - Echinochloa walteri — Swamp Barnyard-grass, Coast Cockspur-grass
1240 - Echinocystis lobata — Wild-cucumber, Wild Balsam-apple
1241 - Echinodorus cordifolius — Creeping Burhead, Creeping Water-plantain
1242 - Echinodorus tenellus — Mud-babies, Dwarf-burhead, Pigmy Chain-sword
1243 - Echium vulgare — Viper's-bugloss, Blueweed
1244 - Eclipta prostrata — Eclipta, Pie-plant, Yerba-de-tajo, false daisy
1245 - Edgeworthia chrysantha — Paperbush, Mitsumata
1246 - Egeria densa — Brazilian Waterweed, Brazilian Egeria, "Brazilian Elodea", "Anacharis"
1247 - Eichhornia azurea — Rooted Water-hyacinth, anchored water-hyacinth
1248 - Eichhornia crassipes — Water-hyacinth
1249 - Elaeagnus angustifolia — Russian Olive, Oleaster
1250 - Elaeagnus multiflora — Cherry Elaeagnus, Cherry Silverberry
1251 - Elaeagnus pungens — Thorny Olive, Autumn Siverberry, Silverthorn, Thorny Elaeagnus
1252 - Elaeagnus umbellata var. parvifolia — Autumn-olive, Spring Silverberry, Oriental Silverleaf
1253 - Eleocharis baldwinii — Baldwin's Spikerush, Slender Spikerush, Roadgrass, Hair Grass
1254 - Eleocharis equisetoides — Horsetail Spikerush
1255 - Eleocharis geniculata — Canada spikesedge, Bent spikerush
1256 - Eleocharis montevidensis — Sand Spikerush
1257 - Eleocharis obtusa — Blunt Spikerush
1258 - Eleocharis quadrangulata — Squarestem Spikerush
1259 - Eleocharis vivipara — Viviparous Spikerush
1260 - Elephantopus carolinianus — Leafy Elephant's Foot, Carolina Elephant's Foot
1261 - Elephantopus elatus — Southern Elephant's Foot
1262 - Elephantopus nudatus — Coastal Plain Elephant's Foot, Smooth Elephant's Foot, Savanna Elephant's Foot, Pineland Elephant's Foot
1263 - Elephantopus tomentosus — Common Elephant's Foot, Upland Elephant's Foot, Woodland Elephant's Foot
1264 - Eleusine indica — Goosegrass, Yard Grass, Indian Goose-grass
1265 - Elliottia racemosa — Georgia-plume, Southern-plume, Elliottia
1266 - Elymus canadensis — Great Plains Wild-rye, Nodding Wild-rye, Canada Wild-rye
1267 - Elymus glabriflorus — Southeastern Wild-rye
1268 - Elymus hystrix var. hystrix — Common Bottlebrush Grass, Eastern Bottlebrush-grass
1269 - Elymus repens — Quackgrass, Dog-grass, Witchgrass
1270 - Elymus virginicus var. virginicus — Virginia Wild-rye, Common Eastern Wild-rye, Terrell Grass
1271 - Elytraria caroliniensis var. caroliniensis — Carolina Elytraria
1272 - Emex spinosa — Spiny Emex
1273 - Emilia fosbergii — Salmon Tasselflower, Cupid’s-shaving-brush
1274 - Enemion biternatum — False Rue-anemone, Isopyrum
1275 - Epidendrum magnoliae var. magnoliae — Green-fly Orchid
1276 - Epifagus virginiana — Beechdrops
1277 - Epigaea repens — Trailing Arbutus, Mayflower
1278 - Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum — Fringed Willowherb, American Willowherb
1279 - Epilobium coloratum — Purpleleaf Willowherb, Bronze Willowherb, Eastern Willowherb
1280 - Epilobium leptophyllum — Narrowleaf Willowherb, Bog Willowherb, American Marsh Willowherb
1281 - Equisetum arvense — Field Horsetail, Bottlebrush Horsetail
1282 - Equisetum hyemale var. affine — Tall Scouring-rush, River Scouring-rush
1283 - Eragrostis capillaris — Lace Lovegrass, Lacegrass
1284 - Eragrostis cilianensis — Stinkgrass
1285 - Eragrostis ciliaris — gophertail lovegrass
1286 - Eragrostis curvula — Weeping Lovegrass
1287 - Eragrostis elliottii — Elliott's Lovegrass
1288 - Eragrostis hirsuta — Bigtop Lovegrass
1289 - Eragrostis hypnoides — Creeping Lovegrass, Teal Lovegrass
1290 - Eragrostis japonica — Pond Lovegrass
1291 - Eragrostis pilosa — India Lovegrass
1292 - Eragrostis spectabilis — Purple Lovegrass, Tumblegrass
1293 - Eranthis hyemalis — Winter-aconite
1294 - Erechtites hieraciifolius var. hieraciifolius — Fireweed, American Burnweed, Pilewort
1295 - Eremochloa ophiuroides — Centipede Grass
1296 - Erica tetralix — Crossleaf Heath
1297 - Erigenia bulbosa — Harbinger-of-Spring, Pepper-and-Salt, Erigenia
1298 - Erigeron annuus — Annual Fleabane
1299 - Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus — Daisy Fleabane, Philadelphia Fleabane, Philadelphia-daisy, Common Fleabane
1300 - Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus — Robin's Plantain
1301 - Erigeron quercifolius — Southern Fleabane, Oak-leaved Fleabane
1302 - Erigeron strigosus var. strigosus — Daisy Fleabane, Common Rough Fleabane, Prairie Fleabane, Slender Daisy Fleabane
1303 - Erigeron vernus — Whitetop Fleabane, Savanna Daisy Fleabane, Early Whitetop Fleabane
1304 - Eriocaulon compressum — Flattened Pipewort, Soft-headed Pipewort, Hat Pin
1305 - Eriocaulon decangulare var. decangulare — Ten-angle Pipewort, Hat Pin, Hard Pipewort
1306 - Eriocaulon ravenelii — Ravenel's Pipewort
1307 - Eriocaulon texense — Texas Hatpins, Texas Pipewort
1308 - Eriochloa michauxii var. michauxii — Longleaf Cupgrass
1309 - Eriogonum tomentosum — Sandhill Wild-buckwheat, Southern Wild-buckwheat, Dog-tongue Buckwheat
1310 - Eriophorum virginicum — Tawny Cottongrass, Tawny Cottonsedge, Cat's-paw
1311 - Erodium cicutarium ssp. cicutarium — Common Storksbill, Redstem Storksbill, Heronsbill, Redstem Filaree
1312 - Eruca vesicaria ssp. sativa — Arugula, Garden Rocket, Rocket-salad, Salad-rocket
1313 - Erucastrum gallicum — Common Dog-mustard, Rocket-weed, French Rocket
1314 - Eryngium aquaticum var. aquaticum — Marsh Eryngo
1315 - Eryngium aquaticum var. ravenelii — Ravenel's Eryngo
1316 - Eryngium baldwinii — Baldwin's eryngo, Baldwin's button snakeroot
1317 - Eryngium integrifolium — Savanna Eryngo, Blueflower Eryngo
1318 - Eryngium maritimum — Sea Holly, Seaside Eryngo
1319 - Eryngium prostratum — Spreading Eryngo, Creeping Eryngo
1320 - Eryngium yuccifolium var. synchaetum — Southern Rattlesnake-master
1321 - Eryngium yuccifolium var. yuccifolium — Northern Rattlesnake-master, Button Snakeroot
1322 - Erysimum cheiranthoides — Wormseed Mustard, Wormseed Wallflower
1323 - Erythrina herbacea — Coral-bean, Cardinal-spear
1324 - Erythronium albidum — White Trout Lily, Blonde Lilian, White Fawnlily
1325 - Erythronium americanum ssp. americanum — American Trout Lily, Dogtooth Violet, Adder's Tongue, Yellow Trout-lily
1326 - Erythronium americanum ssp. harperi — Harper's Trout Lily
1327 - Erythronium rostratum — Beaked Trout Lily
1328 - Erythronium umbilicatum ssp. monostolum — Southern Appalachian Trout Lily
1329 - Erythronium umbilicatum ssp. umbilicatum — Dimpled Trout Lily, Dogtooth Violet
1330 - Eubotrys racemosus — Coastal Fetterbush, Swamp Sweetbells, Swamp Leucothoe, Swamp Fetterbush
1331 - Eubotrys recurvus — Mountain Sweetbells, Mountain Fetterbush, Deciduous Fetterbush
1332 - Euonymus alatus — Burning-bush, Winged Euonymus, Winged Wahoo
1333 - Euonymus americanus — Hearts-a-bustin', Strawberry-bush
1334 - Euonymus atropurpureus var. atropurpureus — American Wahoo, Eastern Wahoo, Burning Bush
1335 - Euonymus fortunei var. radicans — Wintercreeper, Climbing Euonymus, Chinese Spindle-tree
1336 - Euonymus japonicus — Japanese Spindle-tree, Japanese Euonymus
1337 - Euonymus obovatus — Running Strawberry-bush, Trailing Strawberry-bush, Trailing Wahoo
1338 - Eupatorium album var. album — White Boneset, White-bracted Thoroughwort, White Thoroughwort, White Eupatorium
1339 - Eupatorium altissimum — Tall Thoroughwort, Tall Boneset
1340 - Eupatorium altissimum — Pasture Thoroughwort, Pasture Eupatorium, Tall Boneset, Tall Thoroughwort
1341 - Eupatorium anomalum — Anomalous Eupatorium, Florida Thoroughwort
1342 - Eupatorium capillifolium — Common Dog-fennel, Summer Cedar, Yankeeweed, Cypressweed
1343 - Eupatorium compositifolium — Coastal Dog-fennel, Yankeeweed
1344 - Eupatorium glaucescens — Wedgeleaf Thoroughwort, Broadleaf Bushy Eupatorium, Wedgeleaf Eupatorium
1345 - Eupatorium godfreyanum — Godfrey's Thoroughwort, Godfrey's Eupatorium
1346 - Eupatorium hyssopifolium var. hyssopifolium — Hyssopleaf Boneset, Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort, Hyssopleaf Eupatorium
1347 - Eupatorium hyssopifolium var. laciniatum — Torrey's Thoroughwort, Torrey's Eupatorium
1348 - Eupatorium leucolepis var. leucolepis — Bay Boneset
1349 - Eupatorium leucolepis var. leucolepis — Savanna Eupatorium, Justiceweed, White-bracted Thoroughwort
1350 - Eupatorium mohrii — Recurved Thoroughwort, Recurved Eupatorium
1351 - Eupatorium mohrii — Mohr's Eupatorium, Mohr's Thoroughwort
1352 - Eupatorium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum — Boneset
1353 - Eupatorium pilosum — Rough Boneset, Ragged Eupatorium
1354 - Eupatorium resinosum — Resinous Boneset, Pinebarren Eupatorium, Resinous Thoroughwort, Pinebarren Thoroughwort
1355 - Eupatorium rotundifolium var. cordigerum — Clasping Roundleaf Thoroughwort, Clasping Roundleaf Eupatorium
1356 - Eupatorium rotundifolium var. ovatum — Inland Roundleaf Eupatorium, Hairy Thoroughwort
1357 - Eupatorium rotundifolium var. rotundifolium — Common Roundleaf Boneset, Common Roundleaf Thoroughwort, Common Roundleaf Eupatorium
1358 - Eupatorium semiserratum — Threeleaf Eupatorium, Smallflower Thoroughwort, Olive Eupatorium
1359 - Eupatorium serotinum — Late-flowering Boneset, Late-flowering Thoroughwort, Late Eupatorium, Late Boneset
1360 - Eupatorium sessilifolium var. brittonianum — Britton's Upland Boneset, Britton's Eupatorium
1361 - Eupatorium sessilifolium var. sessilifolium — Upland Boneset, Sessile-leaf Eupatorium
1362 - Eupatorium sessilifolium var. vaseyi — Vasey's Thoroughwort, Vasey's Eupatorium
1363 - Euphorbia commutata — Woodland Spurge, Tinted Spurge, Wood Spurge
1364 - Euphorbia corollata — Eastern Flowering Spurge
1365 - Euphorbia curtisii — White Sandhills Spurge, Curtis's Spurge
1366 - Euphorbia cyathophora — Wild Poinsettia, Painted Leaf, Fire-on-the-mountain
1367 - Euphorbia cyparissias — Cypress Spurge, Graveyard Spurge
1368 - Euphorbia dentata var. dentata — Painted Leaf, Wild Poinsettia, Green Poinsettia, Toothed Spurge
1369 - Euphorbia discoidalis — Summer Spurge
1370 - Euphorbia esula var. uralensis — Wolf's-milk, Leafy Spurge
1371 - Euphorbia exserta — Maroon Sandhills Spurge, Coastal Sand Spurge, Purple Sandhill-spurge
1372 - Euphorbia graminea — Grassleaf Spurge, ‘Diamond Frost’, ‘Frosted Flakes’
1373 - Euphorbia heterophylla — Fiddler's Spurge, Mexican Fireplant, Catalina, Jacob's-ladder
1374 - Euphorbia ipecacuanhae — Carolina Ipecac, Wild Ipecac, American Ipecac
1375 - Euphorbia lathyris — Caper Spurge, Myrtle Spurge, Mole Plant
1376 - Euphorbia mercurialina — Cumberland Spurge, Mercury Spurge
1377 - Euphorbia pubentissima — False Flowering Spurge, Southeastern Flowering Spurge, Southern Flowering Spurge
1378 - Euphorbia purpurea — Glade Spurge, Darlington Spurge, Purple Spurge
1379 - Eurybia avita — Alexander's Rock Aster
1380 - Eurybia chlorolepis — Blue Ridge White Heart-leaved Aster, Mountain Wood-aster
1381 - Eurybia compacta — Slender Aster
1382 - Eurybia divaricata — White Wood-aster, Woodland Aster, Common White Heart-leaved Aster
1383 - Eurybia eryngiifolia — Eryngo-leaved Aster, Thistleleaf Aster
1384 - Eurybia macrophylla — Large-leaf Aster, Bigleaf Aster
1385 - Eurybia mirabilis — Piedmont Aster, Bouquet Aster
1386 - Eurybia paludosa — Savannah Grass-leaved Aster, Southern Swamp Aster
1387 - Eurybia radula — Rough-leaved Aster, Low Rough Aster
1388 - Eurybia schreberi — Schreber's Aster
1389 - Eurybia spectabilis — Low Showy Aster, Eastern Showy Aster
1390 - Eurybia surculosa — Creeping Aster, Michaux's Wood-Aster
1391 - Eustachys petraea — Dune Fingergrass, Pinewoods Fingergrass
1392 - Euthamia caroliniana — Carolina Goldentop, Slender Flattop Goldenrod
1393 - Euthamia graminifolia var. graminifolia — Northern Smooth Goldentop, Grassleaf Flattop Goldenrod
1394 - Euthamia leptocephala — Narrowhead Goldentop, Mississippi Valley Flat-topped Goldenrod
1395 - Eutrochium dubium — Coastal Plain Joe-pye-weed, Three-nerved Joe-pye-weed
1396 - Eutrochium fistulosum — Hollow-stem Joe-pye-weed
1397 - Eutrochium maculatum var. maculatum — Spotted Joe-pye-weed
1398 - Eutrochium purpureum var. carolinianum — Carolina Joe-Pye-weed, Downy Sweet Joe-Pye-weed
1399 - Eutrochium purpureum var. purpureum — Purple-node Joe-pye-weed, Sweet Joe-pye-weed
1400 - Eutrochium steelei — Appalachian Joe-pye-weed, Steele's Joe-pye-weed
1401 - Exochorda racemosa — Pearlbush
1402 - Facelis retusa — Trampweed, Fluffweed
1403 - Fagopyrum esculentum — Buckwheat
1404 - Fagus grandifolia — American Beech
1405 - Fagus sylvatica — European Beech, Copper Beech
1406 - Fatoua villosa — Mulberry-weed, Crabweed, Foolish-weed
1407 - Fatsia japonica — Japanese Aralia, Fatsia, paperplant
1408 - Festuca brevipila — Hard Fescue
1409 - Festuca paradoxa — Cluster Fescue
1410 - Festuca rubra ssp. rubra — Red Fescue
1411 - Festuca subverticillata — Nodding Fescue
1412 - Ficus carica — Edible Fig, Garden Fig
1413 - Ficus microcarpa — Laurel Fig, Indian-laurel
1414 - Ficus pumila — Climbing Fig, Creeping Fig
1415 - Filipendula rubra — Queen-of-the-Prairie
1416 - Filipendula ulmaria ssp. ulmaria — Queen-of-the-Meadow, Meadowsweet
1417 - Fimbristylis caroliniana — Carolina Fimbry
1418 - Fimbristylis castanea — Marsh Fimbry
1419 - Fimbristylis perpusilla — Harper's Fimbry
1420 - Fimbristylis schoenoides — ditch fimbry
1421 - Firmiana simplex — Chinese Parasol-tree, Japanese Varnishtree, Phoenix Tree
1422 - Flaveria bidentis — coastal plain yellowtops
1423 - Fleischmannia incarnata — Pink Thoroughwort, Pink Eupatorium
1424 - Foeniculum vulgare — Fennel
1425 - Forestiera acuminata — Swamp Forestiera, Swamp-privet
1426 - Forestiera godfreyi — Godfrey's Forestiera
1427 - Forestiera ligustrina — Glade Forestiera, Southern-privet
1428 - Forestiera segregata var. segregata — Florida-privet, Florida Forestiera
1429 - Forsythia intermedia — Border Forsythia, showy forsythia
1430 - Forsythia suspensa — Weeping Forsythia
1431 - Forsythia viridissima — Greenstem Forsythia
1432 - Fothergilla gardenii — Coastal Witch-alder, Pocosin Witch-alder, Dwarf Witch-alder, Fothergilla
1433 - Fothergilla gardenii — Kearney's Witch-alder
1434 - Fothergilla major — Large Witch-alder, Mountain Witch-alder, Fothergilla
1435 - Fragaria ×ananassa ssp. ananassa [F. chiloensis × virginiana] — Garden Strawberry, Cultivated Strawberry
1436 - Fragaria vesca ssp. americana — Wood Stawberry, American Woodland Strawberry
1437 - Fragaria virginiana ssp. virginiana — Wild Strawberry
1438 - Frangula alnus — Glossy Buckthorn, European Alder-buckthorn
1439 - Frangula caroliniana — Carolina Buckthorn, Polecat-tree, Indian Currant, Indian-cherry
1440 - Franklinia alatamaha — Franklinia, Franklin Tree, Lost Gordonia
1441 - Frasera caroliniensis — American Columbo
1442 - Fraxinus americana — White Ash, American Ash
1443 - Fraxinus americana — Biltmore Ash, Biltmore White Ash
1444 - Fraxinus caroliniana — Carolina Ash, Water Ash, Pop Ash
1445 - Fraxinus pennsylvanica — Green Ash, Red Ash
1446 - Fraxinus profunda — Pumpkin Ash
1447 - Fraxinus quadrangulata — Blue Ash
1448 - Froelichia floridana var. campestris — Plains Cottonseed
1449 - Froelichia floridana var. floridana — Florida Cottonseed, Common Cottonweed
1450 - Froelichia gracilis — Slender Cottonweed
1451 - Fuirena scirpoidea — Southern Umbrella-sedge
1452 - Fumaria officinalis ssp. officinalis — Fumitory, Earthsmoke
1453 - Gaillardia aestivalis var. aestivalis — Sandhill Gaillardia, Rayless Blanketflower, Lanceleaf Blanketflower, Prairie Gaillardia
1454 - Gaillardia aestivalis var. aestivalis — Yellow Sandhill Gaillardia, Yellow Prairie Gaillardia
1455 - Gaillardia pulchella var. picta — Beach Blanket-flower, Gaillardia, Firewheel, Indian Blanket Flower
1456 - Gaillardia pulchella var. pulchella — Common Blanket-flower, Gaillardia, Firewheel, Indian Blanket Flower
1457 - Galactia elliottii — Elliott's Milkpea
1458 - Galactia erecta — Erect Milkpea
1459 - Galactia microphylla — Littleleaf Milkpea, Little Milkpea
1460 - Galactia mollis — Soft Milkpea, Soft Sandhill Milkpea
1461 - Galactia regularis — Smooth Milkpea, Common Milkpea
1462 - Galactia volubilis — Downy Milkpea, Hairy Milkpea, Twining Milkpea, Eastern Milkpea
1463 - Galanthus nivalis — Snowdrop
1464 - Galax urceolata — Galax, Beetleweed
1465 - Galearis spectabilis — Showy Orchis
1466 - Galega officinalis — Professor-weed, Goat's Rue
1467 - Galinsoga parviflora — Lesser Peruvian-daisy, Gallant Soldiers, Smallflower Quickweed
1468 - Galinsoga quadriradiata — Common Peruvian-daisy, Gallant Soldiers, Fringed Quickweed
1469 - Galium album — white bedstraw
1470 - Galium aparine — Cleavers, Bedstraw
1471 - Galium asprellum — Rough Bedstraw
1472 - Galium boreale — Northern Bedstraw
1473 - Galium circaezans — Forest Bedstraw, Licorice Bedstraw
1474 - Galium concinnum — Shining Bedstraw
1475 - Galium hispidulum — Coastal Bedstraw
1476 - Galium lanceolatum — Lanceleaf Wild Licorice, Lanceleaf Bedstraw, Wild-licorice
1477 - Galium latifolium — Purple Bedstraw, Wideleaf Bedstraw
1478 - Galium mollugo — False Baby's Breath, Smooth Bedstraw, Hedge Bedstraw, Wild Madder
1479 - Galium obtusum ssp. filifolium — Carolina Bedstraw
1480 - Galium obtusum ssp. obtusum — Bluntleaf Bedstraw
1481 - Galium orizabense ssp. laevicaule — Bald Bedstraw, Smoothstem Bedstraw
1482 - Galium pilosum — Hairy Bedstraw
1483 - Galium tinctorium — Stiff Marsh Bedstraw, Dye Bedstraw, Three-lobed Bedstraw
1484 - Galium triflorum — Sweet-scented Bedstraw, Fragrant Bedstraw
1485 - Galium uniflorum — One-flowered Bedstraw
1486 - Galium verum — Yellow Bedstraw, Our Lady's Bedstraw
1487 - Gamochaeta americana — Elegant Cudweed, Shiny Cudweed, American Everlasting
1488 - Gamochaeta falcata — Narrowleaf Cudweed, Caribbean Everlasting, Delicate Everlasting
1489 - Gamochaeta falcata — Narrowleaf Cudweed, Narrowleaf Purple Everlasting
1490 - Gamochaeta pensylvanica — Wandering Cudweed, Pennsylvania Everlasting
1491 - Gamochaeta purpurea — Silvery Cudweed, Silvery Everlasting
1492 - Gamochaeta purpurea — White-cloaked Cudweed, Snow-white Everlasting
1493 - Gamochaeta purpurea — Spoonleaf Purple Everlasting, Purple Cudweed
1494 - Gamochaeta simplicicaulis — Single-stemmed Everlasting
1495 - Gaultheria hispidula — Creeping Snowberry, Moxie
1496 - Gaultheria procumbens — Wintergreen, Teaberry
1497 - Gaylussacia baccata — Black Huckleberry, Crackleberry
1498 - Gaylussacia brachycera — Box Huckleberry
1499 - Gaylussacia dumosa — Southern Dwarf Huckleberry
1500 - Gaylussacia dumosa — Northern Dwarf Huckleberry, Bog Huckleberry
1501 - Gaylussacia dumosa — Blue Ridge Bog Huckleberry, Blue Ridge Huckleberry
1502 - Gaylussacia frondosa — Dangleberry
1503 - Gaylussacia mosieri — Mosier's Huckleberry, Hirsute Huckleberry
1504 - Gaylussacia nana — Dwarf Dangleberry, Confederate Huckleberry
1505 - Gaylussacia tomentosa — Woolly Dangleberry, Hairy Dangleberry, Hairytwig Huckleberry
1506 - Gaylussacia ursina — Bear Huckleberry, Buckberry, Mountain Huckleberry, Bearberry
1507 - Gelsemium rankinii — Swamp Jessamine
1508 - Gelsemium sempervirens — Carolina Jessamine, Yellow Jessamine
1509 - Gentiana alba — Pale Gentian, Plain Gentian
1510 - Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsii — Prairie Closed Gentian, Closed Bottle Gentian
1511 - Gentiana austromontana — Blue Ridge Gentian, Appalachian Gentian, Pine Barren Gentian
1512 - Gentiana autumnalis — Pinebarren Gentian, Autumn Gentian
1513 - Gentiana catesbaei — Coastal Plain Gentian, Catesby's Gentian, Elliott's Gentian
1514 - Gentiana clausa — Meadow Closed Gentian, Meadow Bottle Gentian
1515 - Gentiana decora — Appalachian Gentian, Showy Gentian
1516 - Gentiana linearis — Narrowleaf Gentian
1517 - Gentiana saponaria var. latidens — Balsam Mountain Gentian
1518 - Gentiana saponaria var. saponaria — Soapwort Gentian, Harvestbells
1519 - Gentiana villosa — Striped Gentian
1520 - Gentianella quinquefolia ssp. quinquefolia — Stiff Gentian, Appalachian Gentianella, Fivefinger Gentian, Eastern Agueweed
1521 - Gentianopsis crinita — Eastern Fringed Gentian, Greater Fringed Gentian
1522 - Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum — Carolina Cranesbill
1523 - Geranium columbinum — Longstalk Crane's-bill
1524 - Geranium dissectum — Cutleaf Cranesbill
1525 - Geranium maculatum — Wild Geranium
1526 - Geranium molle — Dove's-foot Cranesbill
1527 - Geranium pusillum — Small-flowered Cranesbill
1528 - Geranium robertianum — Herb Robert
1529 - Geranium sibiricum — Siberian Cranesbill
1530 - Geum aleppicum — Yellow Avens
1531 - Geum canadense var. canadense — White Avens
1532 - Geum geniculatum — Bent Avens
1533 - Geum laciniatum — Rough Avens
1534 - Geum radiatum — Mountain Avens, Appalachian Avens, Spreading Avens, Cliff Avens
1535 - Geum vernum — Spring Avens, Heartleaf Avens
1536 - Geum virginianum — Pale Avens, Cream Avens
1537 - Gillenia stipulata — Midwestern Indian-physic, American Ipecac
1538 - Gillenia trifoliata — Bowman's Root, Mountain Indian Physic, Fawn's Breath
1539 - Ginkgo biloba — Ginkgo, Maidenhair Tree
1540 - Gladiolus dalenii ssp. dalenii — Gladiolus
1541 - Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida — Dakota Vervain, Dakota Mock Vervain
1542 - Glandularia canadensis — Rose Vervain, Rose Verbena, Creeping Vervain
1543 - Glandularia pulchella — Moss Vervain, South American Vervain, Moss Verbena
1544 - Glaucium flavum — Yellow Hornpoppy, Yellow Horned-poppy, Sea-poppy
1545 - Glechoma hederacea — Ground Ivy, Gill-over-the-ground, Creeping Charlie
1546 - Gleditsia aquatica — Water Locust
1547 - Gleditsia triacanthos — Honey Locust
1548 - Glossostigma cleistanthum — Mudmat
1549 - Glyceria septentrionalis — Eastern Mannagrass, Floating Mannagrass
1550 - Glyceria striata — Fowl Mannagrass
1551 - Goodyera pubescens — Downy Rattlesnake-orchid, Downy Rattlesnake-plantain
1552 - Goodyera repens — Lesser Rattlesnake-orchid, Lesser Rattlesnake-plantain
1553 - Gordonia lasianthus — Loblolly Bay, Gordonia
1554 - Gossypium hirsutum var. hirsutum — Upland Cotton, Short-staple Cotton
1555 - Gratiola aurea — Yellow Hedge-hyssop, Golden-pert, Golden Hedge-hyssop
1556 - Gratiola hispida — Pineland Hedge-hyssop
1557 - Gratiola neglecta — Mud-hyssop, Mud Hedge-hyssop, Clammy Hedge-hyssop
1558 - Gratiola pilosa — Shaggy Hedge-hyssop, Pilose Hedge-hyssop
1559 - Gratiola ramosa — Branched Hedge-hyssop
1560 - Gratiola virginiana — Roundfruit Hedge-hyssop, Virginia Hedge-hyssop
1561 - Gratiola viscidula — Viscid Hedge-hyssop, Sticky Hedge-hyssop, Short's Hedge-hyssop
1562 - Gymnocladus dioicus — Kentucky Coffeetree, Kentucky Mahogany
1563 - Gymnopogon ambiguus — Eastern Skeletongrass, Eastern Beardgrass, Bearded Skeletongrass, Broadleaf Beardgrass
1564 - Gypsophila paniculata — Tall Baby’s-breath
1565 - Habenaria quinqueseta — Michaux's Orchid, Long-horned Habenaria
1566 - Habenaria repens — Water-spider Orchid, Floating Orchid
1567 - Hackelia virginiana — Virginia Stickseed
1568 - Halesia carolina — Little Silverbell
1569 - Halesia diptera — Common Two-wing Silverbell
1570 - Halesia tetraptera var. monticola — Mountain Silverbell
1571 - Halesia tetraptera var. tetraptera — Common Silverbell
1572 - Hamamelis vernalis — Ozark Witch-hazel, Vernal Witch-hazel, Springtime Witch-hazel
1573 - Hamamelis virginiana — Northern Witch-hazel
1574 - Hamamelis virginiana — Small-leaved Witch-hazel
1575 - Hasteola suaveolens — Sweet-scented Indian-plantain, Sweet Indian-plantain, false Indian plantain
1576 - Hedeoma hispida — Rough Pennyroyal, Rough False Pennyroyal, Mock Pennyroyal
1577 - Hedeoma pulegioides — American Pennyroyal
1578 - Hedera helix — English Ivy, Common Ivy
1579 - Hedera hibernica — Atlantic Ivy, Irish Ivy
1580 - Helenium amarum var. amarum — Bitterweed, Yellow Sneezeweed, Bitter Sneezeweed
1581 - Helenium autumnale var. autumnale — Common Sneezeweed
1582 - Helenium brevifolium — Littleleaf Sneezeweed, Shortleaf Sneezeweed
1583 - Helenium flexuosum — Purplehead Sneezeweed, Southern Sneezeweed
1584 - Helenium pinnatifidum — Savanna Sneezeweed, Southeastern Sneezeweed
1585 - Helenium vernale — Savannah Sneezeweed, Spring Helenium
1586 - Helianthemum bicknellii — Hoary Frostweed, Plains Frostweed, Plains Sunrose, Bicknell's Hoary Rockrose
1587 - Helianthemum canadense — Canada Frostweed, Canada Sunrose, Canada Rockrose
1588 - Helianthemum carolinianum — Carolina Sunrose, Carolina Frostweed, Carolina Rockrose
1589 - Helianthemum georgianum — Georgia Sunrose, Georgia Frostweed
1590 - Helianthemum propinquum — Low Frostweed, Creeping Sunrose
1591 - Helianthemum rosmarinifolium — Rosemary Sunrose, Rosemary Frostweed
1592 - Helianthus ×laetiflorus [pauciflorus × tuberosus] — Showy Sunflower, cheerful sunflower
1593 - Helianthus agrestis — Southeastern Sunflower
1594 - Helianthus angustifolius — Narrowleaf Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower
1595 - Helianthus annuus — Common Sunflower, Mirasol
1596 - Helianthus atrorubens — Purple-disk Sunflower, Hairy Wood Sunflower, Appalachian Sunflower
1597 - Helianthus ciliaris — Texas Blueweed, Blueweed Sunflower
1598 - Helianthus debilis ssp. cucumerifolius — Cucumber-leaf Sunflower, Beach Sunflower
1599 - Helianthus debilis ssp. debilis — East Florida Beach Sunflower
1600 - Helianthus decapetalus — Thinleaf Sunflower, Forest Sunflower
1601 - Helianthus divaricatus — Woodland Sunflower, Spreading Sunflower
1602 - Helianthus giganteus — Tall Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower, Tuberous Sunflower, Giant Sunflower
1603 - Helianthus glaucophyllus — Whiteleaf Sunflower
1604 - Helianthus heterophyllus — Savanna Sunflower, Variable-leaf Sunflower
1605 - Helianthus hirsutus — Hairy Sunflower, Rough Sunflower
1606 - Helianthus laevigatus — Smooth Sunflower, Shale-barren Sunflower
1607 - Helianthus longifolius — Longleaf Sunflower
1608 - Helianthus maximiliani — Maximilian Sunflower
1609 - Helianthus microcephalus — Small Wood Sunflower, Small-headed Sunflower
1610 - Helianthus mollis — Downy Sunflower, Ashy Sunflower, Gray Sunflower
1611 - Helianthus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis — Naked-stem Sunflower, Fewleaf Sunflower, Western Sunflower
1612 - Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. pauciflorus — Stiff Sunflower
1613 - Helianthus petiolaris ssp. petiolaris — Plains Sunflower, prairie sunflower
1614 - Helianthus porteri — Confederate Daisy
1615 - Helianthus radula — Roundleaf Sunflower, Rayless Sunflower
1616 - Helianthus resinosus — Hairy Sunflower, Resinous Sunflower, Gray Sunflower, Resindot Sunflower
1617 - Helianthus schweinitzii — Schweinitz's Sunflower
1618 - Helianthus simulans — Muck Sunflower
1619 - Helianthus smithii — Smith's Sunflower
1620 - Helianthus strumosus — Roughleaf Sunflower, Paleleaf Woodland Sunflower, Paleleaf Sunflower
1621 - Helianthus tuberosus — Jerusalem Artichoke
1622 - Helianthus verticillatus — Whorled Sunflower
1623 - Heliopsis helianthoides var. gracilis — Smooth Oxeye, Pineywoods Oxeye, Coastal Plain Sunflower-everlasting, Coastal Plain Oxeye
1624 - Heliopsis helianthoides var. helianthoides — False Sunflower, Eastern Oxeye, Eastern Sunflower-everlasting, Smooth Oxeye
1625 - Heliotropium amplexicaule — Clasping Heliotrope, Violet Heliotrope
1626 - Heliotropium curassavicum var. curassavicum — Seaside Heliotrope, Quailplant, Cola De Mico
1627 - Heliotropium indicum — Indian Heliotrope, Turnsole
1628 - Helleborus foetidus — Stinking Hellebore, Dungwort
1629 - Helleborus niger — Christmas-rose, Black Hellebore
1630 - Helleborus orientalis — Lenten-rose
1631 - Helleborus viridis — Lenten-rose, Green Hellebore, Christmas-rose
1632 - Helonias bullata — Swamp Pink
1633 - Hemerocallis fulva — Orange Daylily, Tawny Daylily, Roadside Daylily
1634 - Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus — Yellow Daylily, Lemon Daylily
1635 - Hepatica nobilis var. acuta — Sharp-lobed Hepatica, Sharp-lobed Liverleaf
1636 - Hepatica nobilis var. obtusa — Round-lobed Hepatica, Round-lobed Liverleaf
1637 - Heracleum mantegazzianum — Giant Hogweed
1638 - Heracleum maximum — Cow-parsnip, American Hogweed, Masterwort
1639 - Hesperis matronalis — Dame's Rocket
1640 - Hesperocyparis arizonica — Arizona Cypress
1641 - Heteranthera dubia — Water Stargrass
1642 - Heteranthera reniformis — Kidneyleaf Mud Plantain
1643 - Heterotheca camporum var. glandulissimum — Nashville Camphorweed, Lemon-yellow Goldenaster, Lemon-yellow False Goldenaster
1644 - Heterotheca subaxillaris — Camphorweed
1645 - Heuchera americana var. americana — American Alumroot
1646 - Heuchera americana var. hispida — Purple Alumroot, Hispid Alumroot
1647 - Heuchera caroliniana — Carolina Alumroot
1648 - Heuchera longiflora — Mapleleaf Alumroot, longflower alumroot
1649 - Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora — Littleflower Alumroot, Cave Alumroot, Cumberland Grotto Alumroot, Small-flower Alumroot
1650 - Heuchera pubescens — Marbled Alumroot, Downy Alumroot
1651 - Heuchera villosa var. villosa — Mapleleaf Alumroot, Hairy Alumroot, Rock Alumroot, Crag-jangle
1652 - Hexalectris spicata — Crested Coralroot, Spiked Crested Coralroot, Brunetta
1653 - Hexastylis arifolia var. arifolia — Little Brown Jug, Arrowhead Heartleaf, Arrowleaf Heartleaf, Pigs
1654 - Hexastylis arifolia var. callifolia — Gulf Little Brown Jug
1655 - Hexastylis arifolia var. ruthii — Appalachian Little Brown Jug
1656 - Hexastylis contracta — Mountain Heartleaf
1657 - Hexastylis heterophylla — Variable-leaf Heartleaf
1658 - Hexastylis lewisii — Lewis's Heartleaf
1659 - Hexastylis minor — Little Heartleaf, Small Heartleaf Ginger
1660 - Hexastylis naniflora — Dwarf-flower Heartleaf
1661 - Hexastylis rhombiformis — French Broad Heartleaf, Carolina Heartleaf
1662 - Hexastylis shuttleworthii var. harperi — Harper's Heartleaf
1663 - Hexastylis shuttleworthii var. shuttleworthii — Large-flower Heartleaf, Wild Ginger
1664 - Hexastylis sorriei — Sandhill Heartleaf, Streamhead Heartleaf
1665 - Hexastylis speciosa — Alabama Heartleaf, Alabama Ginger
1666 - Hexastylis virginica — Virginia Heartleaf
1667 - Hibiscus aculeatus — Savanna Hibiscus, Comfort-root, Pineland Hibiscus
1668 - Hibiscus coccineus — Scarlet Rosemallow, Scarlet Hibiscus, Swamp Mallow
1669 - Hibiscus grandiflorus — Large-flowered Hibiscus, Swamp Rose Mallow, Swamp Hibiscus
1670 - Hibiscus laevis — Halberdleaf Rosemallow, Rose Hibiscus, Smooth Rosemallow, Showy Hibiscus
1671 - Hibiscus lasiocarpos — Western Rosemallow
1672 - Hibiscus moscheutos — Swamp Rosemallow, Eastern Rosemallow, Wild Cotton
1673 - Hibiscus syriacus — Rose-of-Sharon, Althea
1674 - Hibiscus trionum — Flower-of-an-hour, Venice Mallow, Bladder Ketmia
1675 - Hieracium ×flagellare var. flagellare — Whiplash Hawkweed
1676 - Hieracium aurantiacum — Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Orange King-devil
1677 - Hieracium caespitosum — Field Hawkweed, Yellow King-devil, Meadow Hawkweed
1678 - Hieracium gronovii — Hairy Hawkweed, Beaked Hawkweed
1679 - Hieracium marianum — Maryland Hawkweed
1680 - Hieracium paniculatum — Leafy Hawkweed, Panicled Hawkweed, Allegheny Hawkweed
1681 - Hieracium pilosella var. pilosella — Mouse-ear Hawkweed
1682 - Hieracium piloselloides — Glaucous King-devil, Smooth Hawkweed, Tall Hawkweed
1683 - Hieracium scabrum var. scabrum — Rough Hawkweed
1684 - Hieracium venosum — Rattlesnake Hawkweed, Rattlesnake Weed, Veiny Hawkweed
1685 - Holcus lanatus — Velvet-grass, Soft Grass
1686 - Holosteum umbellatum — Jagged Chickweed
1687 - Hordeum jubatum ssp. jubatum — Foxtail Barley, Squirreltail Barley
1688 - Hordeum pusillum — Little Barley
1689 - Hordeum vulgare — Barley
1690 - Hosta ventricosa — Blue Plantain-lily
1691 - Hottonia inflata — Featherfoil, Water-violet
1692 - Houstonia caerulea — Quaker Ladies, Common Bluet, Innocence, Azure Bluet
1693 - Houstonia canadensis — Canada Bluet
1694 - Houstonia longifolia — Eastern Longleaf Bluet
1695 - Houstonia longifolia — Narrowleaf Bluet, Diffuse-branched Bluet
1696 - Houstonia longifolia — Granite Dome Bluet
1697 - Houstonia micrantha — Southern Bluet
1698 - Houstonia procumbens — Creeping Bluet, Roundleaf Bluet, Trailing Bluet, Fairy-footprints
1699 - Houstonia purpurea var. calycosa — Lanceleaf Bluet, Midwestern Summer Bluet, Glade Mountain Houstonia, Venus's Pride
1700 - Houstonia purpurea var. montana — Roan Mountain Bluet
1701 - Houstonia purpurea var. purpurea — Summer Bluet, Mountain Bluet, Woodland Bluet, Purple Bluet
1702 - Houstonia pusilla — Tiny Bluet, Small Bluet
1703 - Houstonia rosea — Rose Bluet, Pygmy Bluet
1704 - Houstonia serpyllifolia — Thymeleaf Bluet, Appalachian Bluet, Prostrate Bluet, Marsh Bluet
1705 - Houttuynia cordata — Fishmint, Chameleon-plant, Fishleaf
1706 - Hudsonia ericoides — Northern Golden-heather
1707 - Hudsonia montana — Mountain Golden-heather
1708 - Hudsonia tomentosa var. tomentosa — Woolly Beach-heather
1709 - Humulus japonicus — Japanese Hops
1710 - Huperzia appalachiana — Appalachian Firmoss, Appalachian Fir-clubmoss
1711 - Huperzia lucidula — Shining Clubmoss, Shining Firmoss
1712 - Huperzia porophila — Rock Clubmoss, Rock Firmoss
1713 - Hyacinthoides non-scripta — English Bluebell
1714 - Hybanthus concolor — Eastern Green-violet
1715 - Hydrangea arborescens — Smooth Hydrangea, Sevenbark, Northern Wild Hydrangea
1716 - Hydrangea cinerea — Ashy Hydrangea, Southern Wild Hydrangea
1717 - Hydrangea quercifolia — Oakleaf Hydrangea
1718 - Hydrangea radiata — Snowy Hydrangea, Silverleaf Hydrangea
1719 - Hydrastis canadensis — Goldenseal
1720 - Hydrilla verticillata — Hydrilla
1721 - Hydrocharis morsus-ranae — European Frog's-bit
1722 - Hydrocleys nymphoides — Water-poppy
1723 - Hydrocotyle americana — American Water-pennywort
1724 - Hydrocotyle bonariensis — Dune Pennywort, Seaside Pennywort, Dune Water-pennywort, Largeleaf Pennywort
1725 - Hydrocotyle prolifera — Whorled Marsh-pennywort, Water-pennywort
1726 - Hydrocotyle ranunculoides — Swamp Water-pennywort, Floating Marsh-pennywort
1727 - Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides — Lawn Marsh-pennywort, Lawn Water-pennywort
1728 - Hydrocotyle umbellata — Marsh Water-pennywort, Manyflower Marsh-pennywort
1729 - Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata — Shield Marsh-pennywort, Whorled Marsh-pennywort
1730 - Hydrolea corymbosa — Tall Hydrolea, Skyflower
1731 - Hydrolea ovata — Ovate False Fiddleleaf, Blue Waterleaf, Hairy Hydrolea, Ovate Fiddleleaf
1732 - Hydrolea quadrivalvis — Waterpod
1733 - Hydrophyllum appendiculatum — Biennial Waterleaf, Great Waterleaf
1734 - Hydrophyllum canadense — Mapleleaf Waterleaf, Broadleaf Waterleaf, Canada Waterleaf, Bluntleaf Waterleaf
1735 - Hydrophyllum macrophyllum — Hairy Waterleaf, Largeleaf Waterleaf
1736 - Hydrophyllum virginianum var. atranthum — Appalachian Waterleaf
1737 - Hydrophyllum virginianum var. virginianum — Virginia Waterleaf, Eastern Waterfleaf
1738 - Hygrophila polysperma — East Indian Swampweed, East Indian Hygrophila, Miramar-weed, Hygro
1739 - Hylotelephium telephioides — Allegheny Live-forever, Cliff Orpine, Allegheny Stonecrop
1740 - Hymenocallis coronaria — Rocky-shoals Spiderlily, Catawba Spiderlily, Carolina Spiderlily, Cahaba Lily
1741 - Hymenocallis crassifolia — Carolina Spiderlily, Florida Spiderlily
1742 - Hymenocallis liriosme — Western Marsh Spiderlily, Louisiana Marsh Spiderlily
1743 - Hymenocallis occidentalis var. occidentalis — Hammock Spiderlily, Woodland Spiderlily, Northern Spiderlily
1744 - Hymenocallis pygmaea — Pygmy Spiderlily, Waccamaw Spiderlily, dwarf spiderlily
1745 - Hymenocallis rotata — Spring-run Spiderlily
1746 - Hymenopappus scabiosaeus var. scabiosaeus — Woolly-white, Southeastern Woollywhite, Old Plainsman
1747 - Hymenophyllum tayloriae — Gorge Filmy-fern, Taylor's Filmy-fern
1748 - Hymenophyllum tunbrigense — Tunbridge Filmy-fern, Tunbridge Fern
1749 - Hypericum adpressum — Creeping St. Johnswort, Bog St. Johnswort
1750 - Hypericum brachyphyllum — Shortleaf St. Johnswort
1751 - Hypericum buckleii — Granite Dome St. Johnswort, Mountain St. Johnswort, Buckley's St. Johnswort, Dwarf St. Johnswort
1752 - Hypericum calycinum — Aaron's Beard
1753 - Hypericum canadense — Canada St. Johnswort
1754 - Hypericum chapmanii — Apalachicola St. Johnswort, Tree St. Johnswort
1755 - Hypericum cistifolium — Roundpod St. Johnswort
1756 - Hypericum crux-andreae — St. Peter's-wort, St. Andrew's Cross, St. Peter's Cross
1757 - Hypericum densiflorum — Mountain Bushy St. Johnswort, Dense-flowered St. Johnswort
1758 - Hypericum densiflorum — Interior Bushy St. Johnswort
1759 - Hypericum denticulatum — Coppery St. Johnswort
1760 - Hypericum dolabriforme — Glade St. Johnswort
1761 - Hypericum drummondii — Drummond's St. Johnswort, Nits-and-lice
1762 - Hypericum fasciculatum — Peelbark St. Johnswort
1763 - Hypericum frondosum — Golden St. Johnswort, Cedar Glade St. Johnswort
1764 - Hypericum galioides — bedstraw St. Johnswort
1765 - Hypericum gentianoides — Pineweed, Orange-grass, Orangeweed
1766 - Hypericum graveolens — Mountain St. Johnswort
1767 - Hypericum harperi — Harper's St. Johnswort
1768 - Hypericum hypericoides ssp. hypericoides — St. Andrew's Cross
1769 - Hypericum hypericoides ssp. multicaule — Straggling St. Johnswort, Low St. Johnswort, Creeping St. Andrew's Cross
1770 - Hypericum lloydii — Lloyd's St. Johnswort, Sandhills St. Johnswort, Piedmont St. Johnswort
1771 - Hypericum lobocarpum — Five-lobe St. Johnswort, Interior St. Johnswort
1772 - Hypericum microsepalum — Flatwoods St. Johnswort
1773 - Hypericum mitchellianum — Blue Ridge St. Johnswort
1774 - Hypericum mutilum — Common Dwarf St. Johnswort
1775 - Hypericum myrtifolium — Myrtleleaf St. Johnswort
1776 - Hypericum nitidum — Sandweed St. Johnswort
1777 - Hypericum nudiflorum — Early St. Johnswort, Naked St. Johnswort, Streamside St. Johnswort
1778 - Hypericum nudiflorum — early St. Johnswort
1779 - Hypericum perforatum — European St. Johnswort, Common St. Johnswort, Klamath-weed
1780 - Hypericum prolificum — Shrubby St. Johnswort
1781 - Hypericum punctatum — Spotted St. Johnswort
1782 - Hypericum radfordiorum — Radford's St. Johnswort, Brushy Mountain St. Johnswort
1783 - Hypericum setosum — Hairy St. Johnswort
1784 - Hypericum sphaerocarpum — Barrens St. Johnswort, Roundfruit St. John's-wort
1785 - Hypericum suffruticosum — Pineland St. Johnswort
1786 - Hypericum tenuifolium — Sandhill St. Johnswort, Atlantic St. Johnswort
1787 - Hypericum tetrapetalum — Low St. Peter's-wort
1788 - Hypericum virgatum — Strict St. Johnswort, Sharpleaf St. Johnswort
1789 - Hypochaeris brasiliensis var. tweediei — Brazilian Cat's-ear
1790 - Hypochaeris glabra — Smooth Cat's-ear
1791 - Hypochaeris radicata — Hairy Cat's-ear, Spotted Cat's-ear, Cat's Ear Dandelion
1792 - Hypolepis repens — Creeping Bramble Fern
1793 - Hypoxis curtissii — Swamp Stargrass, Curtiss’s Stargrass
1794 - Hypoxis hirsuta — Yellow Stargrass, Hairy Yellow Stargrass, Common Stargrass, Upland Stargrass
1795 - Hypoxis juncea — Fringed Stargrass
1796 - Hypoxis wrightii — Bristleseed Stargrass, Pineland Stargrass
1797 - Hyptis alata — Musky Mint, Cluster Bushmint
1798 - Hyptis mutabilis — Tropical Bushmint
1799 - Ilex ambigua — Carolina Holly
1800 - Ilex amelanchier — Sarvis Holly
1801 - Ilex cassine var. cassine — Dahoon, Cassena, Dahoon Holly
1802 - Ilex collina — Long-stalked Holly, Cherry Holly
1803 - Ilex coriacea — Sweet Gallberry, Big Gallberry, Large Gallberry
1804 - Ilex cornuta — Chinese Holly, Burford Holly
1805 - Ilex crenata — Japanese Holly
1806 - Ilex cuthbertii — Cuthbert Holly
1807 - Ilex decidua — Possumhaw, Possumhaw Holly
1808 - Ilex decidua — Suwanee Possumhaw, Curtiss's Holly
1809 - Ilex glabra — Inkberry, Bitter Gallberry, Little Gallberry
1810 - Ilex laevigata — Smooth Winterberry
1811 - Ilex longipes — Georgia Holly, Chapman's Holly
1812 - Ilex montana — Mountain Holly, Mountain Winterberry
1813 - Ilex mucronata — Catberry, Nemopanthus
1814 - Ilex myrtifolia — Myrtle Holly, Myrtle-leaved Holly
1815 - Ilex opaca var. opaca — American Holly, Christmas Holly
1816 - Ilex verticillata — Downy Winterberry, "Black Alder"
1817 - Ilex vomitoria — Yaupon Holly, Yaupon
1818 - Illicium floridanum — Florida Star-anise, Florida Anise-tree, Stinkbush
1819 - Illicium parviflorum — Swamp Star-anise, Yellow Anise-tree, Ocala Anise-tree
1820 - Impatiens capensis — Spotted Jewelweed, Spotted Touch-me-not, Orange Jewelweed, Orange Touch-me-not
1821 - Impatiens glandulifera — Ornamental Jewelweed, Himalayan Balsam, Himalaya Touch-me-not, Indian Balsam
1822 - Impatiens pallida — Pale Jewelweed, Pale Touch-me-not, Yellow Jewelweed, Yellow Touch-me-not
1823 - Imperata brasiliensis — Brazilian Satintail
1824 - Imperata cylindrica — Cogongrass, Bloodroot Grass, Brazilian Satintail
1825 - Indigofera caroliniana — Carolina Indigo, Wild Indigo
1826 - Indigofera hirsuta — Hairy Indigo, Rough-hairy Indigo
1827 - Indigofera suffruticosa — West Indian Indigo
1828 - Indigofera tinctoria — African Indigo, True Indigo
1829 - Inula helenium — Elecampane, elecampane inula
1830 - Iodanthus pinnatifidus — Purple Rocket
1831 - Ionactis linariifolius — Stiffleaf Aster, Flaxleaf Aster, Spruce Aster
1832 - Ipomoea aquatica — Water-spinach, Swamp Morning Glory
1833 - Ipomoea batatas — Sweet Potato
1834 - Ipomoea coccinea — Small Red Morning Glory, Scarlet Creeper
1835 - Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. cordatotriloba — Coastal Morning Glory, Tie-vine, Cotton Morning Glory
1836 - Ipomoea hederacea — Ivyleaf Morning Glory
1837 - Ipomoea hederifolia — Scarlet Creeper
1838 - Ipomoea imperati — Fiddleleaf Morning Glory, Beach Morning Glory
1839 - Ipomoea lacunosa — Small White Morning Glory, Small-flowered Morning Glory, Whitestar
1840 - Ipomoea macrorhiza — Indian Midden Morning Glory, Largeroot Morning Glory, Manroot, Pink Moonvine
1841 - Ipomoea pandurata — Manroot, Wild Potato Vine, Man-of-the-earth, Wild Sweet Potato
1842 - Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. brasiliensis — Railroad Vine, Bay Hops, Bay Winders, Goat's-foot
1843 - Ipomoea purpurea — Common Morning Glory
1844 - Ipomoea quamoclit — Cypress-vine
1845 - Ipomoea sagittata — Saltmarsh Morning Glory
1846 - Ipomoea triloba — Little-bell
1847 - Ipomopsis rubra — Standing-cypress, Spanish-larkspur
1848 - Iris brevicaulis — Short-stemmed Iris, Lamance Iris, Zigzag Iris
1849 - Iris cristata — Dwarf Crested Iris
1850 - Iris fulva — Copper Iris, Red Flag
1851 - Iris germanica — German Iris, Fleur-de-Lys
1852 - Iris giganticaerulea — Giant Blue Iris
1853 - Iris hexagona var. hexagona — Dixie Iris, Anglepod Blue Flag
1854 - Iris hexagona var. savannarum — Prairie Iris
1855 - Iris prismatica — Slender Blue Flag, Slender Blue Iris
1856 - Iris pseudacorus — Yellow Flag, Water Flag, Yellow Iris
1857 - Iris sanguinea — Japanese Iris
1858 - Iris sibirica — Siberian Iris
1859 - Iris tridentata — Bay Blue-flag Iris, Flag, Savannah Iris
1860 - Iris verna var. smalliana — Upland Dwarf Iris, Upland Dwarf Violet Iris
1861 - Iris verna var. verna — Coastal Plain Dwarf Iris, Sandhill Iris, Coastal Plain Violet Iris
1862 - Iris versicolor — Northern Blue Flag, Larger Blue Flag, Poison Flag, harlequin blueflag
1863 - Iris virginica var. shrevei — Shreve's iris, Shreve's Blue Flag iris
1864 - Iris virginica var. virginica — Southern Blue Flag
1865 - Isoetes appalachiana — Appalachian Quillwort
1866 - Isoetes boomii — Boom's Quillwort
1867 - Isoetes engelmannii — Engelmann's Quillwort, Appalachian Quillwort
1868 - Isoetes georgiana — Georgia Quillwort
1869 - Isoetes hyemalis — Wintergreen Quillwort, Winter Quillwort, evergreen quillwort
1870 - Isoetes junciformis — Rush Quillwort
1871 - Isoetes melanopoda — Eastern Blackfoot Quillwort
1872 - Isoetes melanopoda — Blackfoot Quillwort
1873 - Isoetes melanospora — Black-spored Quillwort
1874 - Isoetes piedmontana — Piedmont Quillwort
1875 - Isoetes riparia var. riparia — Riverbank Quillwort, Shore Quillwort
1876 - Isoetes tegetiformans — Mat-forming Quillwort, Merlin's Grass, Mat-forming Melin's grass
1877 - Isoetes valida — Mountain Quillwort, Carolina Quillwort, Strong Quillwort
1878 - Isoetes virginica — Virginia Quillwort
1879 - Isolepis carinata — Keeled Bulrush
1880 - Isotria medeoloides — Small Whorled Pogonia, Little Five-leaves
1881 - Isotria verticillata — Large Whorled Pogonia, Large Five-leaves
1882 - Itea virginica — Virginia Sweetspire, Virginia-willow
1883 - Iva annua — Sumpweed, Rough Marsh-elder, Annual Marsh-elder
1884 - Iva frutescens — Southern Maritime Marsh-elder, Southern Bigleaf Marsh-elder
1885 - Iva frutescens — Northern Maritime Marsh-elder
1886 - Iva imbricata — Seashore Elder, Dune Marsh-elder, Seacoast Marsh-elder
1887 - Jacquemontia tamnifolia — Common Jacquemontia, Hairy Clustervine, Tie Vine, Smallflower Morning Glory
1888 - Jamesianthus alabamensis — Alabama Warbonnet
1889 - Jasminum nudiflorum — Winter Jasmine
1890 - Jeffersonia diphylla — Twinleaf
1891 - Juglans cinerea — Butternut, White Walnut
1892 - Juglans nigra — Black Walnut
1893 - Juncus acuminatus — Tapertip Rush, Sharp-fruited Rush
1894 - Juncus canadensis — Canadian Rush
1895 - Juncus coriaceus — Leathery Rush
1896 - Juncus dichotomus — Forked Rush
1897 - Juncus effusus var. solutus — Soft Rush, Common Rush
1898 - Juncus georgianus — Georgia Rush, Flatrock Rush
1899 - Juncus gymnocarpus — Seep Rush, Beaked Rush, Pennsylvania Rush
1900 - Juncus marginatus — Grassleaf Rush
1901 - Juncus megacephalus — Large-headed Rush, Bighead Rush
1902 - Juncus repens — Creeping Rush
1903 - Juncus roemerianus — Black Needle Rush
1904 - Juncus secundus — Lopsided Rush, Secund Rush
1905 - Juncus subcaudatus var. subcaudatus — Somewhat-tailed Rush, Woodland Rush, Short-tailed Rush
1906 - Juncus tenuis — Path Rush, Poverty Rush, Slender Rush
1907 - Juncus trigonocarpus — Redpod Rush
1908 - Juniperus communis var. depressa — Ground Juniper, Mountain Juniper, Common Juniper
1909 - Juniperus virginiana var. silicicola — Southern Red Cedar, Coastal Red Cedar
1910 - Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana — Eastern Red Cedar
1911 - Justicia americana — American Water-willow
1912 - Justicia angusta — Pineland Water-willow, Narrowleaf Water-willow
1913 - Justicia crassifolia — thickleaf water-willow
1914 - Justicia ovata var. ovata — Coastal Plain Water-willow, Looseflower Water-willow
1915 - Kallstroemia maxima — Greater Caltrop
1916 - Kalmia angustifolia — Northern Sheepkill, Sheep Laurel, Lamb-kill
1917 - Kalmia carolina — Southern Sheepkill, Carolina Wicky, Carolina Sheep Laurel, Carolina Bog Myrtle
1918 - Kalmia cuneata — White Wicky
1919 - Kalmia hirsuta — Hairy Wicky, Kalmiella
1920 - Kalmia latifolia — Mountain Laurel, Ivy, Calico-bush, Mountain Ivy
1921 - Kalopanax septemlobus — Castor Aralia
1922 - Kerria japonica — Kerria, Japanese-rose
1923 - Koelreuteria paniculata — Golden Rain-tree
1924 - Kosteletzkya virginica — Southern Seashore Mallow, Seashore Marshmallow, Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow, Fen-rose
1925 - Krameria lanceolata — Trailing Ratany, Sandspur, Prairie-bur, Trailing Krameria
1926 - Krigia biflora var. biflora — Orange Dwarf-dandelion, Two-flower Dwarf-dandelion, Two-flower Cynthia, Twin-flowered Cynthia
1927 - Krigia caespitosa — Opposite-leaf Dwarf-dandelion
1928 - Krigia dandelion — Colonial Dwarf-dandelion, Potato Dwarf-dandelion
1929 - Krigia montana — Mountain Dwarf-dandelion, Mountain Cynthia
1930 - Krigia virginica — Virginia Dwarf-dandelion
1931 - Kummerowia stipulacea — Korean-clover, Korean Lespedeza
1932 - Kummerowia striata — Japanese-clover, Common Lespedeza, Annual Lespedeza
1933 - Kyllinga brevifolia — Perennial Greenhead Sedge, Greenhead Flatsedge
1934 - Kyllinga gracillima — Asiatic Greenhead Sedge, Pasture Flatsedge
1935 - Kyllinga odorata — Whitehead Sedge, Fragrant Spikesedge
1936 - Kyllinga pumila — Annual Greenhead Sedge, Low Spikesedge
1937 - Kyllinga squamulata — Crested Greenhead Sedge, Asian Spikesedge
1938 - Lachnanthes caroliana — Carolina Redroot
1939 - Lachnocaulon anceps — Common Bogbuttons, Savanna Bogbuttons, Whitehead Bogbutton
1940 - Lachnocaulon beyrichianum — Southern Bogbuttons
1941 - Lachnocaulon minus — Brown Bogbutton
1942 - Lactuca biennis — Tall Blue Lettuce, Blue Wood Lettuce
1943 - Lactuca canadensis — American Wild Lettuce, Canada Lettuce
1944 - Lactuca floridana var. floridana — Woodland Lettuce
1945 - Lactuca graminifolia var. graminifolia — Coastal Plain Lettuce, Slender Wild Lettuce, Grassleaf Lettuce
1946 - Lactuca hirsuta var. sanguinea — Red Wood Lettuce, Downy Lettuce, Hairy Lettuce
1947 - Lactuca saligna — Willowleaf Lettuce
1948 - Lactuca sativa — Garden Lettuce
1949 - Lactuca serriola — Prickly Lettuce
1950 - Lagarosiphon major — African Elodea, oxygen-weed, South African oxygen weed
1951 - Lagerstroemia indica — Crape-myrtle
1952 - Lamium amplexicaule — Henbit, Henbit Deadnettle
1953 - Lamium maculatum — Spotted Deadnettle
1954 - Lamium purpureum var. purpureum — Purple Deadnettle, Red Deadnettle, Purple Archangel
1955 - Landoltia punctata — Dotted Duckmeat
1956 - Lantana camara — Common Lantana, Hedgeflower
1957 - Lantana depressa var. floridana — Florida Lantana, East Florida Lantana
1958 - Lantana montevidensis — Trailing Shrub-verbena, Polecat-geranium, Trailing Lantana
1959 - Lantana urticoides — Texas Lantana, Hierba De Cristo, West Indies Shrub-verbena
1960 - Laportea aestuans — West Indian Wood-nettle
1961 - Laportea canadensis — Canada Wood-nettle
1962 - Lapsana communis — Nipplewort
1963 - Larix decidua — European Larch
1964 - Larix laricina — Eastern Tamarack, Eastern Larch
1965 - Lathyrus hirsutus — Caley Pea, Singletary Pea
1966 - Lathyrus latifolius — Everlasting Pea, Perennial Sweet Pea
1967 - Lathyrus odoratus — Sweet Pea
1968 - Lathyrus sylvestris — Perennial Pea, Narrowleaf Everlasting Pea, Flat Peavine
1969 - Lathyrus venosus — Wood Pea, Forest Pea, Bush Vetch, Veiny Pea
1970 - Leavenworthia exigua var. exigua — Tennessee Gladecress, Least Glade-cress
1971 - Leavenworthia uniflora — Michaux's Glade-cress
1972 - Lechea deckertii — Deckert's Pinweed
1973 - Lechea mucronata — Hairy Pinweed
1974 - Lechea racemulosa — Racemose Pinweed, Appalachian Pinweed, Oblong-fruit Pinweed
1975 - Lechea tenuifolia — Narrowleaf Pinweed
1976 - Leersia lenticularis — Catchfly Cutgrass, Oatmeal Grass
1977 - Leersia oryzoides — Rice Cutgrass
1978 - Leersia virginica — White Cutgrass, Whitegrass, Virginia Cutgrass
1979 - Leiophyllum buxifolium — Sand-myrtle, Mountain Myrtle
1980 - Leitneria floridana — Florida Corkwood
1981 - Lemna perpusilla — Tiny Duckweed, Small Duckweed, Minute Duckweed
1982 - Leonurus cardiaca ssp. cardiaca — Motherwort, Lion's-tail
1983 - Lepidium campestre — Cow Cress, Field Pepperwort, Field Cress, Field Pepperweed
1984 - Lepidium latifolium — Broadleaf Pepper-grass, Dittander
1985 - Lepidium virginicum var. virginicum — Poor Man's Pepper, Peppergrass
1986 - Leptochloa dubia — Green Sprangletop
1987 - Leptochloa panicea ssp. brachiata — Red Sprangletop
1988 - Leptochloa panicea ssp. mucronata — Red Spangletop
1989 - Lespedeza ×nuttallii [hirta × violacea] — lespedeza hybrid
1990 - Lespedeza angustifolia — Narrow-leaved Lespedeza, Narrowleaf Bush-clover
1991 - Lespedeza bicolor — Bicolor Lespedeza, Bicolor, Shrubby Lespedeza
1992 - Lespedeza capitata — Round-headed Lespedeza, Roundhead Bush-clover, Silvery Bush-clover
1993 - Lespedeza cuneata — Sericea Lespedeza, Chinese Lespedeza, Sericea
1994 - Lespedeza frutescens — Violet Lespedeza, Shrubby Bush-clover
1995 - Lespedeza hirta + — Hairy Bush-clover, Hairy Lespedeza, Silvery Lespedeza
1996 - Lespedeza procumbens — Downy Trailing Lespedeza, Trailing Bush-clover
1997 - Lespedeza repens — Smooth Trailing Lespedeza, Creeping Lespedeza, Creeping Bush-clover
1998 - Lespedeza stuevei — Velvety Lespedeza, Stueve's Bush-clover, Tall Lespedeza
1999 - Lespedeza thunbergii — Thunberg's Lespedeza, Thunberg's Bush-clover
2000 - Lespedeza violacea — Wand Lespedeza, Wandlike Bush-clover, Violet Bush-clover
2001 - Lespedeza virginica — Virginia Lespedeza, Slender Lespedeza, Virginia Bush-clover, Slender Bush-clover
2002 - Leucaena leucocephala — White Leadtree, Leucaena, Jumbie-bean, Hairy Leadtree
2003 - Leucanthemum vulgare — Oxeye Daisy, Common Daisy
2004 - Leucojum aestivum ssp. aestivum — Summer Snowflake
2005 - Leucothoe axillaris — Coastal Doghobble
2006 - Leucothoe fontanesiana — Mountain Doghobble, Highland Doghobble, Switch-ivy
2007 - Liatris aspera var. intermedia — Rough Blazing-star
2008 - Liatris chapmanii — Chapman's Blazing-star
2009 - Liatris cokeri — Sandhill Blazing-star
2010 - Liatris elegans var. elegans — Common Elegant Blazing-star
2011 - Liatris elegans var. kralii — Kral's Elegant Blazing-star
2012 - Liatris garberi — Garber’s Blazing-star
2013 - Liatris gracilis — Slender Blazing-star
2014 - Liatris helleri — Smooth Blazing-star, Heller's Blazing-star
2015 - Liatris microcephala — Narrowleaf Blazing-star, Smallhead Blazing-star
2016 - Liatris patens — Georgia Blazing-star, Georgia gayfeather
2017 - Liatris pauciflora — Sandhill Blazing-star, One-sided Blazing-star, Lax Blazing-star
2018 - Liatris pilosa — Grassleaf Blazing-star, Shaggy Blazing-star
2019 - Liatris pycnostachya — Prairie Blazing-star
2020 - Liatris scariosa var. scariosa — Northern Blazing-star
2021 - Liatris spicata var. resinosa — Dense Blazing-star, Bog Blazing-star
2022 - Liatris spicata var. spicata — Dense Blazing-star, Mountain Blazing-star, Florist's Gayfeather, Dense Gayfeather
2023 - Liatris squarrosa var. squarrosa — Scaly Blazing-star, Squarrose Gayfeather, Longbracted Blazing-star
2024 - Liatris squarrulosa — Southern Blazing-star, Earle's Blazing-star, Appalachian Blazing-star
2025 - Liatris tenuifolia var. tenuifolia — Shortleaf Blazing-star, Shortleaf Gayfeather, Slender Blazing-star
2026 - Liatris virgata — Wand Blazing-star
2027 - Licania michauxii — Gopher-apple, Ground-oak
2028 - Ligusticum canadense — American Lovage
2029 - Ligustrum amurense — Amur Privet
2030 - Ligustrum japonicum — Japanese Privet
2031 - Ligustrum lucidum — Glossy Privet, Broadleaf Privet
2032 - Ligustrum obtusifolium — Border Privet
2033 - Ligustrum ovalifolium — California Privet
2034 - Ligustrum quihoui — Waxyleaf Privet
2035 - Ligustrum sinense — Chinese Privet, "privy hedge"
2036 - Ligustrum vulgare — European Privet, Common Privet
2037 - Lilaeopsis carolinensis — Carolina Lilaeopsis, Carolina Grasswort, Carolina Strapwort
2038 - Lilaeopsis chinensis — Marsh Lilaeopsis, Eastern Grasswort, Tidal Strapwort, Fiddler-crab Turf
2039 - Lilium canadense ssp. canadense — Canada Lily
2040 - Lilium catesbaei — Pine Lily, Catesby's Lily, Leopard Lily
2041 - Lilium formosanum — Formosa Lily, Taiwanese Lily
2042 - Lilium grayi — Gray's Lily, Roan Lily
2043 - Lilium iridollae — Sandhills Lily, Sandhills Bog Lily, Fire Lily
2044 - Lilium lancifolium — Tiger Lily
2045 - Lilium longiflorum — Easter Lily, November Lily
2046 - Lilium michauxii — Carolina Lily, Michaux’s Lily
2047 - Lilium michiganense — Michigan Lily
2048 - Lilium philadelphicum var. philadelphicum — Eastern Wood Lily, Appalachian Wood Lily
2049 - Lilium philippinense — Philippine Lily
2050 - Lilium superbum — Turk's-cap Lily, Lily-royal, Superb Lily
2051 - Limnobium spongia — American Frogsbit, Spongeplant
2052 - Limnophila sessiliflora — Asian Marshweed
2053 - Limonium carolinianum — Carolina Sea-lavender, Seaside Thrift, Inkroot, Marsh Rosemary
2054 - Linaria dalmatica ssp. dalmatica — Dalmation Toadflax
2055 - Linaria purpurea — Purple Toadflax
2056 - Linaria vulgaris — Butter-and-eggs, Yellow Toadflax, Wild-snapdragon
2057 - Lindera benzoin — Northern Spicebush, Wild Allspice
2058 - Lindera melissifolia — Southern Spicebush, Pondberry
2059 - Lindera subcoriacea — Bog Spicebush, Streamhead Spicebush
2060 - Lindernia dubia var. dubia — Yellowseed False Pimpernel
2061 - Lindernia monticola — Flatrock Pimpernel, Riverbank Pimpernel, False Pimpernel, Piedmont Pimpernel
2062 - Lindernia monticola — Riverbank Pimpernel
2063 - Linum floridanum var. chrysocarpum — Yellow-fruited Yellow Flax, Florida yellow flax
2064 - Linum floridanum var. floridanum — Florida Yellow Flax, Savanna Flax
2065 - Linum intercursum — Bicknell's Yellow Flax, Sandplain Flax
2066 - Linum medium var. texanum — Texas Yellow Flax, Stiff Yellow Flax, Spreading Flax, Texas Flax
2067 - Linum striatum — Ridgestem Yellow Flax, Ridged Yellow Flax
2068 - Linum usitatissimum — Common Flax, Cultivated Flax, Linaza
2069 - Linum virginianum — Virginia Yellow Flax, Woodland Flax
2070 - Liparis liliifolia — Lily-leaf Twayblade, Large Twayblade, Purple Twayblade, Brown Wide-lip Orchid
2071 - Liparis loeselii — Fen Orchid, Bog Twayblade, Loesel's Twayblade, Yellow Wide-lip Orchid
2072 - Lipocarpha micrantha — Smallflower Halfchaff
2073 - Liquidambar styraciflua — Sweetgum
2074 - Liriodendron tulipifera — Tulip-tree, Yellow Poplar, Whitewood
2075 - Liriodendron tulipifera — Coastal Plain Tulip-tree, Southern Yellow Poplar
2076 - Liriope graminifolia — Grassleaf Lily-turf, Liriope
2077 - Liriope muscari — Liriope, Big Blue Lily-turf
2078 - Liriope spicata — Creeping Lily-turf, Liriope
2079 - Listera australis — Southern Twayblade
2080 - Listera smallii — Kidneyleaf Twayblade, Appalachian Twayblade, Small's Twayblade
2081 - Lithospermum canescens — Hoary Puccoon, Indian-paint
2082 - Lithospermum caroliniense var. caroliniense — Coastal Plain Puccoon, Hairy Puccoon, Sandhill Puccoon
2083 - Lithospermum latifolium — American Gromwell, Broadleaf Gromwell, Broadleaf Puccoon
2084 - Lithospermum tuberosum — Southern Stoneseed
2085 - Litsea aestivalis — Pondspice
2086 - Lobelia amoena var. amoena — Southern Lobelia
2087 - Lobelia amoena var. glandulifera — Georgia Lobelia, southern lobelia
2088 - Lobelia boykinii — Boykin's Lobelia
2089 - Lobelia canbyi — Canby’s Lobelia
2090 - Lobelia cardinalis — Cardinal Flower
2091 - Lobelia elongata — Purple Lobelia, Streamside Lobelia, Longleaf Lobelia
2092 - Lobelia flaccidifolia — Fold-ear Lobelia
2093 - Lobelia floridana — Florida Lobelia
2094 - Lobelia glandulosa — Savanna Lobelia, Glade Lobelia
2095 - Lobelia inflata — Indian-tobacco, Pukeweed
2096 - Lobelia nuttallii — Nuttall's Lobelia
2097 - Lobelia paludosa — White Lobelia
2098 - Lobelia puberula var. puberula — Downy Lobelia, Hairy Lobelia
2099 - Lobelia siphilitica var. siphilitica — Great Blue Lobelia
2100 - Lobelia spicata var. spicata — Pale Spiked Lobelia, Palespike Lobelia
2101 - Lobularia maritima — Sweet Alyssum, Seet Alison
2102 - Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum — Italian Ryegrass, Annual Ryegrass
2103 - Lolium perenne ssp. perenne — English Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass
2104 - Lolium temulentum ssp. temulentum — Darnel Ryegrass, Darnel
2105 - Lonicera ×bella [morrowii × tatarica] — Bell's Honeysuckle, Pretty Honeysuckle, Showy Honeysuckle
2106 - Lonicera canadensis — American Fly-honeysuckle
2107 - Lonicera dioica — Smooth Honeysuckle, Mountain Coral Honeysuckle, Limber Honeysuckle
2108 - Lonicera flava — Yellow Honeysuckle
2109 - Lonicera fragrantissima — Sweet-breath-of-spring, Winter Honeysuckle
2110 - Lonicera japonica — Japanese Honeysuckle
2111 - Lonicera maackii — Amur Bush-honeysuckle, Amur Honeysuckle
2112 - Lonicera morrowii — Morrow's Honeysuckle
2113 - Lonicera sempervirens — Coral Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Scarlet Honeysuckle, Woodbine
2114 - Lonicera standishii — Standish's Honeysuckle
2115 - Lonicera tatarica — Tatarian Honeysuckle
2116 - Lonicera xylosteum — European Fly-honeysuckle, Dwarf Honeysuckle
2117 - Lophiola aurea — Goldencrest
2118 - Lotus corniculatus — Birdsfoot-trefoil, Eggs-and-Bacon
2119 - Lotus tenuis — Narrowleaf Birdsfoot-trefoil, Slender Birdsfoot-trefoil
2120 - Lotus unifoliolatus var. helleri — Carolina Prairie-trefoil
2121 - Ludwigia alternifolia — Alternate-leaf Seedbox, Bushy Seedbox
2122 - Ludwigia arcuata — Pondshore Seedbox, piedmont primrose-willow, Needleleaf Ludwigia
2123 - Ludwigia bonariensis — South American Seedbox
2124 - Ludwigia brevipes — Long Beach Seedbox, Coastal Plain Water-purslane
2125 - Ludwigia decurrens — Wingstem Water-primrose, Wingleaf Primrose-willow
2126 - Ludwigia grandiflora ssp. grandiflora — Showy Water-primrose, Large-flower Water-primrose
2127 - Ludwigia grandiflora ssp. hexapetala — Common Water-primrose
2128 - Ludwigia hirtella — Rafinesque's Seedbox, Spindleroot, Hairy Seedbox
2129 - Ludwigia leptocarpa — Water-willow, Primrose Willow, Anglestem Primrose-willow
2130 - Ludwigia linearis — Narrowleaf Seedbox, Slender Seedbox
2131 - Ludwigia maritima — Harper's Seedbox, Seaside Seedbox
2132 - Ludwigia octovalvis — Mexican Primose-willow
2133 - Ludwigia palustris — Common Water-purslane, Marsh Purslane, Marsh Seedbox
2134 - Ludwigia pilosa — Hairy Seedbox
2135 - Ludwigia repens — Creeping Seedbox
2136 - Ludwigia spathulata — Southern Water-purslane
2137 - Ludwigia sphaerocarpa — Globe-fruited Seedbox
2138 - Ludwigia suffruticosa — Shrubby Seedbox
2139 - Ludwigia virgata — Savanna Seedbox, Slender Seedbox
2140 - Lunaria annua — Money Plant, Annual Honesty, Silver-dollar Plant
2141 - Lupinus angustifolius — Narrowleaf Lupine
2142 - Lupinus diffusus — Blue Sandhill Lupine, Sky-blue Lupine
2143 - Lupinus perennis ssp. gracilis — Southern Sundial Lupine
2144 - Lupinus perennis ssp. perennis var. perennis — Northern Sundial Lupine
2145 - Lupinus villosus — Lady Lupine, Pink Sandhill Lupine
2146 - Luzula acuminata ssp. acuminata — Hairy Woodrush
2147 - Luzula acuminata ssp. carolinae — Carolina Woodrush, Southern Hairy Woodrush
2148 - Luzula bulbosa — Bulbous Woodrush
2149 - Luzula echinata — Hedgehog Woodrush, Spreading Woodrush
2150 - Luzula multiflora ssp. multiflora var. multiflora — Common Woodrush
2151 - Lychnis coronaria — Rose Campion, Mullein-pink
2152 - Lychnis flos-cuculi — Ragged Robin
2153 - Lycium barbarum — Common Matrimony-vine, Wolfberry, Goji Berry
2154 - Lycium carolinianum var. carolinianum — Christmas-berry, Carolina Matrimony-vine
2155 - Lycium chinense — Chinese Matrimony-vine, Wolfberry, Goji Berry, Chinese Boxthorn
2156 - Lycopodiella alopecuroides — Foxtail Clubmoss, Foxtail Bog-clubmoss
2157 - Lycopodiella appressa — Southern Bog-clubmoss
2158 - Lycopodiella caroliniana var. caroliniana — Carolina Bog-clubmoss, Slender Clubmoss
2159 - Lycopodiella caroliniana var. caroliniana — Florida Bog Clubmoss
2160 - Lycopodiella cernua var. cernua — Nodding Clubmoss, Staghorn Clubmoss
2161 - Lycopodiella prostrata — Featherstem Clubmoss, Prostrate Bog-clubmoss
2162 - Lycopodium annotinum — Stiff Clubmoss, Bristly Clubmoss
2163 - Lycopodium clavatum — Staghorn Clubmoss, Running Clubmoss, Ground-pine
2164 - Lycopodium dendroideum — Prickly Tree-clubmoss, Round-branch Clubmoss, Tree Ground-pine
2165 - Lycopodium digitatum — Southern Ground-cedar, Common Running-cedar, Fan Ground-pine, Running Ground-pine
2166 - Lycopodium hickeyi — Hickey's Tree-clubmoss, Pennsylvania Ground-pine
2167 - Lycopodium obscurum — Flat-branched Tree-clubmoss, Common Ground-pine
2168 - Lycopodium tristachyum — Blue Ground-cedar, Blue Running-cedar
2169 - Lycopus ×sherardii [uniflorus × virginicus] — bugleweed, water horehound
2170 - Lycopus americanus — American Bugleweed, Water Horehound
2171 - Lycopus cokeri — Coker's Bugleweed, Carolina Bugleweed
2172 - Lycopus rubellus — Stalked Bugleweed, Taperleaf Bugleweed
2173 - Lycopus uniflorus var. uniflorus — Northern Bugleweed
2174 - Lycopus virginicus — Virginia Bugleweed, Virginia water horehound
2175 - Lycoris radiata — Red Spider Lily, Hurricane Lily, Surprise Lily, Naked Ladies
2176 - Lygodesmia aphylla — Rose-rush, Flowering Straw, Florida Skeletonplant
2177 - Lygodium japonicum — Japanese Climbing Fern
2178 - Lygodium microphyllum — Old World Climbing Fern, Small-leaf Climbing Fern
2179 - Lygodium palmatum — American Climbing Fern
2180 - Lyonia ferruginea — Rusty Lyonia, Staggerbush, Dragonwood, Crookedwood
2181 - Lyonia fruticosa — Staggerbush, Poor-grub
2182 - Lyonia ligustrina var. foliosiflora — Southern Maleberry, He-huckleberry
2183 - Lyonia ligustrina var. ligustrina — Northern Maleberry, He-huckleberry
2184 - Lyonia lucida — Shining Fetterbush, Lyonia, Hemleaf
2185 - Lyonia mariana — Staggerbush, Large-flowered Fetterbush
2186 - Lysimachia asperulifolia — Pocosin Loosestrife, "Roughleaf Loosestrife"
2187 - Lysimachia ciliata — Fringed Loosestrife
2188 - Lysimachia clethroides — Gooseneck Loosestrife
2189 - Lysimachia fraseri — Fraser's Loosestrife
2190 - Lysimachia graminea — Grassleaf Yellow-loosestrife
2191 - Lysimachia hybrida — Lowland Loosestrife
2192 - Lysimachia lanceolata — Lanceleaf Loosestrife
2193 - Lysimachia loomisii — Carolina Loosestrife, Loomis's Loosestrife
2194 - Lysimachia nummularia — Moneywort, Creeping Jenny, Creeping Charlie
2195 - Lysimachia punctata — Spotted Loosestrife, Dotted Loosestrife, Large Loosestrife
2196 - Lysimachia quadriflora — Prairie Loosestrife, Four-flower Loosestrife, Smooth Loosestrife
2197 - Lysimachia quadrifolia — Whorled Loosestrife
2198 - Lysimachia terrestris — Swamp Candles, Bog-candles, Bog Loosestrife
2199 - Lysimachia tonsa — Southern Loosestrife, Appalachian Loosestrife
2200 - Lysimachia vulgaris — Garden Loosestrife
2201 - Lythrum alatum var. alatum — Northern Winged Loosestrife
2202 - Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum — Southern Winged Loosestrife
2203 - Lythrum salicaria — Purple Loosestrife
2204 - Macbridea caroliniana — Carolina Birds-in-a-nest, Carolina Macbridea, Carolina Bogmint
2205 - Macfadyena unguis-cati — Claw-vine, Cat's-claw-vine
2206 - Maclura pomifera — Osage-orange, Hedge-apple, Bow-wood
2207 - Macroptilium lathyroides — Phasey Bean, Wild Bushbean
2208 - Macrothelypteris torresiana — Mariana Maiden-fern, Swordfern, False Maiden-fern
2209 - Magnolia acuminata — Cucumber Magnolia, Cucumber-tree
2210 - Magnolia acuminata — Piedmont Cucumber Magnolia, Yellow Cucumber-tree, Showy Cucumber Magnolia
2211 - Magnolia ashei — Ashe's Magnolia
2212 - Magnolia fraseri — Fraser Magnolia, Mountain Magnolia, Earleaf Umbrella-tree, Umbrella Tree
2213 - Magnolia grandiflora — Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay
2214 - Magnolia macrophylla — Bigleaf Magnolia, Large-leaved Magnolia, Umbrella Tree
2215 - Magnolia pyramidata — Pyramid Magnolia
2216 - Magnolia tripetala — Umbrella Magnolia, Umbrella-tree
2217 - Magnolia virginiana — Sweetbay, Sweetbay Magnolia, Swampbay
2218 - Mahonia bealei — Leatherleaf Mahonia, Chinese Mahonia, Holly-grape
2219 - Mahonia nervosa — Cascade Oregon-grape, Cascades Mahonia
2220 - Mahonia repens — Creeping Oregon-grape
2221 - Maianthemum canadense — Canada Mayflower, "False Lily-of-the-valley", "Wild Lily-of-the-valley"
2222 - Maianthemum racemosum ssp. racemosum — False Solomon's Seal, Eastern Solomon's Plume, May-plume
2223 - Maianthemum stellatum — Starry Solomon's Plume, Starflower, Starry Solomon's Seal
2224 - Malaxis bayardii — Appalachian Adder's-mouth
2225 - Malaxis spicata — Florida Adder's-mouth
2226 - Malaxis unifolia — Green Adder's-mouth
2227 - Malus angustifolia — Southern Crabapple, Wild Crabapple
2228 - Malus baccata — Siberian Crabapple
2229 - Malus coronaria — Sweet Crabapple, Wild Crabapple
2230 - Malus pumila — Common Apple
2231 - Malva moschata — Marsh Mallow, Musk Mallow, Rose Mallow
2232 - Malva neglecta — Common Mallow, Cheeses
2233 - Malva sylvestris — High Mallow, Common Mallow, Cheeses
2234 - Malvaviscus arboreus var. arboreus — Wax Mallow
2235 - Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii — Wax Mallow, Turk's-cap Mallow
2236 - Malvaviscus penduliflorus — Turk’s-cap Mallow, Mazapan
2237 - Manfreda virginica — Eastern Agave, Eastern False-aloe, Rattlesnake-master, American Aloe
2238 - Marshallia caespitosa — Barbara's-buttons, Seep Marshallia
2239 - Marshallia graminifolia var. cynanthera — Grassleaf Barbara's-buttons, Gulf Coast Barbara's-buttons
2240 - Marshallia graminifolia var. graminifolia — Grassleaf Barbara's-buttons
2241 - Marshallia grandiflora — Blue Ridge Barbara's-buttons, Large-flowered Barbara's-buttons, Monongahela Barbara's-buttons, Appalachian Barbara's-buttons
2242 - Marshallia legrandii — Oak Barrens Barbara's-buttons
2243 - Marshallia mohrii — Coosa Barbara's-buttons
2244 - Marshallia obovata var. obovata — Piedmont Barbara's-buttons, Spoon-leaved Barbara's-buttons, Spoon-shaped Barbara's-buttons
2245 - Marshallia obovata var. scaposa — Sandhill Marshallia, Savanna Barbara's-buttons, Spoon-shaped Barbara's-buttons
2246 - Marshallia ramosa — Pineland Barbara's-buttons, Southern Barbara's-buttons
2247 - Marshallia trinervia — Colonial Barbara's-buttons, Broadleaf Barbara's-buttons
2248 - Marsilea macropoda — Golden Waterclover, Big-footed Waterclover
2249 - Marsilea minuta — Dwarf Waterclover, Small Waterclover
2250 - Marsilea mutica — Australian Waterclover, Nardoo
2251 - Marsilea quadrifolia — European Waterclover, European Pepperwort, European Water Shamrock
2252 - Matelea alabamensis — Alabama Milkvine, Alabama Spinypod
2253 - Matelea carolinensis — Carolina Spinypod, Climbing Milkweed, Climbing Milkvine, Maroon Carolina Milkvine
2254 - Matelea decipiens — Deceptive Spinypod
2255 - Matelea flavidula — Yellow Spinypod, Yellow Carolina Milkvine
2256 - Matelea floridana — Florida Milkvine
2257 - Matelea gonocarpos — Eastern Anglepod
2258 - Matelea obliqua — Northern Spinypod, Limerock Milkvine, Climbing Milkvine
2259 - Matelea pubiflora — Trailing Milkvine, Sandhill Spinypod
2260 - Matricaria discoidea — Pineapple-weed, Rayless Chamomile
2261 - Mayaca fluviatilis — Stream Bogmoss
2262 - Mayaca fluviatilis — Aublet's Bogmoss
2263 - Mazus miquelii — Creeping Mazus, Miquel's Mazus
2264 - Mazus pumilus — Japanese Mazus
2265 - Mecardonia acuminata var. acuminata — Mecardonia, Common Axilflower
2266 - Medeola virginiana — Indian Cucumber-root
2267 - Medicago arabica — Spotted Medick, Spotted Bur-clover
2268 - Medicago lupulina — Black Medick, Yellow Trefoil
2269 - Medicago polymorpha — Toothed Medick, Smooth Bur-clover
2270 - Medicago sativa ssp. sativa — Alfalfa, Lucerne, Blue Alfalfa
2271 - Meehania cordata — Meehania, Meehan's Mint
2272 - Melaleuca quinquenervia — Paperbark Tree, Melaleuca, Punktree, Cajeput Tree
2273 - Melampyrum lineare — Cow-wheat
2274 - Melanthera angustifolia — Prairie Black-anthers, Everglades squarestem
2275 - Melanthera nivea — Snowy Black-anthers, Snow Squarestem
2276 - Melia azedarach — Chinaberry, Pride-of-India
2277 - Melica mutica — Two-flower Melicgrass
2278 - Melilotus indicus — Small Melilot, Sourclover, Indian Sweetclover, Alfalfilla
2279 - Melilotus officinalis — White Sweetclover, White Melilot
2280 - Melilotus officinalis — Yellow Sweetclover, Yellow Melilot, Ribbed Melilot
2281 - Melinis repens — Rose Natalgrass, Creeping Molasses-grass
2282 - Melissa officinalis — Lemon Balm
2283 - Melochia corchorifolia — Chocolate-weed
2284 - Melochia spicata — Bretonica-peluda
2285 - Melothria pendula var. pendula — Creeping Cucumber
2286 - Menispermum canadense — Moonseed, Yellow Parilla
2287 - Mentha ×gracilis [arvensis × spicata] — Small-leaved Mint
2288 - Mentha ×piperita [aquatica × spicata] — Peppermint
2289 - Mentha ×rotundifolia [longifolia × suaveolens] — Round-leaved Mint, Apple Mint
2290 - Mentha arvensis — Canada Mint, Field Mint, Wild Mint
2291 - Mentha spicata — Spearmint
2292 - Menyanthes trifoliata — Buckbean, Bogbean
2293 - Menziesia pilosa — Minniebush
2294 - Mertensia virginica — Virginia Bluebells, Virginia Cowslip
2295 - Mespilus canescens — Stern's Medlar, Stearn's Medlar
2296 - Mespilus germanica — European Medlar
2297 - Micranthemum umbrosum — Shade Mudflower
2298 - Microstegium vimineum — Japanese Stiltgrass, Japanese-grass, Nepalese Browntop, Nepal Grass
2299 - Microthlaspi perfoliatum — Perfoliate Pennycress, Thoroughwort Pennycress
2300 - Mikania cordifolia — Heartleaf Climbing Hempweed
2301 - Mikania scandens — Climbing Hempweed
2302 - Mimosa microphylla — Littleleaf Sensitive-briar, Eastern Sensitive-briar
2303 - Mimosa quadrivalvis var. floridana — Florida Sensitive-briar, Powderpuff Mimosa
2304 - Mimosa strigillosa — Mimosa Vine, Sensitive Vine, Powderpuff Mimosa, Vergonzosa
2305 - Mimulus alatus — Winged Monkeyflower, Sharpwing Monkeyflower
2306 - Mimulus ringens var. ringens — Allegheny Monkeyflower, Square-stemmed Monkeyflower
2307 - Minuartia caroliniana — Carolina Sandwort, Longroot, Pine-barren Sandwort
2308 - Minuartia glabra — Appalachian Sandwort
2309 - Minuartia godfreyi — Godfrey's Sandwort
2310 - Minuartia groenlandica — Mountain Sandwort, Greenland Sandwort
2311 - Minuartia patula — Lime-barren Sandwort, Glade Sandwort
2312 - Minuartia uniflora — Piedmont Sandwort, One-flower Sandwort
2313 - Mirabilis jalapa — Garden Four-o'clock, Marvel-of-Peru, Morning-rose
2314 - Mirabilis nyctaginea — Heart-leaved Umbrella-wort, Heartleaf Four-o’clock
2315 - Miscanthus sacchariflorus — Amur Silvergrass, Amur Plumegrass
2316 - Miscanthus sinensis — Chinese Silvergrass, Eulalia
2317 - Mitchella repens — Partridgeberry, Twinflower
2318 - Mitella diphylla — Two-leaved Miterwort, Bishop's Cap
2319 - Mitracarpus hirtus — Girdle-pod
2320 - Mitreola petiolata — Caribbean Miterwort, Lax Hornpod
2321 - Mitreola sessilifolia — Small-leaved Miterwort, Swamp Hornpod
2322 - Mitreola sessilifolia — Narrow-leaved Miterwort
2323 - Modiola caroliniana — Carolina Bristlemallow, Bristly-mallow, Carolina Mallow
2324 - Mollugo verticillata — Carpetweed, Indian-chickweed, Green Carpetweed
2325 - Momordica charantia — Balsam-pear, Balsam-apple, Bitter Melon
2326 - Monarda citriodora ssp. citriodora var. citriodora — Lemon Bergamot, Lemon Mint
2327 - Monarda clinopodia — Basil Bergamot, Basil Beebalm, White Bergamot, Basil Balm
2328 - Monarda didyma — Scarlet Beebalm, Oswego Tea
2329 - Monarda fistulosa + — Wild Bergamot
2330 - Monarda media — Purple Beebalm, Purple Bergamot
2331 - Monarda punctata ssp. punctata var. punctata — Eastern Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm
2332 - Monochoria vaginalis — Monochoria, heartshape false pickerelweed
2333 - Monotropa hypopitys — Eastern Pinesap
2334 - Monotropa hypopitys — Appalachian Red Pinesap, Hairy Pinesap
2335 - Monotropa uniflora — Indian Pipes, Ghost-flower, Common Ghost Pipes
2336 - Monotropa uniflora — Southern Ghost Pipes, Scrub Ghost-flower
2337 - Monotropsis odorata — Appalachian Pygmy Pipes, Sweet Pinesap
2338 - Montia linearis — Narrow-leaved Montia, Narrowleaf Miner's-lettuce
2339 - Morella caroliniensis — Pocossin Bayberry, Evergreen Bayberry, Swamp Candleberry, Southern Bayberry
2340 - Morella cerifera — Common Wax-myrtle, Southern Bayberry
2341 - Morella cerifera — Dwarf Wax-myrtle, Dwarf Bayberry
2342 - Morella inodora — Scentless Bayberry, Odorless Bayberry
2343 - Morella pensylvanica — Northern Bayberry
2344 - Morus alba — White Mulberry, Silkworm Mulberry, Russian Mulberry
2345 - Morus rubra var. rubra — Red Mulberry
2346 - Mosla dianthera — Miniature Beefsteak-plant, Mosla
2347 - Muhlenbergia capillaris — Pink Muhlygrass, Upland Muhly, Hair-awn Muhly, Hairgrass
2348 - Muhlenbergia expansa — Savannah Hairgrass, Cut-over Muhly
2349 - Muhlenbergia filipes — Dune Hairgrass, Sweetgrass
2350 - Muhlenbergia mexicana — Hairy Wirestem Muhly, Mexican Muhly
2351 - Muhlenbergia schreberi — Nimblewill
2352 - Muhlenbergia sylvatica — Woodland Muhly
2353 - Muhlenbergia tenuiflora — Slender Muhly
2354 - Murdannia keisak — Murdannia, Asian Spiderwort, Marsh Dewflower, Wart-removing Herb
2355 - Murdannia nudiflora — Doveweed, Naked-stem Dewflower
2356 - Muscari botryoides — Compact Grape-hyacinth
2357 - Muscari neglectum — Starch Grape-hyacinth, Blue Bottles
2358 - Myosotis arvensis — Field Forget-me-not, Field Scorpion-grass
2359 - Myosotis discolor — Yellow-and-blue Scorpion-grass, Changing Forget-me-not
2360 - Myosotis laxa — Smaller Forget-me-not, Marsh Forget-me-not, Tufted Forget-me-not
2361 - Myosotis macrosperma — Bigseed Forget-me-not, Scorpion-grass, Largeseed Forget-me-not
2362 - Myosotis scorpioides — Water Scorpion-grass, True Forget-me-not
2363 - Myosotis stricta — Blue Scorpion-grass
2364 - Myosotis verna — Spring Forget-me-not, Early Forget-me-not, Early Scorpion-grass
2365 - Myosoton aquaticum — Water-chickweed, Giant Chickweed, Water Mouse-ear
2366 - Myosurus minimus — Mousetail
2367 - Myrica gale — Sweet-gale
2368 - Myriophyllum aquaticum — Parrot-feather
2369 - Myriophyllum heterophyllum — Southern Water-milfoil, Variable-leaf Water-milfoil
2370 - Myriophyllum laxum — Loose Water-milfoil, Sandhills Milfoil, Lax Water-milfoil, Piedmont Water-milfoil
2371 - Myriophyllum sibiricum — Common Water-milfoil
2372 - Myriophyllum spicatum — Eurasian Water-milfoil
2373 - Myriophyllum verticillatum — Whorled Water-milfoil
2374 - Najas filifolia — Narrowleaf Naiad, needleleaf waternymph
2375 - Najas gracillima — Slender Naiad, Slender Waternymph, Bushy Naiad
2376 - Najas guadalupensis ssp. guadalupensis — Southern Naiad, Southern Waternymph, Common Naiad
2377 - Najas minor — Spinyleaf Naiad, Brittle Waternymph
2378 - Nama jamaicense — Jamaica Weed, Fiddleleaf, Fiddleleaf Nama
2379 - Nandina domestica — Nandina, Heavenly-bamboo, Sacred-bamboo
2380 - Narcissus ×incomparabilis [poeticus × pseudonarcissus] — Nonesuch Daffodil
2381 - Narcissus ×intermedius [jonquilla × tazetta] — Star Daffodil, Star Jonquil
2382 - Narcissus ×medioluteus [poeticus × tazetta] — Two-flower Narcissus, Twin-sisters, Primrose-peerless
2383 - Narcissus ×odorus [jonquilla × pseudonarcissus] — Campernelle Jonquil, Sweet-scented Jonquil
2384 - Narcissus jonquilla — Jonquil, Apodanthus Daffodil
2385 - Narcissus papyraceus — Paperwhite Daffodil, Paperwhite Narcissus
2386 - Narcissus poeticus — Poet's Narcissus, Pheasant's-eye Daffodil
2387 - Narcissus pseudonarcissus — Common Daffodil, Trumpet Narcissus
2388 - Narcissus tazetta — Bunch-flowered Daffodil, Cream Narcissus
2389 - Nassella trichotoma — Serrated Tussockgrass, Nassella Tussock, Yass River Tussock
2390 - Nasturtium microphyllum — Narrow-fruited Watercress, One-row Yellowcress
2391 - Nasturtium officinale — Watercress
2392 - Nekemias arborea — Peppervine
2393 - Nelumbo lutea — Yonkapin, American Lotus-lily, Yellow Nelumbo, Pond-nuts
2394 - Nelumbo nucifera — Sacred-lotus, Oriental Lotus-lily, Pink Lotus
2395 - Nemophila aphylla — Baby Blue Eyes, Small-flower Baby-blue-eyes, White Nemophila, Eastern Baby-blue-eyes
2396 - Nepeta cataria — Catnip, Catmint
2397 - Nephrolepis cordifolia — Narrow Sword Fern, Tuber Sword Fern, Fishbone Fern, Ladder Fern
2398 - Nerium oleander — Oleander
2399 - Nestronia umbellula — Nestronia, Conjurer's-nut, Leechbush, Indian-olive
2400 - Neviusia alabamensis — Alabama Snow-wreath, Neviusia
2401 - Nicandra physalodes — Apple-of-Peru, Shoo-fly-plant
2402 - Nolina georgiana — Georgia Beargrass, Sandhill Lily
2403 - Nothoscordum bivalve — False Garlic, Grace Garlic
2404 - Nuphar lutea ssp. advena — Spatterdock, Broadleaf Pondlily, Cow-lily, Yellow Pond Lily
2405 - Nuphar lutea ssp. sagittifolia — Narrowleaf Pondlily, Cow-lily, Spatterdock, Bonnets
2406 - Nuttallanthus canadensis — Oldfield Toadflax, Common Toadflax, Canada Toadflax
2407 - Nuttallanthus texanus — Texas Toadflax
2408 - Nymphaea elegans — Tropical Blue Water-lily
2409 - Nymphaea mexicana — Yellow Water-lily, Banana Water-lily
2410 - Nymphaea odorata ssp. odorata — Fragrant White Water-lily, American Water-lily, Sweet Water-lily, White Water-lily
2411 - Nymphoides aquatica — Big Floating Heart, Banana Floating Heart
2412 - Nymphoides cordata — Little Floating Heart
2413 - Nymphoides cristata — Crested Floating Heart, Water Snowflake
2414 - Nymphoides peltata — Yellow Floating Heart
2415 - Nyssa aquatica — Water Tupelo, Cotton Gum, Tupelo Gum
2416 - Nyssa biflora — Swamp Tupelo, Swamp Blackgum, Swamp Gum, Water Gum
2417 - Nyssa ogeche — Ogeechee Tupelo, Ogeechee Lime, Ogeechee Plum
2418 - Nyssa sylvatica — Blackgum, Black Tupelo, Sour Gum
2419 - Nyssa ursina — Bear Tupelo, Apalachicola Tupelo
2420 - Obolaria virginica — Pennywort, Virginia Pennywort
2421 - Oclemena acuminata — Whorled Nodding-aster, Whorled Wood-aster, Whorled Aster, Floral Wood Aster
2422 - Oclemena reticulata — Pine-barren Aster, Whitetop Aster
2423 - Oenanthe javanica — Water Celery, Water Parsley, Java Dropwort, Seri
2424 - Oenothera argillicola — Shale-barren Evening Primrose, Shale Evening Primrose
2425 - Oenothera biennis — Common Evening-primrose
2426 - Oenothera drummondii — Beach Evening Primrose, Drummond's Evening Primrose
2427 - Oenothera filipes — Threadstalk Gaura, Slenderstalk Beeblossom
2428 - Oenothera fruticosa ssp. fruticosa — Narrowleaf Sundrops
2429 - Oenothera fruticosa ssp. fruticosa — Riverbank Evening Primrose, Riverbank Sundrops
2430 - Oenothera fruticosa ssp. fruticosa — Coastal Sundrops
2431 - Oenothera fruticosa ssp. tetragona — Northern Sundrops, Appalachian Sundrops
2432 - Oenothera fruticosa ssp. tetragona — Glaucous Sundrops
2433 - Oenothera fruticosa ssp. tetragona — Blue Ridge Sundrops
2434 - Oenothera gaura — Biennial Gaura, Northeastern Gaura, Morning Honeysuckle, Biennial Beeblossom
2435 - Oenothera humifusa — Dunes Evening Primrose, Seabeach Evening Primrose, Spreading Evening Primrose
2436 - Oenothera laciniata — Cutleaf Evening Primrose
2437 - Oenothera linifolia — Threadleaf Sundrops, Flaxleaf Sundrops
2438 - Oenothera nutans — Nodding Evening-primrose
2439 - Oenothera perennis — Little Sundrops, Small Sundrops
2440 - Oenothera simulans — Southeastern Gaura, Southern Bee-blossom
2441 - Oenothera speciosa — Showy Evening Primrose, White Evening Primrose, Pink-ladies, Pink Evening Primrose
2442 - Oenothera triloba — Stemless Evening Primrose
2443 - Oldenlandia boscii — Bosc's Bluet
2444 - Oldenlandia corymbosa — Diamond-flower, Flattop Mille-graines
2445 - Oldenlandia uniflora — Oldenlandia, Clustered Bluet
2446 - Oligoneuron album — Prairie Goldenrod, White Prairie-goldenrod, Upland White Aster
2447 - Oligoneuron riddellii — Riddell's Goldenrod
2448 - Oligoneuron rigidum var. glabratum — Southeastern Stiff Goldenrod, Southeastern Bold Goldenrod
2449 - Oligoneuron rigidum var. rigidum — Midwestern Stiff Goldenrod, Hard-leaved Goldenrod, Midwestern Bold Goldenrod, Stiff-leaved Goldenrod
2450 - Onoclea sensibilis — Sensitive Fern, Bead Fern
2451 - Onosmodium bejariense var. occidentale — Western Marbleseed
2452 - Onosmodium virginianum — Virginia Marbleseed, Virginia False Gromwell, Pineland Marbleseed
2453 - Ophioglossum crotalophoroides — Bulbous Adder's-tongue, Dwarf Adder's Tongue
2454 - Ophioglossum engelmannii — Engelmann's Adder's-tongue, Limestone Adder's-tongue
2455 - Ophioglossum nudicaule — Slender Adder's-tongue
2456 - Ophioglossum petiolatum — Longstem Adder's-tongue, Stalked Adder's-tongue Fern, Longstem Adder's-tongue
2457 - Ophioglossum vulgatum — Southern Adder's-tongue
2458 - Ophiopogon japonicus — Mondo Grass, Black Mondo, Monkeygrass
2459 - Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. setarius — Shortleaf Basketgrass, Woods-grass, Bristle Basketgrass
2460 - Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. undulatifolius — Wavyleaf Basketgrass
2461 - Opuntia humifusa — Eastern Prickly-pear
2462 - Opuntia humifusa — Common Eastern Prickly-pear
2463 - Opuntia humifusa — Eastern Prickly-pear
2464 - Opuntia humifusa — Southern Prickly-pear
2465 - Opuntia monacantha — South American Prickly-pear, Common Prickly-pear, Drooping Prickly-pear
2466 - Opuntia pusilla — Dune Prickly-pear, Dune Devil-joint, Devils-joint Cactus, Little Prickly-pear
2467 - Opuntia stricta — Coastal Prickly-pear, Shell Midden Prickly-pear, Erect Prickly-pear
2468 - Opuntia stricta — Coastal Prickly-pear, Shell Midden Prickly-pear, Yaaxpakan, Erect Prickly-pear
2469 - Orbexilum lupinellum — Lupine Scurfpea, Sandhill Scurfpea, Lupine Leatherroot
2470 - Orbexilum onobrychis — Lanceleaf Scurfpea, Sainfoin, French-grass
2471 - Orbexilum pedunculatum var. pedunculatum — Western Sampson's-snakeroot
2472 - Orbexilum pedunculatum var. psoralioides — Eastern Sampson's-snakeroot
2473 - Orbexilum virgatum — Pineland Leatherroot, Slender Leatherroot, Pineland Scurfpea
2474 - Origanum vulgare — Wild Marjoram, Oregano
2475 - Ornithogalum nutans — Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem
2476 - Ornithogalum umbellatum — Garden Star-of-Bethlehem, Snowflake, Nap-at-noon
2477 - Orobanche minor — Lesser Broomrape, Small Broomrape, Hellroot
2478 - Orobanche ramosa — Branching Broomrape, Hemp Broomrape, Branched Broomrape
2479 - Orobanche uniflora — One-flowered Cancer-root, One-flowered Broomrape, Ghostpipe
2480 - Orontium aquaticum — Golden Club, Never-wet, Bog Torches
2481 - Oryza sativa — Rice, Asian Rice
2482 - Osmanthus americanus var. americanus — Devilwood, Wild Olive
2483 - Osmanthus fragrans — Fragrant Tea Olive
2484 - Osmorhiza claytonii — Bland Sweet Cicely, Hairy Sweet Cicely
2485 - Osmorhiza longistylis — Aniseroot, Smooth Sweet Cicely, Longstyle Sweet-cicely
2486 - Osmunda cinnamomea var. cinnamomea — Cinnamon Fern
2487 - Osmunda claytoniana — Interrupted Fern
2488 - Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis — American Royal Fern
2489 - Ostrya virginiana — American Hop-hornbeam, Ironwood, Eastern Hop-hornbeam, Leverwood
2490 - Ottelia alismoides — Duck-lettuce
2491 - Oxalis corniculata — Creeping Lady's-sorrel
2492 - Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa — pink woodsorrel
2493 - Oxalis dillenii — Southern Yellow Wood-sorrel, Slender Yellow Wood-sorrel
2494 - Oxalis dillenii — Flowering Yellow Wood-sorrel
2495 - Oxalis grandis — Large Wood-sorrel, Great Yellow Wood-sorrel
2496 - Oxalis montana — Mountain Wood-sorrel, American Wood-sorrel, Wood Shamrock, White Wood-sorrel
2497 - Oxalis priceae ssp. colorea — Small's wood-sorrel, Tufted Yellow Wood-sorrel, (NOT Sadie Price’s Yellow Wood-sorrel)
2498 - Oxalis priceae ssp. priceae — Sadie Price’s Yellow Wood-sorrel
2499 - Oxalis rubra — Windowbox Wood-sorrel
2500 - Oxalis stricta — Common Yellow Wood-sorrel
2501 - Oxalis violacea — Violet Wood-sorrel
2502 - Oxycaryum cubense — Cuban-bulrush
2503 - Oxydendrum arboreum — Sourwood, Sorrel-tree
2504 - Oxypolis canbyi — Canby's Cowbane, Canby's Dropwort
2505 - Oxypolis filiformis — Water Dropwort, Water Cowbane
2506 - Oxypolis rigidior — Cowbane, Pig-potato, Stiff Cowbane
2507 - Oxypolis ternata — Savanna Cowbane
2508 - Pachysandra procumbens — Allegheny-spurge, Mountain Pachysandra
2509 - Pachysandra terminalis — Pachysandra, Japanese-spurge
2510 - Packera anonyma — Small's Ragwort, Squaw-weed, Appalachian Ragwort
2511 - Packera aurea — Golden Ragwort, Heartleaf Ragwort, Golden Groundsel
2512 - Packera glabella — Butterweed, Smooth Ragwort, Smooth Groundsel, Yellowtop
2513 - Packera millefolium — Blue Ridge Ragwort, Yarrowleaf Ragwort, Divided-leaf Ragwort, Blue Ridge Groundsel
2514 - Packera obovata — Roundleaf Ragwort, Roundleaf Groundsel, Spatulate-leaved Ragwort, Running Ragwort
2515 - Packera paupercula — Balsam Groundsel, Balsam Ragwort, Northern Meadow Groundsel
2516 - Packera paupercula — Bog Ragwort, Crawford's Groundsel, Crawford’s Ragwort
2517 - Packera plattensis — Appalachian Ragwort, Appalachian Groundsel
2518 - Packera schweinitziana — Robbins' Ragwort, New England Ragwort, New England Groundsel, Schweinitz's Ragwort
2519 - Packera serpenticola — Buck Creek Ragwort, Serpentine Ragwort, Rattlesnake Groundsel, Buck Creek Groundsel
2520 - Packera tomentosa — Woolly Ragwort, Woolly Groundsel, Woolly Goldenwort
2521 - Paederia foetida — Skunkvine
2522 - Panax quinquefolius — American Ginseng, Sang
2523 - Panax trifolius — Dwarf Ginseng
2524 - Panicum amarum var. amarulum — Southern Seabeach Grass, Bitter Panicgrass
2525 - Panicum amarum var. amarum — Seaside Panicum, Bitter Seabeach Grass, Bitter Panicgrass, Bitter Seaside Panic-grass
2526 - Panicum anceps — Beaked Panicum, Beaked Panicgrass
2527 - Panicum anceps — Small Beaked Panicum, Small Beaked Panicgrass
2528 - Panicum capillare — Old-witch Panicgrass, Tickle Grass, Tumbleweed
2529 - Panicum dichotomiflorum var. dichotomiflorum — Fall Panicum, Fall Panicgrass, Spreading Panicgrass
2530 - Panicum flexile — Wiry Panicgrass
2531 - Panicum philadelphicum — Woodland Panicgrass
2532 - Panicum repens — Torpedo Grass
2533 - Panicum rigidulum var. elongatum — Tall Flat Panicgrass, Stalked Panicgrass
2534 - Panicum rigidulum var. rigidulum — Redtop Panicgrass
2535 - Panicum rigidulum var. rigidulum — Dense Panicgrass
2536 - Panicum tenerum — Southeastern Panicgrass
2537 - Panicum virgatum var. virgatum — Switchgrass, Prairie Switchgrass
2538 - Panicum virgatum var. virgatum — Blunt Switchgrass, Savanna Panicgrass, Blunt Panicgrass
2539 - Papaver dubium — Long-headed Poppy, Blind Eyes
2540 - Papaver rhoeas — Corn Poppy, Field Poppy, Red Poppy, Flanders Poppy
2541 - Papaver somniferum — Opium Poppy, Breadseed Poppy
2542 - Parapholis incurva — Curved Sickle-grass, Hard Grass, Thin-tail
2543 - Parietaria floridana — Florida Pellitory
2544 - Parkinsonia aculeata — Jerusalem Thorn, Crown-of-Thorns, Horse-bean, Mexican Palo Verde
2545 - Parnassia asarifolia — Kidneyleaf Grass-of-Parnassus, Appalachian Grass-of-Parnassus, Brook Parnassia, Appalachian Parnassia
2546 - Parnassia caroliniana — Carolina Grass-of-Parnassus, Savanna Parnassia, Eyebright
2547 - Parnassia grandifolia — Bigleaf Grass-of-Parnassus, Limeseep Parnassia
2548 - Paronychia argyrocoma — Silverling, Silver Whitlow-wort, Silvery Nailwort
2549 - Paronychia canadensis — Forked Chickweed, Canada Whitlow-wort, Smooth Forked Nailwort
2550 - Paronychia montana — Mountain Nailwort, Shale-barren Whitlow-wort
2551 - Paronychia virginica — Yellow Nailwort, Virginia Whitlow-wort
2552 - Parthenium auriculatum — Glade Wild Quinine
2553 - Parthenium hysterophorus — Santa Maria, Feverfew
2554 - Parthenium integrifolium var. integrifolium — Common Wild Quinine
2555 - Parthenium integrifolium var. mabryanum — Sandhill Wild Quinine, Mabry's Wild Quinine, Carolina Wild Quinine
2556 - Parthenocissus quinquefolia — Virginia Creeper
2557 - Parthenocissus vitacea — Thicket Creeper, Woodbine
2558 - Paspalidium geminatum var. paludivagum — Alligator Grass, Paspalidium, Kissimmee Grass
2559 - Paspalum bifidum — Pitchfork Paspalum, Pitchfork Crowngrass
2560 - Paspalum conjugatum — Sour Paspalum
2561 - Paspalum dilatatum — Dallis-grass
2562 - Paspalum floridanum — Florida Paspalum, Big Paspalum
2563 - Paspalum fluitans — Water Paspalum, Horsetail Crowngrass
2564 - Paspalum laeve — Field Crowngrass, Field Paspalum
2565 - Paspalum laeve — Field Crowngrass, Field Paspalum
2566 - Paspalum notatum var. saurae — Bahia-grass
2567 - Paspalum praecox — Early Crowngrass
2568 - Paspalum quadrifarium — Tussock Paspalum
2569 - Paspalum scrobiculatum — Ricegrass Paspalum, Indian Paspalum
2570 - Paspalum setaceum — Fringeleaf Paspalum, thin paspalum
2571 - Paspalum setaceum — thin paspalum
2572 - Paspalum urvillei — Vasey Grass
2573 - Paspalum vaginatum — Sand Knotgrass, Seashore Crowngrass
2574 - Passiflora incarnata — Purple Passionflower, Maypop
2575 - Passiflora lutea — Yellow Passionflower, Little Passionflower
2576 - Pastinaca sativa — Parsnip
2577 - Paulownia tomentosa — Princess Tree, Empress Tree, Royal Paulownia
2578 - Paxistima canbyi — Canby's Mountain Lover, Ratstripper, Cliff-green
2579 - Pectis prostrata — spreading chinchweed
2580 - Pedicularis canadensis ssp. canadensis — Wood-betony, Eastern Lousewort, Fernleaf, Canadian Lousewort
2581 - Pedicularis lanceolata — Swamp Lousewort, Swamp Wood-betony
2582 - Pediomelum canescens — Buckroot, Eastern Prairie-turnip, Hoary Scurfpea, Pineland-turnip
2583 - Pediomelum piedmontanum — Piedmont Buckroot, Dixie Mountain Breadroot
2584 - Pediomelum subacaule — Nashville Breadroot
2585 - Pellaea atropurpurea — Purple Cliffbrake
2586 - Pellaea ternifolia ssp. arizonica — Arizona Cliffbrake
2587 - Pellaea wrightiana — Wright's Cliffbrake
2588 - Peltandra sagittifolia — White Arrow-arum, White Arum, Spoonflower
2589 - Peltandra virginica — Green Arrow-arum, Tuckahoe
2590 - Pennisetum alopecuroides — Chinese Fountaingrass, Black Fountaingrass, Foxtail Fountaingrass
2591 - Pennisetum ciliare — Buffelgrass
2592 - Pennisetum glaucum — Pearl Millet
2593 - Pennisetum setaceum — Tender Fountaingrass
2594 - Penstemon australis — Downy Beardtongue, Sandhill Beardtongue, Southern Beardtongue, Southeastern Beardtongue
2595 - Penstemon calycosus — Longsepal Beardtongue
2596 - Penstemon canescens — Appalachian Beardtongue, Gray's Beardtongue, Eastern Gray Beardtongue
2597 - Penstemon digitalis — Foxglove Beardtongue, Tall White Beardtongue, Smooth Beardtongue
2598 - Penstemon dissectus — Georgia Beardtongue, Grit Beardtongue
2599 - Penstemon hirsutus — Northeastern Beardtongue, Hairy Beardtongue
2600 - Penstemon laevigatus — Smooth Beardtongue, Eastern Beardtongue, Eastern Smooth Beardtongue
2601 - Penstemon multiflorus — Manyflower Beardtongue
2602 - Penstemon pallidus — Pale Beardtongue, Eastern White Beardtongue
2603 - Penstemon smallii — Small's Beardtongue, Blue Ridge Beardtongue
2604 - Pentalinon luteum — Wild Allamanda, Hammock Viper's-tail
2605 - Penthorum sedoides — Ditch-stonecrop, American Penthorum, Marsh-stonecrop
2606 - Peperomia pellucida — Pepper-elder, Man-to-man, Rat-ear
2607 - Perilla frutescens — Beefsteak-plant, Perilla
2608 - Periploca graeca — Silkvine
2609 - Persea borbonia — Upland Redbay, Tisswood
2610 - Persea palustris — Swamp Redbay, Swamp Bay
2611 - Petunia ×atkinsiana [axillaris × integrifolia] — Garden Petunia
2612 - Phacelia bipinnatifida — Fernleaf Phacelia, Purple Phacelia, Forest Phacelia
2613 - Phacelia covillei — Coville's Phacelia, Eastern Buttercup Phacelia
2614 - Phacelia dubia var. dubia — Appalachian Phacelia, Smallflower Phacelia, Small-flowered Scorpion Weed
2615 - Phacelia dubia var. georgiana — Georgia Phacelia
2616 - Phacelia fimbriata — Fringed Phacelia, Blue Ridge Phacelia
2617 - Phacelia maculata — Spotted Phacelia, Flatrock Phacelia
2618 - Phacelia purshii — Miami-mist
2619 - Phalaris arundinacea — Reed Canarygrass, Ribbongrass
2620 - Phalaris canariensis — Canarygrass, Birdseed Grass
2621 - Phanopyrum gymnocarpon — Swamp Phanopyrum, Savanna Phanopyrum, Savanna Panicgrass
2622 - Phaseolus polystachios var. polystachios — Wild Bean, Wild Kidney Bean, Thicket Bean
2623 - Phaseolus polystachios var. sinuatus — Sandhill Bean, Trailing Wild Bean
2624 - Phegopteris connectilis — Northern Beech Fern
2625 - Phegopteris hexagonoptera — Broad Beech Fern
2626 - Phellodendron japonicum — Amur Cork-tree, Northern Cork-tree, Japanese Cork-tree
2627 - Phemeranthus mengesii — Menges' Fameflower, Large-flowered Fameflower, Menges' Rock-pink, Large-flowered Rock-pink
2628 - Phemeranthus mengesii — Piedmont Rock-pink, Piedmont Fameflower
2629 - Phemeranthus teretifolius — Appalachian Fameflower, Appalachian Rock-pink, Rock Portulaca, Quill Fameflower
2630 - Philadelphus coronarius — European Mock-orange, Sweet Mock-orange
2631 - Philadelphus hirsutus — Hairy Mock-orange, Cumberland Mock-orange
2632 - Philadelphus inodorus — Appalachian Mock-orange, Scentless Mock-orange
2633 - Philadelphus pubescens var. intectus — Ozark Mock-orange, Hairy Mock-orange
2634 - Philydrum lanuginosum — Woolly Frogsmouth, Frogmouth, Woolly Waterlily
2635 - Phlebodium aureum — Goldfoot Fern, Golden Polypody
2636 - Phleum pratense — Timothy
2637 - Phlox amoena ssp. amoena — Hairy Phlox, Chalice Phlox
2638 - Phlox amoena ssp. lighthipei — Lighthipe's Phlox
2639 - Phlox amplifolia — Broadleaf Phlox, Largeleaf Phlox
2640 - Phlox bifida — Cleft Phlox, Sand Phlox, Ten-point Phlox, Starry Phlox
2641 - Phlox buckleyi — Swordleaf Phlox, Shale-barren Phlox
2642 - Phlox carolina ssp. carolina — Carolina Phlox, Thick-leaf Phlox, Giant Phlox
2643 - Phlox divaricata ssp. divaricata — Eastern Blue Phlox, Timber Phlox, Blue Woodland Phlox, Wild Blue Phlox
2644 - Phlox divaricata ssp. laphamii — Western Blue Phlox
2645 - Phlox drummondii ssp. drummondii — Annual Phlox, Drummond Phlox
2646 - Phlox glaberrima ssp. glaberrima — Smooth Phlox
2647 - Phlox latifolia — Mountain Phlox, Appalachian Phlox, Allegheny Phlox
2648 - Phlox maculata ssp. maculata — Northern Meadow Phlox
2649 - Phlox maculata ssp. pyramidalis — Leafy Meadow Phlox, Wild Sweet William
2650 - Phlox nivalis + — Pineland Phlox, Trailing Phlox
2651 - Phlox paniculata — Garden Phlox, Summer Phlox, Fall Phlox, Tall Phlox
2652 - Phlox pilosa ssp. pilosa — Downy Phlox
2653 - Phlox stolonifera — Creeping Phlox
2654 - Phlox subulata + — Moss Phlox, Mountain-pink, "Thrift"
2655 - Phoebanthus tenuifolius — pineland false sunflower
2656 - Phoradendron leucarpum — American Mistletoe, Christmas Mistletoe
2657 - Photinia ×fraseri — Fraser's Photinia, Redtip Photinia
2658 - Photinia serratifolia — Taiwanese Redtip
2659 - Photinia villosa — Oriental Photinia
2660 - Phragmites australis — Common Reed, Old World Reed
2661 - Phryma leptostachya — American Lopseed
2662 - Phyla lanceolata — Marsh Frogfruit, Northern Frogfruit, Lanceleaf Frogfruit
2663 - Phyla nodiflora — Creeping Frogfruit, Capeweed, Turkey-tangle, Sawtooth Frogfruit
2664 - Phyllanthus caroliniensis ssp. caroliniensis — Carolina Leaf-flower
2665 - Phyllanthus tenellus — Mascarene Island Leaf-flower
2666 - Phyllanthus urinaria — Chamber Bitter, Gripeweed
2667 - Phyllostachys aurea — Golden Bamboo, Fishpole Bamboo
2668 - Phyllostachys aureosulcata — Yellowgroove Bamboo
2669 - Phyllostachys bambusoides — Giant Timber Bamboo, Japanese Timber Bamboo
2670 - Phyllostachys edulis — Moso Bamboo
2671 - Phyllostachys makinoi — Makinoi Bamboo
2672 - Phyllostachys nigra — Black Bamboo
2673 - Phyllostachys rubromarginata — reddish bamboo
2674 - Physalis angulata — Smooth Ground-cherry, Cutleaf Ground-cherry
2675 - Physalis grisea — Gray Ground-cherry, Strawberry-tomato, Dwarf Cape-gooseberry
2676 - Physalis heterophylla var. heterophylla — Clammy Ground-cherry
2677 - Physalis lanceolata — Sandhills Ground-cherry, Sword Ground-cherry
2678 - Physalis longifolia var. subglabrata — Longleaf Ground-cherry
2679 - Physalis pubescens var. pubescens — Downy Ground-cherry, Husk-tomato
2680 - Physalis virginiana var. virginiana — Virginia Ground-cherry
2681 - Physalis walteri — Dune Ground-cherry, Sand Ground-cherry, Walter's Ground-cherry
2682 - Physocarpus opulifolius var. opulifolius — Flowering Ninebark, Eastern Ninebark
2683 - Physostegia angustifolia — Narrowleaf Obedient-plant, Narrowleaf Dragonhead
2684 - Physostegia leptophylla — Tidal Marsh Obedient-plant, Swamp Obedient-plant, Narrowleaf Obedient-plant, Slenderleaf False Dragonhead
2685 - Physostegia purpurea — Savanna Obedient-plant, Eastern False Dragonhead
2686 - Physostegia virginiana ssp. praemorsa — Southern Obedient-plant
2687 - Physostegia virginiana ssp. virginiana — Northern Obedient-plant, False Dragonhead
2688 - Phytolacca americana var. americana — Common Pokeweed, Poke
2689 - Phytolacca americana var. rigida — Maritime Pokeweed
2690 - Picea abies — Norway Spruce
2691 - Picea rubens — Red Spruce, He Balsam
2692 - Picris hieracioides ssp. hieracioides — Hawkweed Oxtongue, Bitterweed, Cat's-ear
2693 - Pieris floribunda — Evergreen Mountain Fetterbush, Mountain Andromeda
2694 - Pieris japonica — Japanese Andromeda, Lily-of-the-Valley Bush
2695 - Pieris phillyreifolia — Vine-wicky, Climbing Fetterbush, Climbing Wicky
2696 - Pilea microphylla — Rockweed, Artilleryweed
2697 - Pilea pumila — Greenfruit Clearweed, Richweed, Coolwort, Canadian Clearweed
2698 - Piloblephis rigida — Florida Pennyroyal, Wild Pennyroyal
2699 - Pimpinella saxifraga ssp. saxifraga — Burnet-saxifrage
2700 - Pinckneya bracteata — Pinkneya, Fevertree
2701 - Pinellia ternata — Pinellia, Crow-dipper
2702 - Pinguicula caerulea — Blue Butterwort
2703 - Pinguicula lutea — Yellow Butterwort
2704 - Pinguicula primuliflora — Clearwater Butterwort
2705 - Pinguicula pumila — Small Butterwort
2706 - Pinus clausa — Sand Pine
2707 - Pinus echinata — Shortleaf Pine, Yellow Pine, Rosemary Pine
2708 - Pinus elliottii var. elliottii — Slash Pine
2709 - Pinus glabra — Spruce Pine, Walter's Pine
2710 - Pinus palustris — Longleaf Pine, Southern Pine
2711 - Pinus pungens — Table Mountain Pine, Bur Pine, Hickory Pine, Prickly Pine
2712 - Pinus resinosa — Red Pine
2713 - Pinus rigida — Pitch Pine
2714 - Pinus serotina — Pond Pine, Pocosin Pine, Marsh Pine
2715 - Pinus strobus — Eastern White Pine
2716 - Pinus taeda — Loblolly Pine, Old Field Pine
2717 - Pinus virginiana — Virginia Pine, Scrub Pine, Jersey Pine, Possum Pine
2718 - Piptochaetium avenaceum — Green Needlegrass, Blackseed Needlegrass, Eastern Needlegrass, Black Oatgrass
2719 - Piriqueta cistoides ssp. caroliniana — Carolina Piriqueta, Pitted Stripeseed
2720 - Pistia stratiotes — Water Lettuce
2721 - Pittosporum tobira — Japanese Pittosporum, Australian Laurel, Japanese Mock-orange, Tobera
2722 - Pityopsis aspera var. adenolepis — Carolina Silkgrass, Pineland Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster
2723 - Pityopsis aspera var. aspera — Pineland Silkgrass, Sticky Goldenaster, Grassleaf Goldenaster
2724 - Pityopsis graminifolia var. graminifolia — Narrowleaf Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster
2725 - Pityopsis graminifolia var. latifolia — Common Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster
2726 - Pityopsis graminifolia var. tenuifolia — Smallhead Silkgrass, Grassleaf Goldenaster
2727 - Pityopsis oligantha — Narrowleaf Goldenaster, Few-flowered Goldenaster, Bog Goldenaster
2728 - Pityopsis pinifolia — Sandhill Goldenaster, Taylor County Goldenaster, Taylor County Silkgrass
2729 - Pityopsis ruthii — Ruth's Goldenaster
2730 - Planera aquatica — Planer-tree, Water-elm
2731 - Plantago arenaria — Sand Plantain, Leafy-stemmed Plantain, Psyllium, Flaxseed Plantain
2732 - Plantago aristata — Bracted Plantain, Large-bracted Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain
2733 - Plantago cordata — Heartleaf Plantain, King-root
2734 - Plantago heterophylla — Many-seeded Plantain, Small Plantain, Slender Plantain
2735 - Plantago lanceolata — English Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, Rib-grass, Narrowleaf Plantain
2736 - Plantago major — Common Plantain, White-man's-foot
2737 - Plantago rugelii var. rugelii — American Plantain, Broad-leaved Plantain, Blackseed Plantain, Rugel’s Plantain
2738 - Plantago sparsiflora — Pineland Plantain
2739 - Plantago virginica — Virginia Plantain, Southern Plantain, Paleseed Plantain, Hoary Plantain
2740 - Plantago wrightiana — Wright's Plantain
2741 - Platanthera blephariglottis var. blephariglottis — Small White Fringed Orchid
2742 - Platanthera blephariglottis var. conspicua — Large White Fringed Orchid, Southern White Fringed Orchid
2743 - Platanthera ciliaris — Yellow Fringed Orchid
2744 - Platanthera clavellata — Small Green Wood Orchid, Club-spur Orchid, Woodland Orchid, Streamhead Orchid
2745 - Platanthera cristata — Crested Fringed Orchid, Golden Fringed Orchid
2746 - Platanthera flava var. flava — Southern Rein Orchid, Southern Gypsy-spike
2747 - Platanthera flava var. herbiola — Tubercled Rein Orchid, Northern Gypsy-spike
2748 - Platanthera grandiflora — Large Purple Fringed Orchid, Plume-royal, Greater Purple Fringed Orchid
2749 - Platanthera integra — Yellow Fringeless Orchid, Golden Frog Orchid, Golden Fringeless Orchid, Golden Frog Arrow
2750 - Platanthera integrilabia — Monkey-face Orchid, White Fringeless Orchid
2751 - Platanthera lacera — Ragged Fringed Orchid, Green Fringed Orchid, Ragged Orchid
2752 - Platanthera nivea — Snowy Orchid, Bog-spike
2753 - Platanthera orbiculata — Large Round-leaved Orchid, Dessert-plate Orchid
2754 - Platanthera peramoena — Purple Fringeless Orchid, Purple Spire Orchid, Pride-of-the-peak
2755 - Platanthera psycodes — Small Purple Fringed Orchid, Butterfly Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid
2756 - Platanus ×hispanica [occidentalis × orientalis] — London Planetree
2757 - Platanus occidentalis — American Sycamore, Planetree
2758 - Platycladus orientalis — Oriental Arborvitae, Tree-of-life
2759 - Pleea tenuifolia — Rush-featherling, Pleea
2760 - Pleopeltis polypodioides ssp. michauxiana — Resurrection Fern, Scaly Polypody
2761 - Pluchea camphorata — Common Camphorweed, Camphor Pluchea, Marsh Fleabane
2762 - Pluchea foetida var. foetida — Stinking Camphorweed, Stinking Fleabane, Marsh Fleabane
2763 - Pluchea odorata var. odorata — Southern Saltmarsh Fleabane, Shrubby Camphorweed
2764 - Pluchea rosea — Rosy Camphorweed, Rose Fleabane, Savanna Fleabane, Marsh Fleabane
2765 - Poa annua — Annual Bluegrass, Six-weeks Grass, Speargass
2766 - Poa autumnalis — Autumn Bluegrass
2767 - Poa compressa — Canada Bluegrass, Flat-stemmed Bluegrass
2768 - Poa cuspidata — early bluegrass
2769 - Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis — Kentucky Bluegrass, Junegrass, Speargrass
2770 - Poa sylvestris — Forest Bluegrass, Woodland Bluegrass
2771 - Poa trivialis — Rough Bluegrass
2772 - Podophyllum peltatum — May-apple, American Mandrake
2773 - Podostemum ceratophyllum — Riverweed, Threadfoot, Riffleweed
2774 - Pogonia ophioglossoides — Rose Pogonia, Snakemouth Orchid, Beardflower, Addermouth
2775 - Polemonium reptans var. reptans — Spreading Jacob's-ladder, Creeping Jacob's-ladder, Greek Valerian
2776 - Polemonium vanbruntiae — Bog Jacob's-ladder
2777 - Polygala ambigua — Loose Milkwort, Alternate Milkwort, Whorled Milkwort
2778 - Polygala balduinii — White Milkwort, Baldwin's Milkwort
2779 - Polygala boykinii var. boykinii — Boykin's Milkwort
2780 - Polygala cruciata var. cruciata — Drumheads, Crossleaf Milkwort
2781 - Polygala curtissii — Curtiss's Milkwort, Appalachian Milkwort
2782 - Polygala cymosa — Tall Pinebarren Milkwort
2783 - Polygala grandiflora var. grandiflora — Showy Milkwort
2784 - Polygala hookeri — Hooker's Milkwort
2785 - Polygala incarnata — Pink Milkwort, Procession-flower
2786 - Polygala lutea — Orange Milkwort, Red-hot-poker, Candyroot, Yellow Bachelor's-buttons
2787 - Polygala mariana — Maryland Milkwort
2788 - Polygala nana — Dwarf Milkwort, Candyroot
2789 - Polygala paucifolia — Gaywings, Fringed Polygala, Flowering Wintergreen, Bird-on-the-wing
2790 - Polygala polygama — Racemed Milkwort, Bitter Milkwort
2791 - Polygala ramosa — Short Pinebarren Milkwort, Low Pinebarren Milkwort, Dwarf Milkwort, Savanna Milkwort
2792 - Polygala sanguinea — Field Milkwort, Blood Milkwort
2793 - Polygala senega — Seneca Snakeroot
2794 - Polygala setacea — Coastal Plain Milkwort
2795 - Polygala verticillata + — Whorled Milkwort
2796 - Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum — Smooth Solomon's Seal
2797 - Polygonatum pubescens — Downy Solomon’s Seal, Hairy Solomon's Seal
2798 - Polygonella americana — Southern Jointweed, Showy Jointweed
2799 - Polygonella croomii — Carolina October-flower
2800 - Polygonella fimbriata — Sandhill Jointweed, Fringed Thysanella
2801 - Polygonella gracilis — Wireweed, Tall Jointweed
2802 - Polygonella macrophylla — Largeleaf Wireweed
2803 - Polygonella polygama — Common October-flower
2804 - Polygonum amphibium var. stipulaceum — Water Smartweed, Scarlet Smartweed
2805 - Polygonum arifolium — Halberd-leaf Tearthumb
2806 - Polygonum aviculare — Prostrate Knotweed
2807 - Polygonum baldschuanicum — Lace Vine, Silver-lace-vine, China Fleece-vine, Russian Vine
2808 - Polygonum cespitosum var. longisetum — Longbristle Smartweed, Bristly Lady's-thumb, Creeping Smartweed, Tufted Knotweed
2809 - Polygonum cilinode — Fringed Climbing Buckwheat, Fringed Black Bindweed, Fringed Bindweed
2810 - Polygonum convolvulus var. convolvulus — Climbing Buckwheat, Nimblewill, Black Bindweed
2811 - Polygonum cuspidatum — Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Bamboo, Japanese Buckwheat
2812 - Polygonum erectum — Erect Knotweed
2813 - Polygonum glabrum — Dense-flower Smartweed
2814 - Polygonum hirsutum — Hairy Smartweed
2815 - Polygonum hydropiper — Marshpepper Smartweed, Waterpepper
2816 - Polygonum hydropiperoides — Mild Waterpepper, Swamp Smartweed
2817 - Polygonum lapathifolium — Dockleaf Smartweed, Willow-weed, Pale Smartweed
2818 - Polygonum orientale — Kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, Prince's Feather, Prince's-plume, Princess-feather
2819 - Polygonum pensylvanicum — Pennsylvania Smartweed, Pinkweed, Common Smartweed
2820 - Polygonum perfoliatum — Asiatic Tearthumb, Mile-a-minute-weed, Mile-a-minute-vine, Devil's-tail Tearthumb
2821 - Polygonum persicaria — Spotted Lady's-thumb, Heart's-ease
2822 - Polygonum polystachyum — Himalayan Knotweed, Kashmir Plume, cultivated knotweed
2823 - Polygonum punctatum var. punctatum — Dotted Smartweed
2824 - Polygonum sachalinense — Giant Knotweed, Sachaline
2825 - Polygonum sagittatum — Arrowleaf Tearthumb, Arrowvine, Scratch-grass
2826 - Polygonum scandens var. scandens — Common Climbing Buckwheat
2827 - Polygonum setaceum — Swamp Smartweed, Bog Smartweed
2828 - Polygonum tenue — Glade Knotweed, Slender Knotweed
2829 - Polygonum virginianum — Virginia Jumpseed
2830 - Polymnia canadensis — White-flowered Leafcup, Small-flowered Leafcup
2831 - Polymnia laevigata — Tennessee Leafcup
2832 - Polypodium appalachianum — Appalachian Rockcap Fern, Appalachian Polypody
2833 - Polypodium virginianum — Common Rockcap Fern, Rock Polypody
2834 - Polypogon monspeliensis — Annual Rabbitfoot Grass, Beardgrass, Annual Beardgrass
2835 - Polypogon viridis — Water Bent-grass, beardless rabbitsfoot grass
2836 - Polypremum procumbens — Juniperleaf, Polypremum, Rustweed
2837 - Polystichum acrostichoides — Christmas Fern
2838 - Poncirus trifoliata — Trifoliate Orange, Hardy Orange
2839 - Pontederia cordata — Heartleaf Pickerelweed, Wampee
2840 - Pontederia cordata — Lanceleaf Pickerelweed
2841 - Ponthieva racemosa — Shadow Witch, Ponthieu's Orchid, Shadow-witch Orchid
2842 - Populus ×jackii [balsamifera × deltoides] — Balm-of-Gilead
2843 - Populus alba — White Poplar, Silver Poplar
2844 - Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera — Balsam Poplar, Hackmatack, Tacamahac
2845 - Populus deltoides ssp. deltoides — Eastern Cottonwood
2846 - Populus deltoides ssp. monilifera — Plains Cottonwood, Texas Cottonwood
2847 - Populus grandidentata — Bigtooth Aspen, Large-toothed Aspen
2848 - Populus heterophylla — Swamp Cottonwood
2849 - Populus nigra — European Black Poplar, Lombardy Poplar, Black Poplar
2850 - Populus tremuloides — Quaking Aspen
2851 - Portulaca amilis — Broadleaf Pink Purslane, Paraguayan Purslane
2852 - Portulaca oleracea — Common Purslane, Garden Purslane, Pussley, Pursley
2853 - Portulaca pilosa — Hairy Purslane, Kiss-me-quick, Pink Purslane
2854 - Portulaca smallii — Small's Portulaca, Small's Purslane
2855 - Potamogeton crispus — Curly Pondweed, Curled Pondweed, Curly-leaf Pondweed
2856 - Potamogeton diversifolius — Common Snailseed Pondweed, Waterthread Pondweed
2857 - Potamogeton pulcher — Spotted Pondweed, Heartleaf Pondweed
2858 - Potentilla argentea var. argentea — Silvery Cinquefoil, Silvery Five-fingers, Hoary Five-fingers
2859 - Potentilla canadensis — Dwarf Cinquefoil, Running Five-fingers
2860 - Potentilla norvegica ssp. monspeliensis — Strawberry-weed, Rough Cinquefoil, Norwegian Cinquefoil
2861 - Potentilla recta — Rough-fruited Cinquefoil, Sulphur Cinquefoil, Sulphur Five-fingers
2862 - Potentilla simplex — Old Field Cinquefoil, Old-field Five-fingers, Common Cinquefoil
2863 - Prenanthes alba — White Rattlesnake-root, Northern Rattlesnake-root, White Lettuce
2864 - Prenanthes altissima — Tall Rattlesnake-root, Tall White Lettuce
2865 - Prenanthes autumnalis — Slender Rattlesnake-root, One-sided Rattlesnake-root
2866 - Prenanthes barbata — Barbed Rattlesnake-root, Flatwoods Rattlesnake-root, Prairie Lion’s-foot
2867 - Prenanthes roanensis — Roan Mountain Rattlesnake-root, Appalachian Rattlesnake-root
2868 - Prenanthes roanensis — Cylindrical Rattlesnake-root, Appalachian Rattlesnake-root
2869 - Prenanthes serpentaria — Lion's-foot Rattlesnake-root, Gall-of-the-Earth
2870 - Prenanthes trifoliolata — Gall-of-the-earth, Three-leaved Rattlesnake-root
2871 - Prosartes lanuginosa — Yellow Mandarin, Yellow Fairybells
2872 - Prosartes maculata — Spotted Mandarin, Nodding Mandarin
2873 - Proserpinaca intermedia — Marsh Mermaid-weed, Common Mermaid-weed
2874 - Proserpinaca pectinata — Feathery Mermaid-weed
2875 - Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata — American Heal-all, American Self-heal, Lance Selfheal
2876 - Prunella vulgaris ssp. vulgaris — Eurasian Self-heal, Eurasian Heal-all
2877 - Prunus ×yedoensis [subhirtella × speciosa] — Yoshino Cherry
2878 - Prunus alabamensis — Alabama Black Cherry
2879 - Prunus alleghaniensis var. alleghaniensis — Allegheny Plum, Allegheny Sloe
2880 - Prunus americana — American Wild Plum, Wild Plum
2881 - Prunus angustifolia var. angustifolia — Chickasaw Plum, Sandhill Plum, Florida Sand Plum, Sand Plum
2882 - Prunus avium — Mazzard Cherry, Sweet Cherry, Bing Cherry
2883 - Prunus caroliniana — Carolina Cherry Laurel, Carolina Laurel Cherry
2884 - Prunus cerasifera — Cherry Plum, Flowering Plum, Purpleleaf Plum
2885 - Prunus cerasus — Sour Cherry, Pie Cherry
2886 - Prunus domestica var. domestica — European Plum, Damson, Bullace
2887 - Prunus hortulana — Hortulan Plum, Wild-goose Plum
2888 - Prunus mahaleb — Mahaleb Cherry, Perfumed Cherry, St. Lucie Cherry, Rock Cherry
2889 - Prunus maritima — Beach Plum
2890 - Prunus mexicana — Big-tree Plum, Mexican Plum
2891 - Prunus munsoniana — Munson Plum, Wild-goose Plum
2892 - Prunus nigra — Canada Plum
2893 - Prunus pensylvanica var. pensylvanica — Fire Cherry, Pin Cherry
2894 - Prunus persica — Peach
2895 - Prunus pumila var. depressa — Prostrate Dwarf-cherry, Prostrate Sand Cherry, New England Sand Cherry
2896 - Prunus serotina var. serotina — Black Cherry, Eastern Wild Black Cherry, Bird Cherry
2897 - Prunus susquehanae — Susquehanna Cherry, Appalachian Sand Cherry, Appalachian Dwarf-cherry
2898 - Prunus tomentosa — Nanking Cherry, Manchu Cherry, Korean Cherry
2899 - Prunus umbellata — Hog Plum, Flatwoods Plum
2900 - Prunus virginiana var. virginiana — Choke Cherry, Common Chokecherry
2901 - Pseudognaphalium helleri ssp. helleri — Heller's Rabbit-tobacco
2902 - Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium ssp. obtusifolium — Fragrant Rabbit-tobacco, Eastern Rabbit-tobacco, Sweet Everlasting, Catfoot
2903 - Pseudolysimachion longifolium — Garden Speedwell, Longleaf Speedwell
2904 - Pseudosasa japonica — Arrow Bamboo
2905 - Ptelea trifoliata + — Wafer-ash, Hoptree
2906 - Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum — Eastern Bracken, Brake
2907 - Pteridium aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum — Southern Bracken
2908 - Pteris multifida — Spider Brake, Wall Fern, Huguenot Fern
2909 - Pteris vittata — Ladder Brake, Chinese Brake Fern
2910 - Pterocaulon pycnostachyum — Black Snakeroot, Dense-spike Blackroot, Pineland Wingstem
2911 - Pteroglossaspis ecristata — Spiked Medusa, Crestless Plume Orchid, Smooth-lipped Eulophia, Non-crested Eulophia
2912 - Ptilimnium capillaceum — Eastern Bishopweed, Atlantic Bishopweed, Mock Bishopweed, Atlantic Mock Bishop's Weed
2913 - Ptilimnium costatum — Big Bishopweed, Ribbed Bishopweed
2914 - Ptilimnium nodosum — Harperella, piedmont mock bishopweed
2915 - Pueraria montana var. lobata — Kudzu, Foot-a-Day
2916 - Pycnanthemum albescens — Whiteleaf Mountain-mint, White Mountain-mint
2917 - Pycnanthemum beadlei — Beadle's Mountain-mint
2918 - Pycnanthemum clinopodioides — basil mountain-mint
2919 - Pycnanthemum curvipes — Tennessee Mountain-mint, Stone Mountain Mountain-mint, Stone Mountain-mint
2920 - Pycnanthemum flexuosum — Savanna Mountain-mint, Savanna Mint
2921 - Pycnanthemum incanum + — Hoary Mountain-mint, White Mountain-mint
2922 - Pycnanthemum loomisii — Loomis's Mountain-mint
2923 - Pycnanthemum montanum — Appalachian Mountain-mint, Thinleaf Mountain-mint
2924 - Pycnanthemum muticum — Short-toothed Mountain-mint, Downy Mountain-mint, Clustered Mountain-mint
2925 - Pycnanthemum nudum — Smooth Mountain-mint
2926 - Pycnanthemum pycnanthemoides var. pycnanthemoides — Woodland Mountain-mint, Southern Mountain-mint
2927 - Pycnanthemum setosum — Awned Mountain-mint
2928 - Pycnanthemum tenuifolium — Narrowleaf Mountain-mint, Slender Mountain-mint, Savanna Mountain-mint
2929 - Pycnanthemum torrei — Torrey's Mountain-mint
2930 - Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. verticillatum — Whorled Mountain-mint
2931 - Pycnanthemum virginianum — Virginia Mountain-mint
2932 - Pyracantha coccinea — Scarlet Firethorn, Pyracantha
2933 - Pyracantha fortuneana — Chinese Firethorn
2934 - Pyracantha koidzumii — Formosan Firethorn
2935 - Pyrola americana — Rounded Shinleaf, Roundleaf Pyrola, American Wintergreen
2936 - Pyrrhopappus carolinianus — Carolina False-dandelion, Carolina Desert-chicory
2937 - Pyrularia pubera — Buffalo-nut, Oil-nut
2938 - Pyrus calleryana — Bradford Pear, Callery Pear
2939 - Pyrus communis — Common Pear
2940 - Pyrus pyrifolia — Oriental Pear, Japanese Pear, Chinese Pear
2941 - Pyxidanthera barbulata — Flowering Pyxie-moss, Big Pyxie, Savanna Pyxiemoss
2942 - Pyxidanthera brevifolia — Sandhills Pyxie-moss, Wells' Pyxie-moss, Little Pyxie
2943 - Quercus acutissima — Sawtooth Oak
2944 - Quercus alba — White Oak
2945 - Quercus arkansana — Arkansas Oak
2946 - Quercus austrina — Bluff Oak, Bastard Oak
2947 - Quercus bicolor — Swamp White Oak
2948 - Quercus boyntonii — Boynton Oak, Boynton Sand Post Oak
2949 - Quercus buckleyi — Buckley's Oak
2950 - Quercus chapmanii — Chapman Oak
2951 - Quercus coccinea — Scarlet Oak
2952 - Quercus falcata — Southern Red Oak, Spanish Oak
2953 - Quercus geminata — Sand Live Oak
2954 - Quercus georgiana — Georgia Oak
2955 - Quercus hemisphaerica — Darlington Oak, Sand Laurel Oak
2956 - Quercus ilicifolia — Bear Oak, Scrub Oak
2957 - Quercus imbricaria — Shingle Oak
2958 - Quercus incana — Bluejack Oak
2959 - Quercus laevis — Turkey Oak
2960 - Quercus laurifolia — Laurel Oak, Swamp Laurel Oak, Diamond Leaf Oak
2961 - Quercus lyrata — Overcup Oak
2962 - Quercus macrocarpa var. macrocarpa — Bur Oak, Mossycup Oak
2963 - Quercus margaretta — Sand Post Oak, Scrub Post Oak, Margaret's Oak
2964 - Quercus marilandica var. marilandica — Blackjack Oak
2965 - Quercus michauxii — Swamp Chestnut Oak, Basket Oak
2966 - Quercus minima — Dwarf Live Oak
2967 - Quercus montana — Rock Chestnut Oak, Mountain Oak, Tanbark Oak
2968 - Quercus muehlenbergii — Chinquapin Oak, Yellow Chestnut Oak, Yellow Oak
2969 - Quercus myrtifolia — Myrtle Oak
2970 - Quercus nigra — Water Oak, Paddle Oak
2971 - Quercus oglethorpensis — Oglethorpe Oak
2972 - Quercus pagoda — Cherrybark Oak, Swamp Spanish Oak
2973 - Quercus palustris — Pin Oak
2974 - Quercus phellos — Willow Oak, "Pin Oak"
2975 - Quercus prinoides — Dwarf Chinquapin Oak
2976 - Quercus pumila — Running Oak
2977 - Quercus rubra + — Northern Red Oak, Red Oak
2978 - Quercus shumardii var. shumardii — Shumard Oak, Swamp Red Oak
2979 - Quercus similis — Swamp Post Oak, Bottomland Post Oak, Delta Oak
2980 - Quercus sinuata var. breviloba — Bigelow Oak
2981 - Quercus sinuata var. sinuata — Durand Oak
2982 - Quercus stellata — Post Oak
2983 - Quercus texana — Nuttall Oak, Texas Red Oak
2984 - Quercus velutina — Black Oak
2985 - Quercus virginiana — Live Oak, Southern Live Oak
2986 - Ranunculus abortivus — Kidneyleaf Buttercup, Early Wood Buttercup, Small-flowered Buttercup, Kidneyleaf Crowfoot
2987 - Ranunculus acris var. acris — Tall Buttercup, Bitter Buttercup
2988 - Ranunculus allegheniensis — Mountain Crowfoot, Allegheny Buttercup
2989 - Ranunculus ambigens — Water-plantain Crowfoot, Water-plantain Spearwort
2990 - Ranunculus arvensis — Corn Crowfoot, Hungerweed
2991 - Ranunculus bulbosus — Bulbous Buttercup
2992 - Ranunculus fascicularis — Early Buttercup, Thick-root Butterdup
2993 - Ranunculus ficaria — Fig Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Pilewort
2994 - Ranunculus ficaria — Fig Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Pilewort
2995 - Ranunculus ficaria — Fig Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Pilewort
2996 - Ranunculus ficaria — Fig Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Pilewort
2997 - Ranunculus ficaria — Fig Buttercup, Lesser Celandine, Pilewort
2998 - Ranunculus harveyi — Harvey's Buttercup, Harvey's Crowfoot
2999 - Ranunculus hispidus var. caricetorum — Northern Swamp Buttercup, Marsh Buttercup
3000 - Ranunculus hispidus var. hispidus — Hispid Buttercup, Hairy Buttercup
3001 - Ranunculus hispidus var. nitidus — Carolina Buttercup, Swamp Buttercup
3002 - Ranunculus laxicaulis — Coastal Plain Spearwort
3003 - Ranunculus micranthus — Small-flowered Buttercup, Rock Buttercup
3004 - Ranunculus muricatus — spinyfruit buttercup, Roughseed Buttercup
3005 - Ranunculus parviflorus — Small-flowered Buttercup, Stickseed Crowfoot
3006 - Ranunculus pusillus var. pusillus — Low Spearwort, Small Spearwort
3007 - Ranunculus recurvatus var. recurvatus — Hooked Buttercup, Hooked Crowfoot
3008 - Ranunculus repens — Creeping Buttercup, Meg-many-feet
3009 - Ranunculus sardous — Sardinian Buttercup, Hairy Buttercup
3010 - Ranunculus sceleratus var. sceleratus — Cursed Buttercup, Celery-leaf Crowfoot, Cursed Crowfoot
3011 - Raphanus raphanistrum — Wild Radish, Jointed Charlock, White Charlock
3012 - Ratibida columnifera — Mexican Hat, Columnar Prairie Coneflower, Upright Coneflower, Long-headed Coneflower
3013 - Ratibida pinnata — Grey-headed Coneflower, Globular Prairie Coneflower, Drooping Coneflower
3014 - Rhamnus cathartica — Common Buckthorn, European Buckthorn
3015 - Rhamnus davurica ssp. davurica — Dahurian Buckthorn, Davurian Buckthorn
3016 - Rhapidophyllum hystrix — Needle Palm, Blue Palmetto
3017 - Rhexia alifanus — Smooth Meadowbeauty, Savanna Meadowbeauty
3018 - Rhexia aristosa — Awned Meadowbeauty, Bristly Meadowbeauty
3019 - Rhexia cubensis — West Indies Meadowbeauty
3020 - Rhexia lutea — Yellow Meadowbeauty, Golden Meadowbeauty
3021 - Rhexia mariana var. interior — Ozark Meadowbeauty
3022 - Rhexia mariana var. mariana — Pale Meadowbeauty, Maryland Meadowbeauty, Dull Meadowbeauty
3023 - Rhexia mariana var. mariana — White Meadowbeauty
3024 - Rhexia mariana var. ventricosa — Swollen Meadowbeauty
3025 - Rhexia nashii — Hairy Meadowbeauty, Maid Marian, Nash's Meadowbeauty
3026 - Rhexia nuttallii — Nuttall's Meadowbeauty
3027 - Rhexia petiolata — Ciliate Meadowbeauty, Short Meadowbeauty, Fringed Meadowbeauty, Bog Meadowbeauty
3028 - Rhexia virginica — Virginia Meadowbeauty, Wingstem Meadowbeauty, Deergrass
3029 - Rhizophora mangle — Red Mangrove
3030 - Rhodiola rosea — Roseroot, Goldenroot, King's Crown
3031 - Rhododendron alabamense — Alabama Azalea
3032 - Rhododendron arborescens — Sweet Azalea, Smooth Azalea
3033 - Rhododendron atlanticum — Dwarf Azalea, Coastal Azalea
3034 - Rhododendron austrinum — Florida Flame Azalea, Yellow Azalea
3035 - Rhododendron calendulaceum — Flame Azalea
3036 - Rhododendron canescens — Piedmont Azalea, Southern Pinxter Azalea, Hoary Azalea
3037 - Rhododendron carolinianum — Carolina Rhododendron, Punctatum
3038 - Rhododendron catawbiense — Catawba Rhododendron, Mountain Rosebay, Purple Laurel, Pink Laurel
3039 - Rhododendron cumberlandense — Cumberland Azalea, Baker's Azalea
3040 - Rhododendron eastmanii — May White Azalea, Eastman's Azalea
3041 - Rhododendron flammeum — Oconee Azalea
3042 - Rhododendron maximum — Rosebay Rhododendron, Great Laurel, White Rosebay, Great Rhododendron
3043 - Rhododendron minus — Gorge Rhododendron, Punctatum, Piedmont Rhododendron
3044 - Rhododendron periclymenoides — Pinxterflower, Pinxterbloom Azalea, Election Pink, Pinxter Azalea
3045 - Rhododendron prinophyllum — Election Pink, Roseshell Azalea, Early Azalea
3046 - Rhododendron prunifolium — Plumleaf Azalea
3047 - Rhododendron vaseyi — Pinkshell Azalea
3048 - Rhododendron viscosum — Swamp Azalea, Clammy Azalea, Swamp Honeysuckle, Catchfly Azalea
3049 - Rhododendron viscosum — Clammy Azalea
3050 - Rhododendron viscosum — Swamp Azalea, Clammy Azalea, Sweet Azalea
3051 - Rhodotypos scandens — Jetbead
3052 - Rhus aromatica var. aromatica — Fragrant Sumac, Squawbush
3053 - Rhus copallinum + — Winged Sumac, Shining Sumac, Dwarf Sumac
3054 - Rhus glabra — Smooth Sumac, Common Sumac
3055 - Rhus michauxii — Michaux's Sumac, Dwarf Sumac, False Poison Sumac
3056 - Rhus typhina — Staghorn Sumac
3057 - Rhynchosia difformis — Doubleform Snoutbean
3058 - Rhynchosia reniformis — Dollarweed, Dollarleaf Snoutbean, Roundleaf Snoutbean
3059 - Rhynchosia tomentosa var. tomentosa — Twining Snoutbean, Erect Snoutbean
3060 - Rhynchospora caduca — Angle-stem Beaksedge
3061 - Rhynchospora capitellata — Brownish Beaksedge
3062 - Rhynchospora capitellata — Slender-fruit Beaksedge
3063 - Rhynchospora careyana — Carey's Horned Beaksedge, broadfruit horned beaksedge
3064 - Rhynchospora colorata — Narrowleaf Whitetop Sedge, White-bracted Sedge, Starrush Whitetop Sedge
3065 - Rhynchospora corniculata — Short-bristled Horned Beaksedge
3066 - Rhynchospora filifolia — Threadleaf Beaksedge
3067 - Rhynchospora globularis var. globularis — Globe Beaksedge
3068 - Rhynchospora globularis var. pinetorum — Small's Beakrush, Small's Beaksedge
3069 - Rhynchospora glomerata — Clustered Beaksedge
3070 - Rhynchospora gracilenta — Slender Beaksedge
3071 - Rhynchospora harperi — Harper's Beaksedge
3072 - Rhynchospora inexpansa — Nodding Beaksedge
3073 - Rhynchospora inundata — Narrow-fruit Horned Beaksedge
3074 - Rhynchospora latifolia — Broadleaf Whitetop Sedge, Giant Whitetop Sedge, White-bracted Sedge
3075 - Rhynchospora macra — Southern White Beaksedge
3076 - Rhynchospora megalocarpa — Sandy-field Beaksedge, Sandhill Beaksedge
3077 - Rhynchospora miliacea — Millet Beaksedge
3078 - Rhynchospora pallida — Pale Beaksedge
3079 - Rhynchospora rariflora — Few-flower Beaksedge
3080 - Rhynchospora recognita — Cymose Beakrush, Cymose Beaksedge
3081 - Rhynchospora tracyi — Tracy's Beaksedge
3082 - Ribes americanum — Wild Black Currant, American Black Currant
3083 - Ribes curvatum — Granite Gooseberry
3084 - Ribes cynosbati — Prickly Gooseberry, Dogberry
3085 - Ribes echinellum — Miccosukee Gooseberry, Spiny Gooseberry, Florida Gooseberry
3086 - Ribes glandulosum — Skunk Currant, Mountain Currant
3087 - Ribes hirtellum — Northern Gooseberry
3088 - Ribes lacustre — Bristly Black Currant, Spiny Swamp Currant
3089 - Ribes missouriense — Missouri Gooseberry
3090 - Ribes rotundifolium — Roundleaf Gooseberry, Appalachian Gooseberry
3091 - Ribes rubrum — Garden Red Currant, cultivated currant
3092 - Ribes uva-crispa var. sativum — Garden Gooseberry, European Gooseberry
3093 - Richardia brasiliensis — Brazilian-clover, Tropical Mexican-clover, Tropical Richardia
3094 - Richardia grandiflora — Largeflower Mexican-clover, Largeflower Richardia
3095 - Richardia scabra — Rough Mexican-clover
3096 - Ricinus communis — Castor-bean, Castor-oil Plant, Palma Christi
3097 - Robinia hispida var. fertilis — Arnot Bristly Locust, Fruitful Locust
3098 - Robinia hispida var. hispida — Common Bristly Locust
3099 - Robinia hispida var. kelseyi — Kelsey's Locust
3100 - Robinia hispida var. nana — Dwarf Bristly Locust, Dwarf Locust
3101 - Robinia hispida var. rosea — Boynton's Locust
3102 - Robinia pseudoacacia — Black Locust
3103 - Robinia viscosa var. hartwegii — Granite Dome Locust, Highlands Locust, Hartwig's Locust
3104 - Robinia viscosa var. viscosa — Clammy Locust
3105 - Rorippa austriaca — Austrian Yellowcress, Yellow Cress
3106 - Rorippa palustris ssp. fernaldiana — Bog Yellowcress, Marshcress
3107 - Rosa ×damascena [gallica × moschata] — Damask Rose, French Rose
3108 - Rosa blanda var. blanda — Smooth Rose, Meadow Rose
3109 - Rosa bracteata — McCartney Rose, Chickasaw Rose
3110 - Rosa canina — Dog Rose
3111 - Rosa carolina var. carolina — Carolina Rose
3112 - Rosa laevigata — Cherokee Rose
3113 - Rosa micrantha — Eglantine Rose, Sweetbriar Rose
3114 - Rosa multiflora — Multiflora Rose
3115 - Rosa palustris — Swamp Rose
3116 - Rosa rubiginosa — Eglantine Rose, Sweetbriar Rose, Sweetbriar Rose, Rugosa Rose
3117 - Rosa rugosa — Japanese Rose, Rugosa Rose, Beach Rose
3118 - Rosa setigera — Ozark Rose, Climbing Prairie Rose
3119 - Rosa virginiana var. virginiana — Virginia Rose
3120 - Rosa wichuraiana — Memorial Rose, Dorothy Perkins Rose, Lucie Rose
3121 - Rosmarinus officinalis — Rosemary
3122 - Rotala ramosior — Toothcup, Lowland Rotala
3123 - Rotala rotundifolia — Roundleaf Toothcup, Dwarf Rotala
3124 - Rottboellia cochinchinensis — Itch-grass
3125 - Rubus allegheniensis var. allegheniensis — Allegheny Blackberry
3126 - Rubus argutus — Pennsylvania Blackberry, Highbush Blackberry, Eastern Blackberry, Southern Blackberry
3127 - Rubus argutus — Sawtooth Blackberry
3128 - Rubus bifrons — European Blackberry, Himalayan Blackberry, Himalaya-berry
3129 - Rubus canadensis — Smooth Blackberry, Thornless Blackberry
3130 - Rubus cuneifolius — Sand Blackberry
3131 - Rubus flagellaris — Common Dewberry, Northern Dewberry
3132 - Rubus flagellaris — Southern Dewberry
3133 - Rubus hispidus — Swamp Dewberry, Bristly Dewberry
3134 - Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus — Eurasian Red Raspberry
3135 - Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus — American Red Raspberry
3136 - Rubus illecebrosus — Strawberry-raspberry
3137 - Rubus laciniatus — Cut-leaved Blackberry, Evergreen Blackberry
3138 - Rubus occidentalis — Black Raspberry, Blackcap
3139 - Rubus odoratus var. odoratus — Purple Flowering-raspberry, Thimbleberry, Eastern Mapleleaf-raspberry
3140 - Rubus pascuus — Chesapeake Blackberry, Topsy Blackberry
3141 - Rubus phoenicolasius — Wineberry, Wine Raspberry
3142 - Rubus setosus — Bristly Blackberry
3143 - Rubus trivialis — Southern Dewberry, Coastal Plain Dewberry
3144 - Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida — Common Eastern Coneflower, Orange Coneflower
3145 - Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida — Orange Coneflower
3146 - Rudbeckia heliopsidis — Sunfacing Coneflower, Pineywoods Coneflower
3147 - Rudbeckia hirta var. angustifolia — Coastal Plain Black-eyed Susan
3148 - Rudbeckia hirta var. hirta — Woodland Black-eyed Susan
3149 - Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima — Weedy Black-eyed Susan
3150 - Rudbeckia laciniata var. digitata — Blue Ridge Cutleaf Coneflower
3151 - Rudbeckia laciniata var. digitata — Coastal Plain Cutleaf Coneflower
3152 - Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata — Greenheaded Coneflower, Common Cutleaf Coneflower
3153 - Rudbeckia maxima — Giant Coneflower
3154 - Rudbeckia mollis — Soft-haired Coneflower, Woolly Coneflower
3155 - Rudbeckia nitida — Narrow-leaved Coneflower, St. John's Black-eyed Susan, Shiny Coneflower
3156 - Rudbeckia subtomentosa — Sweet Coneflower
3157 - Rudbeckia triloba var. pinnatiloba — Chauncey's Coneflower
3158 - Rudbeckia triloba var. rupestris — Blue Ridge Three-lobed Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan
3159 - Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba — Common Three-lobed Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan, Thin-Leaved Coneflower
3160 - Ruellia caerulea — Mexican Bluebell, Mexican Petunia
3161 - Ruellia caroliniensis ssp. caroliniensis var. caroliniensis — Carolina Wild-petunia, Common Wild-petunia, Hairy Ruellia
3162 - Ruellia caroliniensis ssp. ciliosa var. cinerascens — Sandhills Wild-petunia, Dwarf Wild-petunia
3163 - Ruellia humilis — Hairy Wild-petunia, Low Wild-petunia, Glade Wild-petunia, Fringeleaf Ruellia
3164 - Ruellia noctiflora — Night-flowering Wild-petunia, Night-blooming Wild-petunia
3165 - Ruellia pedunculata ssp. pinetorum — Pineland Wild-petunia
3166 - Ruellia purshiana — Pursh's Wild-petunia
3167 - Ruellia strepens — Limestone Wild-petunia, Glade Wild-petunia, Smooth Wild-petunia, Limestone Ruellia
3168 - Rugelia nudicaulis — Rugel's Ragwort, Rugelia, Rugel's Indian-plantain
3169 - Rumex acetosella — Sheep Sorrel, Red Dock, Sourgrass, Field Sorrel
3170 - Rumex crispus ssp. crispus — Curly Dock, Yellow Dock
3171 - Rumex hastatulus — Wild Dock, Heartwing Dock, Sourgrass, Heartwing Sorrel
3172 - Rumex obtusifolius — Bitter Dock, Broadleaf Dock
3173 - Rumex patientia — Patience Dock, Monk's-rhubarb
3174 - Rumex pulcher — Fiddle Dock
3175 - Sabal minor — Dwarf Palmetto, Bush Palmetto, Dwarf Blue Palmetto, Bluestem Palmetto
3176 - Sabal palmetto — Cabbage Palmetto
3177 - Sabatia angularis — Rose-pink, Bitterbloom, Common Marsh-pink, American Centaury
3178 - Sabatia bartramii — Bartram's Rose-gentian
3179 - Sabatia brachiata — Narrowleaf Rose-pink, Narrowleaf Rose-gentian, Narrowleaf Sabatia
3180 - Sabatia calycina — Coastal Rose-pink, Coastal Rose-gentian
3181 - Sabatia campanulata — Slender Marsh-pink, Slender Rose-gentian
3182 - Sabatia capitata — Cumberland Rose-gentian, Appalachian Rose-gentian
3183 - Sabatia difformis — White Sabatia, Lanceleaf Rose-gentian, Lanceleaf Sabatia
3184 - Sabatia dodecandra var. dodecandra — Perennial Sea-pink, Large Marsh Rose-pink, Marsh Rose-gentian
3185 - Sabatia dodecandra var. foliosa — Blackwater Rose-pink, Marsh Rose-gentian
3186 - Sabatia gentianoides — Pinewoods Rose-gentian, Pinewoods Rose-pink
3187 - Sabatia grandiflora — Largeflower Rose-gentian
3188 - Sabatia kennedyana — Plymouth Rose-gentian, Plymouth Gentian
3189 - Sabatia quadrangula — Four-angle Sabatia, Four-angle Rose-gentian
3190 - Sabatia stellaris — Annual Sea-pink, Salt-marsh Pink, Rose-of-Plymouth
3191 - Saccharum alopecuroides — Silver Plumegrass
3192 - Saccharum baldwinii — Narrow Plumegrass
3193 - Saccharum brevibarbe var. brevibarbe — Short-beard Plumegrass
3194 - Saccharum brevibarbe var. contortum — Bent-awn Plumegrass
3195 - Saccharum coarctatum — Brown Plumegrass, Bunched Plumegrass
3196 - Saccharum giganteum — Sugarcane Plumegrass, Giant Plumegrass
3197 - Saccharum ravennae — Ravenna-grass, Hardy Pampas Grass
3198 - Sacciolepis indica — Indian Cupscale
3199 - Sacciolepis striata — American Cupscale
3200 - Sageretia minutiflora — Shell-mound Buckthorn, Small-flowered Buckthorn, Smallflower Mock-buckthorn
3201 - Sagina decumbens ssp. decumbens — Trailing Pearlwort, Eastern Pearlwort, Annual Pearlwort
3202 - Sagina procumbens — Northern Pearlwort, Bird's-eye Pearlwort, Perennial Pearlwort
3203 - Sagittaria australis — Appalachian Arrowhead, Southern Arrowhead, Longbeak Arrowhead
3204 - Sagittaria engelmanniana — Engelmann's Arrowhead, Blackwater Arrowhead
3205 - Sagittaria fasciculata — Bunched Arrowhead
3206 - Sagittaria graminea var. chapmanii — Chapman's Arrowhead
3207 - Sagittaria graminea var. graminea — Grassleaf Arrowhead, Grassy Arrowhead
3208 - Sagittaria graminea var. weatherbiana — Weatherby’s Arrowhead
3209 - Sagittaria isoetiformis — Quillwort Arrowhead, Depression Meadow Arrowhead
3210 - Sagittaria lancifolia ssp. lancifolia — Bulltongue Arrowhead
3211 - Sagittaria lancifolia ssp. media — Scimitar Arrowhead, Bulltongue Arrowhead
3212 - Sagittaria latifolia — Broadleaf Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Common Arrowhead
3213 - Sagittaria platyphylla — Delta Arrowhead
3214 - Sagittaria subulata — Dwarf Arrowhead, Awl-leaf Arrowhead
3215 - Salicornia bigelovii — Dwarf Glasswort, Dwarf Saltwort
3216 - Salicornia depressa — American Glasswort, Virginia Samphire, Pickleweed
3217 - Salix alba — European White Willow
3218 - Salix atrocinerea — Olive-leaf Willow, Common Sallow, Large Gray Willow
3219 - Salix babylonica — Weeping Willow
3220 - Salix caprea — Goat Willow, Great Sallow
3221 - Salix caroliniana — Carolina Willow, Coastal Plain Willow
3222 - Salix cinerea — European Gray Willow
3223 - Salix discolor — Pussy Willow
3224 - Salix fragilis — Crack Willow, Brittle Willow
3225 - Salix humilis var. humilis — Upland Willow, Prairie Willow
3226 - Salix humilis var. tristis — Dwarf Upland Willow, Dwarf Prairie Willow, Sage Willow
3227 - Salix nigra — Black Willow
3228 - Salix purpurea — Basket Willow, Purple Willow, Purple-osier Willow
3229 - Salix sericea — Silky Willow, Shrub Willow, Satin Willow
3230 - Salsola kali ssp. kali — Northern Saltwort
3231 - Salsola kali ssp. pontica — Southern Saltwort, Carolina Saltwort
3232 - Salsola tragus — Russian Thistle, Tumbleweed
3233 - Salvia azurea var. azurea — Azure Sage
3234 - Salvia chapmanii — Chapman’s Sage
3235 - Salvia leucantha — Mexican Bush Sage
3236 - Salvia lyrata — Lyreleaf Sage, Cancer-weed
3237 - Salvia sclarea — Europe sage, clary sage
3238 - Salvia urticifolia — Nettleleaf Sage
3239 - Salvinia biloba — Giant Salvinia
3240 - Salvinia herzogii — Giant Salvinia
3241 - Salvinia minima — Water Spangles, Floating Fern
3242 - Salvinia molesta — Giant Salvinia, Kariba Weed
3243 - Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis — Common Elderberry, American Elder
3244 - Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa — Eastern Red Elderberry, Red-berried Elder
3245 - Samolus valerandi ssp. parviflorus — Water-pimpernel, Brookweed
3246 - Sanguinaria canadensis — Bloodroot, Red Puccoon
3247 - Sanguisorba canadensis — Canada Burnet, American Burnet, White Burnet
3248 - Sanguisorba minor ssp. balearica — Salad Burnet, Garden Burnet, Fodder Burnet
3249 - Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis — Canada Sanicle, Black Snakeroot, Canadian Black-snakeroot
3250 - Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis — Florida Sanicle, Florida Snakeroot, Florida Black-snakeroot
3251 - Sanicula canadensis var. grandis — Large Sanicle, Long-styled Canada Sanicle, Large Black-snakeroot
3252 - Sanicula marilandica — Black Snakeroot, Maryland Sanicle, Maryland Black-snakeroot
3253 - Sanicula odorata — Clustered Snakeroot, Clustered Sanicle, Yellow-flowered Snakeroot, Fragrant Snakeroot
3254 - Sanicula smallii — Small's Sanicle, Southern Sanicle, Small's Black-snakeroot
3255 - Sanicula trifoliata — Beaked Sanicle, Long-fruited Snakeroot, Large-fruited Sanicle, Largefruit Black-snakeroot
3256 - Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii — Western Soapberry
3257 - Sapindus saponaria var. saponaria — Florida Soapberry
3258 - Saponaria officinalis — Soapwort, Bouncing Bet
3259 - Sarcocornia perennis — Perennial Glasswort, Woody Glasswort, Pickleweed
3260 - Sarracenia flava — Yellow Pitcherplant, Yellow Trumpet, Trumpets
3261 - Sarracenia leucophylla — Whitetop Pitcherplant, Crimson Pitcherplant
3262 - Sarracenia minor — Hooded Pitcherplant
3263 - Sarracenia oreophila — Mountain Green Pitcherplant, Green Pitcherplant, Mountain Pitcherplant
3264 - Sarracenia psittacina — Parrot Pitcherplant
3265 - Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea var. montana — Southern Appalachian Purple Pitcherplant
3266 - Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea var. purpurea — Northern Purple Pitcherplant
3267 - Sarracenia purpurea var. venosa — Southern Purple Pitcherplant, Frog's Breeches, Hunter's Cup
3268 - Sarracenia rosea — Rose Pitcherplant, Gulf Coast Pitcherplant
3269 - Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii — Mountain Sweet Pitcherplant
3270 - Sarracenia rubra ssp. rubra — Carolina Sweet Pitcherplant, Carolina Redflower Pitcherplant, Red Pitcherplant, Sweet Pitcherplant
3271 - Sarracenia rubra ssp. rubra — Georgia Sweet Pitcherplant, Georgia Redflower Pitcherplant
3272 - Sassafras albidum — Sassafras
3273 - Saururus cernuus — Lizard's-tail, Water-dragon
3274 - Saxifraga careyana — Carey's Saxifrage
3275 - Saxifraga caroliniana — Carolina Saxifrage
3276 - Saxifraga michauxii — Michaux's Saxifrage, Cliff Saxifrage
3277 - Saxifraga michauxii — Escarpment Saxifrage, Shealy's Saxifrage
3278 - Saxifraga micranthidifolia — Brook Lettuce, Mountain Lettuce, Branch Lettuce, Lettuceleaf Saxifrage
3279 - Saxifraga pensylvanica — Swamp Saxifrage
3280 - Saxifraga virginiensis var. virginiensis — Early Saxifrage
3281 - Schedonorus arundinaceus — Tall Fescue, Alta Fescue
3282 - Schedonorus pratensis — Meadow Fescue
3283 - Schefflera actinophylla — Australian Umbrella Tree, Octopus Tree, Schefflera
3284 - Schinus terebinthifolius var. raddianus — Brazilian Peppertree, Brazilian-pepper, Christmasberry Tree
3285 - Schisandra glabra — Bay Star-vine, Climbing-magnolia, Magnolia-vine
3286 - Schizachyrium littorale — Seaside Little Bluestem
3287 - Schizachyrium scoparium var. scoparium — Common Little Bluestem
3288 - Schizachyrium scoparium var. stoloniferum — Creeping Bluestem, Creeping Little Bluestem
3289 - Schoenocaulon dubium — Florida Feathershank
3290 - Schoenolirion albiflorum — White Sunnybell
3291 - Schoenolirion croceum — Yellow Sunnybell
3292 - Schoenolirion wrightii — Texas Sunnybell
3293 - Schoenoplectiella mucronata — Roughseed Bulrush, Bog Bulrush, Ricefield Bulrush
3294 - Schoenoplectus americanus — Olney Threesquare, chairmaker's bulrush
3295 - Schoenoplectus californicus — Giant Bulrush, Southern Bulrush, Tule, California Bulrush
3296 - Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens — Common Threesquare, Chairmaker's Rush, Swordgrass
3297 - Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani — Softstem Bulrush, Great Bulrush
3298 - Schwalbea americana — American Chaffseed
3299 - Scirpus atrovirens — Black Bulrush, Dark-green Bulrush
3300 - Scirpus cyperinus — Woolgrass Bulrush, Marsh Bulrush, Woolly Bulrush
3301 - Scirpus expansus — Woodland Bulrush
3302 - Scirpus georgianus — Georgia Bulrush
3303 - Scirpus polyphyllus — Leafy Bulrush
3304 - Scleranthus annuus — Knawel, Annual Knawel, Knotgrass
3305 - Scleria ciliata var. ciliata — Broad-leaved Hairy Nutrush, Elliott's Nutrush
3306 - Scleria ciliata var. ciliata — Fringed Nutrush, Hairy Nutrush
3307 - Scleria oligantha — Few-flowered Nutrush, Littlehead Nutrush
3308 - Scleria pauciflora + — Papillose Nutrush, Carolina Nutrush, Fewflower Nutrush
3309 - Scleria triglomerata — Tall Nutrush, Stone-rush, Whip Nutrush
3310 - Scleria verticillata — Savanna Nutrush, Low Nutrush
3311 - Sclerolepis uniflora — Sclerolepis, Pink bogbutton
3312 - Scrophularia lanceolata — Hare Figwort, American Figwort, Lancelaf Figwort
3313 - Scrophularia marilandica — Eastern Figwort, Carpenter's Square, Late Figwort
3314 - Scutellaria altamaha — Altamaha Skullcap, Pineland Skullcap
3315 - Scutellaria elliptica var. elliptica — Hairy Skullcap, Elliptic-leaved Skullcap
3316 - Scutellaria elliptica var. hirsuta — Kentucky Skullcap, Hairy Skullcap
3317 - Scutellaria incana var. australis — Hoary Skullcap, Downy Skullcap
3318 - Scutellaria incana var. australis — Mellichamp's Skullcap
3319 - Scutellaria incana var. incana — Hoary Skullcap, Downy Skullcap
3320 - Scutellaria incana var. punctata — Hoary Skullcap, Downy Skullcap
3321 - Scutellaria integrifolia — Hyssop Skullcap, Narrowleaf Skullcap
3322 - Scutellaria lateriflora var. lateriflora — Mad-dog Skullcap, Tall Blue Skullcap
3323 - Scutellaria montana — Large-flowered Skullcap
3324 - Scutellaria multiglandulosa — Small's Skullcap
3325 - Scutellaria nervosa — Veined Skullcap, Bottomland Skullcap
3326 - Scutellaria ocmulgee — Ocmulgee Skullcap
3327 - Scutellaria ovata ssp. bracteata — Heartleaf Skullcap
3328 - Scutellaria ovata ssp. ovata — Heartleaf Skullcap
3329 - Scutellaria ovata ssp. rugosa — Heartleaf Skullcap
3330 - Scutellaria parvula var. australis — Southern Skullcap
3331 - Scutellaria parvula var. missouriensis — Shale-barren Skullcap, Glade Skullcap, Leonard's Skullcap
3332 - Scutellaria parvula var. parvula — Dwarf Skullcap, Small Skullcap
3333 - Scutellaria pseudoserrata — falseteeth skullcap
3334 - Scutellaria saxatilis — Rock Skullcap
3335 - Scutellaria serrata — Showy Skullcap, Serrate Skullcap
3336 - Secale cereale — Cereal Rye, Cultivated Rye
3337 - Securigera varia — Crown-vetch
3338 - Sedum acre — Mossy Stonecrop, Wallpepper, Bitter Stonecrop, Gold-moss
3339 - Sedum glaucophyllum — Cliff Stonecrop
3340 - Sedum nevii — Nevius's Stonecrop
3341 - Sedum pulchellum — Widow's Cross, Glade Stonecrop, Rock Moss, Lime Stonecrop
3342 - Sedum pusillum — Puck's Orpine, Granite Stonecrop
3343 - Sedum sarmentosum — Stringy Stonecrop
3344 - Sedum ternatum — Mountain Stonecrop, Whorled Stonecrop, Three-leaf Stonecrop
3345 - Selaginella apoda — Meadow Spikemoss
3346 - Selaginella ludoviciana — Louisiana Spikemoss, Gulf Spikemoss
3347 - Selaginella rupestris — Rock Spikemoss
3348 - Selaginella tortipila — Twisted-hair Spikemoss
3349 - Senecio jacobaea — Tansy Ragwort, Stinking Willie
3350 - Senecio vulgaris — Groundsel
3351 - Senna hebecarpa — Northern Wild Senna
3352 - Senna marilandica — Maryland Wild Senna, Maryland Senna
3353 - Senna obtusifolia — Coffeeweed, Sicklepod
3354 - Serenoa repens — Saw Palmetto
3355 - Sericocarpus asteroides — Toothed Whitetop Aster
3356 - Sericocarpus asteroides — Toothed Whitetop Aster
3357 - Sericocarpus linifolius — Narrowleaf Whitetop Aster, Slender Whitetop Aster
3358 - Sericocarpus tortifolius — Twisted-leaf Whitetop Aster, Dixie Whitetop Aster
3359 - Sesbania drummondii — Rattlebox, Poison-bean, Siene Bean
3360 - Sesbania herbacea — Bigpod Sesbania, Coffee-weed, Indigo-weed, Hemp Sesbania
3361 - Sesbania punicea — Rattlebush, Purple Sesban, Scarlet Wisteria-tree, Red Sesban
3362 - Sesbania vesicaria — Bladderpod, Bagpod
3363 - Sesuvium maritimum — Small Sea-purslane, Slender Sea-purslane
3364 - Sesuvium portulacastrum — Large Sea-purslane, Shoreline Sea-purslane
3365 - Setaria corrugata — Coastal Plain Bristlegrass
3366 - Setaria faberi — Nodding Foxtail Grass, Giant Foxtail-grass, Chinese Foxtail
3367 - Setaria italica — Yellow Foxtail, Italian Millet, Foxtail Millet, Italian Foxtail
3368 - Setaria magna — Saltmarsh Foxtail-grass, Giant Foxtail-grass, Giant Bristlegrass
3369 - Setaria parviflora — Perennial Foxtail-grass, Knotroot Bristlegrass, Marsh Foxtail, Knotroot Foxtail
3370 - Setaria pumila ssp. pallidefusca — Yellow Foxtail
3371 - Setaria verticillata — Hooked Bristlegrass
3372 - Setaria viridis var. major — Giant Green Foxtail
3373 - Setaria viridis var. viridis — Green Foxtail, Green Bristlegrass
3374 - Seymeria cassioides — Senna Seymeria, Yaupon Black-senna
3375 - Seymeria pectinata ssp. pectinata — Comb Seymeria, Combleaf Black-senna, Yaupon Black-senna, Florida Black-senna
3376 - Sherardia arvensis — Field Madder, Blue Field-madder
3377 - Shortia galacifolia var. brevistyla — Northern Shortia, Northern Oconee Bells
3378 - Shortia galacifolia var. galacifolia — Oconee Bells, Southern Shortia
3379 - Sibara virginica — Sibara, Virginia-cress, Virginia Rockcress, Virginia Winged Rockcress
3380 - Sibbaldiopsis tridentata — Wineleaf Cinqefoil, Mountain Cinqefoil, Three-toothed Cinqefoil, Mountain White Potentilla
3381 - Sicyos angulatus — Bur-cucumber, Star-cucumber, Nimble-Kate
3382 - Sida elliottii var. elliottii — Coastal Plain Sida, Elliott's Fanpetals
3383 - Sida rhombifolia — Arrowleaf Sida, Diamondleaf Fanpetal, Cuban Jute
3384 - Sida spinosa — Prickly Fanpetals, Prickly Sida, Prickly Mallow, False-mallow
3385 - Sideroxylon alachuense — Alachua Bully, Silver Bully, Silver Buckthorn
3386 - Sideroxylon lanuginosum ssp. lanuginosum — Eastern Gum Bumelia, Eastern Gum Bully
3387 - Sideroxylon lycioides — Buckthorn Bumelia, Buckthorn Bully, Carolina Buckthorn
3388 - Sideroxylon macrocarpum — Big-fruited Buckthorn, Ohoopee Bumelia, Ohoopee Bully
3389 - Sideroxylon reclinatum ssp. reclinatum — Smooth Bumelia, Florida Bully
3390 - Sideroxylon tenax — Tough Buckthorn, Tough Bumelia, Tough Bully
3391 - Sideroxylon thornei — Georgia Bully, Thorne's Bumelia, Swamp Bumelia
3392 - Silene antirrhina — Sleepy Catchfly, Garter-pink
3393 - Silene armeria — Sweet William Catchfly, Garden Catchfly, None-so-pretty
3394 - Silene caroliniana ssp. caroliniana — South Carolina Wild-pink, Rock Catchfly, Carolina Pink
3395 - Silene caroliniana ssp. pensylvanica — Northern Wild-pink, Sticky Catchfly, Pennsylvania Catchfly
3396 - Silene dichotoma — Forked Catchfly
3397 - Silene latifolia ssp. alba — White Campion, Evening Campion, White Cockle, Evening Lychnis
3398 - Silene nivea — Snowy Campion
3399 - Silene noctiflora — Night-flowering Catchfly, Sticky Campion, Sticky Cockle
3400 - Silene ovata — Mountain Catchfly, Fringed Campion, Blue Ridge Catchfly
3401 - Silene polypetala — Eastern Fringed Campion, Eastern Fringed Catchfly
3402 - Silene regia — Royal Catchfly
3403 - Silene stellata — Starry Campion, Widow's-frill
3404 - Silene virginica var. robusta — Large Fire-pink
3405 - Silene virginica var. virginica — Fire-pink
3406 - Silene vulgaris — Bladder Campion, Maiden's-tears
3407 - Silphium asteriscus var. asteriscus — Starry Rosinweed
3408 - Silphium asteriscus var. laevicaule — Starry Rosinweed
3409 - Silphium compositum var. compositum — Carolina Rosinweed, Compassplant, Rhubarb-leaved Rosinweed
3410 - Silphium compositum var. reniforme — Ragged Rosinweed, Kidneyleaf Rosinweed
3411 - Silphium integrifolium var. gattingeri — Gattinger's Rosinweed
3412 - Silphium integrifolium var. integrifolium — Prairie Rosinweed
3413 - Silphium laciniatum var. laciniatum — Compassplant
3414 - Silphium mohrii — Shaggy Rosinweed
3415 - Silphium perfoliatum var. connatum — Virginia Cup-plant
3416 - Silphium perfoliatum var. perfoliatum — Common Cup-plant, Indian Cup
3417 - Silphium pinnatifidum — Tansy Rosinweed, Cutleaf Prairie-dock
3418 - Silphium simpsonii — Simpson's rosinweed
3419 - Silphium terebinthinaceum var. terebinthinaceum — Prairie-dock, Broadleaf Prairie-dock
3420 - Silphium trifoliatum var. latifolium — Whorled Rosinweed
3421 - Silphium trifoliatum var. trifoliatum — Whorled Rosinweed
3422 - Silybum marianum — Blessed Milk-thistle, Blessed-thistle, Milk-thistle
3423 - Sisymbrium altissimum — Tumble Mustard, Jim Hill Mustard, Tall Hedge-mustard
3424 - Sisymbrium officinale — Hedge Mustard
3425 - Sisyrinchium albidum — Pale Blue-eyed-grass, White Blue-eyed-grass
3426 - Sisyrinchium angustifolium — Narrowleaf Blue-eyed-grass, Stout Blue-eyed-grass
3427 - Sisyrinchium atlanticum — Atlantic Blue-eyed-grass, Eastern Blue-eyed-grass
3428 - Sisyrinchium capillare — Wiry Blue-eyed-grass
3429 - Sisyrinchium dichotomum — White Irisette, Isothermal Irisette
3430 - Sisyrinchium fuscatum — Sandyland Blue-eyed-grass
3431 - Sisyrinchium fuscatum — Bristly Blue-eyed-grass, Coastal Plain Blue-eyed-grass
3432 - Sisyrinchium fuscatum — Sandhill Blue-eyed-grass, Rufous Blue-eyed-grass
3433 - Sisyrinchium mucronatum — Needletip Blue-eyed-grass
3434 - Sisyrinchium nashii — Nash's Blue-eyed-grass
3435 - Sisyrinchium rosulatum — Annual Blue-eyed-grass, Lawn Blue-eyed-grass, Fairy Stars
3436 - Sium suave — Hemlock Water-parsnip
3437 - Smallanthus uvedalius — Bearsfoot, Hairy Leafcup, Yellow Leafcup
3438 - Smilax auriculata — Dune Greenbrier
3439 - Smilax biltmoreana — Biltmore Carrionflower
3440 - Smilax bona-nox — Fringed Greenbrier, Catbrier, Stretchberry, Tramp's Trouble
3441 - Smilax bona-nox — Maritime Catbrier, Maritime Saw Greenbrier
3442 - Smilax ecirrhata — Upright Carrionflower
3443 - Smilax glauca — Whiteleaf Greenbrier, Wild Sarsaparilla, Sawbrier
3444 - Smilax herbacea — Common Carrionflower, Smooth Carrionflower
3445 - Smilax hugeri — Huger's Carrionflower
3446 - Smilax lasioneura — Midwestern Carrionflower
3447 - Smilax laurifolia — Bamboo-vine, Blaspheme-vine, Wild Bamboo, Laurel-leaf Greenbriar
3448 - Smilax pseudochina — Coastal Carrionflower, Bamboo-vine
3449 - Smilax pulverulenta — Downy Carrionflower
3450 - Smilax pumila — Dwarf Smilax, Sarsaparilla-vine
3451 - Smilax rotundifolia — Common Greenbrier, Common Catbrier, Bullbrier, Horsebrier
3452 - Smilax smallii — Jackson-brier, Unarmed Catbrier, Sweet-scented Smilax
3453 - Smilax tamnoides — Bristly Greenbrier, Hellfetter, Chinaroot, Chaneyroot
3454 - Smilax walteri — Coral Greenbrier, Red-berried Swamp Smilax
3455 - Solanum americanum — American Black Nightshade
3456 - Solanum carolinense var. carolinense — Carolina Horsenettle, Ball-nettle
3457 - Solanum diphyllum — Paired-leaf Nightshade, Twoleaf Nightshade
3458 - Solanum dulcamara var. dulcamara — Bittersweet Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade
3459 - Solanum nigrum — European Black Nightshade
3460 - Solanum physalifolium — Hairy Nightshade, Viscid Nightshade
3461 - Solanum pseudocapsicum — Jerusalem-cherry
3462 - Solanum ptycanthum — Eastern Black Nightshade
3463 - Solanum rostratum — Buffalo-bur Nightshade, Kansas-thistle
3464 - Solanum sisymbriifolium — Sticky Nightshade
3465 - Solanum tampicense — Wetland Nightshade, Aquatic Soda Apple
3466 - Solanum torvum — Turkeyberry
3467 - Solanum viarum — Tropical Soda-apple
3468 - Solidago altissima — Tall Goldenrod, Field Goldenrod, Common Goldenrod
3469 - Solidago altissima — Southern Tall Goldenrod
3470 - Solidago arguta — Forest Goldenrod, Sharp-leaved Goldenrod, Cutleaf Goldenrod
3471 - Solidago arguta — Atlantic Goldenrod
3472 - Solidago arguta var. boottii — Boott's Goldenrod, Cutleaf Goldenrod
3473 - Solidago arguta var. caroliniana — Vasey's Goldenrod, Atlantic Goldenrod
3474 - Solidago auriculata — Eared Goldenrod
3475 - Solidago bicolor — Silverrod, White Goldenrod
3476 - Solidago brachyphylla — Dixie Goldenrod
3477 - Solidago buckleyi — Buckley’s Goldenrod
3478 - Solidago caesia — Bluestem Goldenrod, Axillary Goldenrod, Wreath Goldenrod, Bridal-wreath Goldenrod
3479 - Solidago canadensis var. canadensis — Canada Goldenrod
3480 - Solidago canadensis var. hargeri — Harger's Common Goldenrod, Harger's Canada Goldenrod
3481 - Solidago curtisii — Curtis's Goldenrod
3482 - Solidago erecta — Slender Goldenrod, Erect Goldenrod
3483 - Solidago faucibus — Gorge Goldenrod
3484 - Solidago fistulosa — Pine Barren Goldenrod, Hairy Pineywoods Goldenrod, Shaggy Pineywoods Goldenrod
3485 - Solidago flaccidifolia — Appalachian Goldenrod, Mountain Goldenrod
3486 - Solidago flexicaulis — Zigzag Goldenrod, Broadleaf Goldenrod
3487 - Solidago gigantea — Smooth Goldenrod, Late Goldenrod, Giant Goldenrod
3488 - Solidago glomerata — Skunk Goldenrod, Clustered Goldenrod
3489 - Solidago gracillima — Pine Barren Bog Goldenrod, Northern Wand Goldenrod
3490 - Solidago gracillima — Southern Bog Goldenrod, Graceful Goldenrod
3491 - Solidago gracillima — Piedmont Wand Goldenrod
3492 - Solidago hispida var. hispida — Hairy Goldenrod
3493 - Solidago juncea — Early Goldenrod
3494 - Solidago latissimifolia — Coastal Swamp Goldenrod, Elliott's goldenrod
3495 - Solidago leavenworthii — Leavenworth's Goldenrod
3496 - Solidago missouriensis var. fasciculata — Eastern Missouri Goldenrod
3497 - Solidago nemoralis var. nemoralis — Eastern Gray Goldenrod
3498 - Solidago odora var. chapmanii — Chapman's Goldenrod
3499 - Solidago odora var. odora — Licorice Goldenrod, Sweet Goldenrod, Anise Goldenrod, Anise-scented Goldenrod
3500 - Solidago patula var. patula — Northern Roughleaf Goldenrod
3501 - Solidago patula var. strictula — Southern Roughleaf Goldenrod
3502 - Solidago petiolaris var. petiolaris — Downy Ragged Goldenrod, Downy Goldenrod
3503 - Solidago pinetorum — Small's Goldenrod, Pineywoods Goldenrod
3504 - Solidago plumosa — Yadkin River Goldenrod
3505 - Solidago porteri — Porter's Goldenrod
3506 - Solidago puberula var. puberula — Downy Goldenrod
3507 - Solidago puberula var. pulverulenta — Dusty Downy Goldenrod
3508 - Solidago pulchra — Carolina Goldenrod, Beautiful Goldenrod
3509 - Solidago radula var. radula — Rough Goldenrod
3510 - Solidago roanensis — Roan Mountain Goldenrod
3511 - Solidago rugosa ssp. aspera — Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod
3512 - Solidago rugosa ssp. aspera — Cronquist's Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, Cronquist's Goldenrod
3513 - Solidago rugosa ssp. aspera — Hackberry-leaf Goldenrod
3514 - Solidago rugosa ssp. rugosa var. rugosa — Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, Roughstem Goldenrod
3515 - Solidago rugosa ssp. rugosa var. sphagnophila — Peat-loving Goldenrod
3516 - Solidago rupestris — Riverbank Goldenrod, Rock Goldenrod
3517 - Solidago sempervirens var. mexicana — Southern Seaside Goldenrod
3518 - Solidago sempervirens var. sempervirens — Northern Seaside Goldenrod
3519 - Solidago simulans — Granite Dome Goldenrod, Cliffside Goldenrod
3520 - Solidago speciosa var. rigidiuscula — Narrowleaf Showy Goldenrod, Slender Showy Goldenrod, Stiff-leaved Showy Goldenrod, Prairie Goldenrod
3521 - Solidago speciosa var. speciosa — Showy Goldenrod, Noble Goldenrod
3522 - Solidago sphacelata — Heartleaf Goldenrod, False Goldenrod, Limestone Goldenrod, Autumn Goldenrod
3523 - Solidago spithamaea — Blue Ridge Goldenrod
3524 - Solidago squarrosa — Stout Goldenrod, Squarrose Goldenrod, Ragged Goldenrod
3525 - Solidago stricta — Southern Wand Goldenrod
3526 - Solidago tortifolia — Twistleaf Goldenrod, Leafy Pineywoods Goldenrod, Leafy Pinelands Goldenrod
3527 - Solidago uliginosa var. linoides — Narrowleaf Bog Goldenrod
3528 - Solidago uliginosa var. uliginosa — Northern Bog Goldenrod, Swamp Goldenrod
3529 - Solidago ulmifolia var. ulmifolia — Elmleaf Goldenrod
3530 - Solidago verna — Spring-flowering Goldenrod, Spring Goldenrod
3531 - Sonchus arvensis ssp. arvensis — Field Sowthistle, Perennial Sowthistle
3532 - Sonchus arvensis ssp. uliginosus — Field Sowthistle, Perennial Sowthistle
3533 - Sonchus asper — Prickly Sowthistle, Spiny-leaf Sowthistle
3534 - Sonchus oleraceus — Annual Sowthistle, Common Sowthistle
3535 - Sorbus americana — American Mountain-ash, American Rowan
3536 - Sorbus aucuparia — European Mountain-ash, Rowan
3537 - Sorghastrum elliottii — Elliot's Indiangrass, Slender Indiangrass, Nodding Indiangrass
3538 - Sorghastrum nutans — Yellow Indiangrass, Prairie Indiangrass
3539 - Sorghastrum secundum — Lopsided Indiangrass
3540 - Sorghum bicolor ssp. bicolor — Sorghum, Milo, Broomcorn, Sorgo
3541 - Sorghum halepense — Johnsongrass
3542 - Sparganium americanum — American Bur-reed
3543 - Spartina alterniflora — Saltmarsh Cordgrass, Smooth Cordgrass
3544 - Spartina cynosuroides — Giant Cordgrass, Big Cordgrass
3545 - Spartina patens — Small Saltmeadow Cordgrass, Salt Hay, Marsh-hay Cordgrass
3546 - Spermacoce assurgens — Woodland Buttonweed
3547 - Spermacoce verticillata — Shrubby Buttonweed, Whitehead Broom, Boton Blanco, Yerba de Garro
3548 - Sphagneticola trilobata — Wedelia, Creeping Oxeye
3549 - Sphenopholis intermedia — Slender Wedgegrass
3550 - Sphenopholis obtusata — Prairie Wedgegrass
3551 - Spigelia marilandica — Indian-pink, Woodland Pinkroot, Wormgrass
3552 - Spiraea alba var. alba — Narrowleaf Meadowsweet, Pipestem
3553 - Spiraea alba var. latifolia — Broadleaf Meadowsweet
3554 - Spiraea corymbosa — Dwarf Spiraea, Rock Spiraea, Shinyleaf Meadowsweet
3555 - Spiraea japonica var. fortunei — Japanese Spiraea
3556 - Spiraea thunbergii — Thunberg's Meadowsweet
3557 - Spiraea tomentosa — Hardhack, Steeplebush, Rosy Meadowsweet
3558 - Spiraea virginiana — Virginia Spiraea, Appalachian Spiraea, Virginia Meadowsweet
3559 - Spiranthes brevilabris — Short-lipped Ladies'-tresses, Texas Ladies'-tresses
3560 - Spiranthes cernua — Nodding Ladies'-tresses
3561 - Spiranthes eatonii — Eaton's Ladies'-tresses
3562 - Spiranthes floridana — Florida Ladies'-tresses
3563 - Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis — Southern Slender Ladies'-tresses
3564 - Spiranthes lacera var. lacera — Northern Slender Ladies'-tresses
3565 - Spiranthes laciniata — Lace-lip Ladies'-tresses, Lace-lip Spiral Orchid
3566 - Spiranthes longilabris — Longhorn Ladies'-tresses, Giant Spiral Orchid, Giant Spiral Ladies'-tresses, Long-lipped Ladies'-tresses
3567 - Spiranthes lucida — Shining Ladies'-tresses
3568 - Spiranthes magnicamporum — Great Plains Ladies'-tresses
3569 - Spiranthes ochroleuca — Yellow Ladies'-tresses, Yellow Nodding Ladies'-tresses
3570 - Spiranthes odorata — Fragrant Ladies'-tresses, Marsh Ladies'-tresses
3571 - Spiranthes ovalis var. erostellata — Lesser Ladies'-tresses, Oval Ladies'-tresses, October Ladies'-tresses
3572 - Spiranthes ovalis var. ovalis — Oval Ladies'-tresses
3573 - Spiranthes praecox — Grassleaf Ladies'-tresses, Giant Ladies'-tresses
3574 - Spiranthes praecox — Woodland Ladies'-tresses, Pale Green Ladies'-tresses
3575 - Spiranthes tuberosa — Little Ladies'-tresses, Little Pearl-twist
3576 - Spiranthes vernalis — Spring Ladies'-tresses
3577 - Spirodela polyrrhiza — Greater Duckweed, Duckmeat, Minnow-fole, Giant Duckweed
3578 - Sporobolus clandestinus — Rough Dropseed
3579 - Sporobolus compositus var. compositus — Tall Dropseed
3580 - Sporobolus curtissii — Curtiss's Dropseed
3581 - Sporobolus heterolepis — Prairie Dropseed
3582 - Sporobolus indicus var. indicus — Smut-grass, Blackseed
3583 - Sporobolus indicus var. pyramidalis — West Indian Dropseed
3584 - Sporobolus junceus — Sandhills Dropseed, Pineywoods Dropseed
3585 - Sporobolus pinetorum — Carolina Dropseed, Savanna Dropseed
3586 - Sporobolus teretifolius — Wireleaf Dropseed
3587 - Stachys annua — Annual Woundwort, Annual Hedgenettle
3588 - Stachys appalachiana — Appalachian Hedgenettle
3589 - Stachys arvensis — Staggerweed
3590 - Stachys aspera — Roughleaf Hedgenettle, Rough Hedgenettle
3591 - Stachys byzantina — Lamb's-ear, Woolly Hedge-nettle
3592 - Stachys clingmanii — Clingman's Hedgenettle
3593 - Stachys cordata — Heart-leaved Hedgenettle
3594 - Stachys cordata — Nuttall’s Hedgenettle
3595 - Stachys cordata — heart-leaved hedgenettle
3596 - Stachys crenata — Mouse's-ear, Shade Betony
3597 - Stachys eplingii — Epling's Hedgenettle
3598 - Stachys floridana — Florida Betony, Rattlesnake-weed, Florida Hedgenettle
3599 - Stachys germanica — Downy Woundwort, German hedgenettle
3600 - Stachys hyssopifolia — Hyssopleaf Hedgenettle
3601 - Stachys latidens — Broadtooth Hedgenettle
3602 - Stachys palustris — marsh hedgenettle
3603 - Stachys pilosa var. arenicola — Woundwort
3604 - Stachys tenuifolia — Smooth Hedgenettle
3605 - Stachys tenuifolia — Hispid Hedgenettle
3606 - Staphylea trifolia — Bladdernut
3607 - Stellaria alsine — Bog Chickweed, Bog Stitchwort, Longstalk Starwort, Bog Starwort
3608 - Stellaria corei — Tennessee Starwort
3609 - Stellaria graminea — Lesser Stitchwort, Grassleaf Starwort, Common Stitchwort
3610 - Stellaria longifolia var. longifolia — Longleaf Stitchwort
3611 - Stellaria media ssp. media — Common Chickweed
3612 - Stellaria pubera — Star Chickweed, Giant Chickweed, Great Chickweed, Common Starwort
3613 - Stenanthium gramineum var. gramineum — Featherbells, Eastern Featherbells
3614 - Stenanthium gramineum var. robustum — Bog Featherbells
3615 - Stenaria nigricans var. nigricans — Diamond-flower, Glade Bluet, Prairie Bluet
3616 - Stewartia malacodendron — Silky Camellia, Virginia Stewartia, Stewartia
3617 - Stewartia ovata — Mountain Camellia, Mountain Stewartia
3618 - Stillingia aquatica — Corkwood, Water Toothleaf
3619 - Stillingia sylvatica ssp. sylvatica — Queen's-delight
3620 - Stipulicida setacea var. setacea — Coastal Plain Wireplant, Pineland Scaly-pink
3621 - Stokesia laevis — Stokes Aster, Stokesia, Blue Stokesia
3622 - Streptopus amplexifolius var. amplexifolius — Clasping Twisted-stalk, White Mandarin, Pagoda-bells
3623 - Streptopus lanceolatus var. lanceolatus — Rosy Twisted-stalk, Eastern Rose Mandarin, Eastern Twisted-stalk
3624 - Striga asiatica — Asiatic Witchweed
3625 - Strophostyles helvola — Annual Sand Bean, Beach Pea, Trailing Wild Bean, Trailing Fuzzy-Bean
3626 - Strophostyles umbellata — Perennial Sand Bean, Perennial Wild Bean, Pink Wild Bean, Pink Fuzzy-Bean
3627 - Stylisma aquatica — Water Dawnflower
3628 - Stylisma humistrata — Southern Dawnflower
3629 - Stylisma patens ssp. angustifolia — Narrowleaf Dawnflower
3630 - Stylisma patens ssp. patens — Sandhill Dawnflower, Sandhill Morning Glory, Coastal Plain Dawnflower, Common Dawnflower
3631 - Stylisma pickeringii var. pickeringii — Pickering's Dawnflower
3632 - Stylodon carneus — Carolina Vervain, Carolina False Vervain
3633 - Stylophorum diphyllum — Celandine-poppy, Woods-poppy
3634 - Stylosanthes biflora — Pencil-flower, Sidebeak Pencil-flower
3635 - Styphnolobium japonicum — Japanese Pagoda Tree
3636 - Styrax americanus — American Storax, American Snowbell
3637 - Styrax americanus — Downy American Snowbell
3638 - Styrax grandifolius — Bigleaf Snowbell, Bigleaf Storax, Large-leaved Storax
3639 - Suaeda linearis — Southern Sea-blite
3640 - Symphoricarpos albus var. albus — Common Snowberry
3641 - Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus — Pacific Snowberry
3642 - Symphoricarpos orbiculatus — Coralberry, Indian Currant, Buckbrush
3643 - Symphyotrichum adnatum — Scale-leaf Aster
3644 - Symphyotrichum concolor — Eastern Silvery Aster
3645 - Symphyotrichum cordifolium — Heartleaf Aster, Common Blue Wood Aster
3646 - Symphyotrichum depauperatum — Serpentine Aster
3647 - Symphyotrichum divaricatum — Midwestern Saltmarsh Aster, Annual Water Aster, Yard Aster
3648 - Symphyotrichum dumosum var. dumosum — Bushy Aster, Long-stalked Aster, Rice Button Aster
3649 - Symphyotrichum elliottii — Elliott's Aster, Southern Swamp Aster
3650 - Symphyotrichum georgianum — Georgia Aster
3651 - Symphyotrichum grandiflorum — Big-headed Aster, Rough Aster, Large-headed Aster, Largeflower Aster
3652 - Symphyotrichum laeve var. concinnum — Narrowleaf Smooth Blue Aster, Harmonious Aster
3653 - Symphyotrichum laeve var. laeve — Smooth Blue Aster
3654 - Symphyotrichum lanceolatum ssp. lanceolatum var. lanceolatum — Panicled Aster, White Panicle Aster, Tall White Aster
3655 - Symphyotrichum lanceolatum ssp. lanceolatum var. latifolium — Broadleaf Panicled Aster, White Panicle Aster, Broad-leaved White Panicled Aster
3656 - Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. lateriflorum — Calico Aster, Starved Aster, Goblet Aster
3657 - Symphyotrichum lowrieanum — Smooth Heartleaf Aster, Lowrie's Blue Wood Aster, Lowrie's Aster
3658 - Symphyotrichum novae-angliae — New England Aster, Michaelmas-daisy
3659 - Symphyotrichum novi-belgii var. elodes — New York Aster
3660 - Symphyotrichum oblongifolium — Eastern Aromatic Aster, Shale-barren Aster
3661 - Symphyotrichum ontarionis — Bottomland Aster
3662 - Symphyotrichum patens var. patens — Late Purple Aster, Common Clasping Aster, Late Blue Aster, Skydrop Aster
3663 - Symphyotrichum phlogifolium — Appalachian Clasping Aster, Thinleaf Late Purple Aster
3664 - Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pilosum — Frost Aster, White Heath Aster
3665 - Symphyotrichum praealtum var. angustior — Willowleaf Aster, Veiny-lined Aster, Tall Aster, Willow Aster
3666 - Symphyotrichum prenanthoides — Zigzag Aster, Crooked-stem Aster
3667 - Symphyotrichum puniceum var. puniceum — Purplestem Aster, Swamp Aster
3668 - Symphyotrichum puniceum var. puniceum — Shining Aster, Glossyleaf Aster
3669 - Symphyotrichum racemosum — Small White Aster
3670 - Symphyotrichum racemosum — Small White Oldfield Aster
3671 - Symphyotrichum retroflexum — Curtis's Aster, Rigid Whitetop Aster
3672 - Symphyotrichum rhiannon — Buck Creek Aster, Rhiannon's Aster
3673 - Symphyotrichum sericeum — Western Silvery Aster
3674 - Symphyotrichum shortii — Short's Aster, Midwestern Blue Heart-leaved Aster
3675 - Symphyotrichum simmondsii — Simmonds’s Aster
3676 - Symphyotrichum subulatum — Eastern Saltmarsh Aster, Annual Saltmarsh Aster
3677 - Symphyotrichum tenuifolium — Perennial Saltmarsh Aster
3678 - Symphyotrichum undulatum — Wavyleaf Aster
3679 - Symphyotrichum urophyllum — White Arrowleaf Aster, Arrowleaf Blue Wood Aster
3680 - Symphyotrichum walteri — Walter's Aster
3681 - Symphytum asperum — Prickly Comfrey
3682 - Symplocarpus foetidus — Skunk Cabbage
3683 - Symplocos tinctoria — Horsesugar, Sweetleaf, Dyebush
3684 - Synandra hispidula — Guyandotte Beauty, Synandra
3685 - Syngonanthus flavidulus — Yellow Hatpins, Bantam-buttons
3686 - Syringa vulgaris — Common Lilac, French Lilac
3687 - Taenidia integerrima — Yellow Pimpernel
3688 - Tagetes minuta — Muster John Henry, Southern Cone Marigold, Mexican Marigold
3689 - Talinum paniculatum — Panicled Fameflower, Jewels-of-Opar, Pink Baby’s-breath
3690 - Tamarix africana — African Tamarisk
3691 - Tamarix canariensis — Canary Island Tamarisk
3692 - Tamarix chinensis — Chinese Tamarisk
3693 - Tamarix gallica — French Tamarisk
3694 - Tamarix parviflora — Smallflower Tamarisk
3695 - Tamarix ramosissima — Salt-cedar, Tamarisk
3696 - Tamarix tetragyna — four-stamen tamarisk
3697 - Tanacetum balsamita — Mint-geranium, Costmary, Sweetmary
3698 - Tanacetum parthenium — Feverfew, Feather-leaf Tansy
3699 - Tanacetum vulgare — Common Tansy, Golden-buttons, Garden Tansy
3700 - Taraxacum laevigatum — Red-seeded Dandelion
3701 - Taraxacum officinale ssp. officinale — Common Dandelion
3702 - Taxodium ascendens — Pond Cypress
3703 - Taxodium distichum — Bald Cypress
3704 - Taxus canadensis — Canada Yew, American Yew
3705 - Teesdalia nudicaulis — Shepherd's Cress, Hedge Mustard, Bank Cress
3706 - Tephrosia florida — Florida Hoarypea, Florida Goat’s-rue
3707 - Tephrosia hispidula — Sprawling Hoary-pea
3708 - Tephrosia spicata — Spiked Hoary-pea, Brown-hair Tephrosia, Tawny Goat's Rue
3709 - Tephrosia virginiana — Virginia Goat's Rue, Devil's Shoestrings
3710 - Tetragonotheca helianthoides — Pineland Squarehead, Pineland-ginseng
3711 - Teucrium canadense var. canadense — American Germander, Wood Sage, Common Germander
3712 - Thalia dealbata — Powdery Thalia, Powdery Alligator-flag
3713 - Thalictrum aquilegifolium — Columbine Meadowrue
3714 - Thalictrum clavatum — Mountain Meadowrue, Lady-rue
3715 - Thalictrum coriaceum — Appalachian Meadowrue, Maid-of-the-mist
3716 - Thalictrum dasycarpum — Purple Meadowrue
3717 - Thalictrum debile — Trailing Meadowrue
3718 - Thalictrum dioicum — Early Meadowrue
3719 - Thalictrum macrostylum — Small-leaved Meadowrue, Small-flowered Meadowrue
3720 - Thalictrum pubescens — Common Tall Meadowrue, King-of-the-meadow, Late Meadowrue
3721 - Thalictrum pubescens — Appalachian Tall Meadowrue
3722 - Thalictrum revolutum — Skunk Meadowrue, Waxy Meadowrue
3723 - Thalictrum thalictroides — Windflower, Rue-anemone
3724 - Thaspium barbinode — Hairy-jointed Meadow-parsnip
3725 - Thaspium barbinode — Creamy Meadow-parsnip, Chapman's Meadow-parsnip
3726 - Thaspium pinnatifidum — Cutleaf Meadow-parsnip
3727 - Thaspium trifoliatum var. aureum — Yellow Meadow-parsnip, Woodland Parsnip
3728 - Thaspium trifoliatum var. trifoliatum — Purple Meadow-parsnip, Woodland Parsnip
3729 - Thelypteris dentata — Downy Maiden-fern, Soft Fern, Downy Shield-fern
3730 - Thelypteris hispidula var. versicolor — Hairy Maiden Fern
3731 - Thelypteris kunthii — Kunth's Maiden-fern, Southern Shield-fern, Southern Woodfern
3732 - Thelypteris noveboracensis — New York Fern
3733 - Thelypteris ovata var. ovata — Ovate Maiden Fern, ovate marsh fern
3734 - Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens — Marsh Fern
3735 - Thelypteris simulata — Bog Fern, Massachusetts Fern
3736 - Thermopsis fraxinifolia — Ashleaf Golden-banner
3737 - Thermopsis mollis — Appalachian Golden-banner, Allegheny Mountain Golden-banner, Bush Pea
3738 - Thermopsis villosa — Aaron's Rod, Blue Ridge Golden-banner, Hairy Bush Pea
3739 - Thlaspi alliaceum — Garlic Pennycress, Roadside Pennycress
3740 - Thlaspi arvense — Field Pennycress, Frenchweed
3741 - Thuja occidentalis — American Arborvitae, Northern White Cedar, Flat Cedar, Eastern Arborvitae
3742 - Tiarella cordifolia var. cordifolia — Piedmont Foamflower, Heartleaf Foamflower
3743 - Tilia americana var. americana — American Basswood, Northern Basswood
3744 - Tilia americana var. caroliniana — Carolina Basswood, Southern Basswood
3745 - Tilia americana var. heterophylla — Mountain Basswood, White Basswood
3746 - Tilia cordata — Little-leaf Linden, Small-leaved Linden, Small-leaved Lime
3747 - Tillandsia recurvata — Ball-moss, Bunch-moss
3748 - Tillandsia usneoides — Spanish-moss, Long-moss
3749 - Tipularia discolor — Cranefly Orchid
3750 - Tithonia rotundifolia — Mexican Sunflower, Clavel de Muerto
3751 - Tofieldia glabra — Carolina Bog Asphodel, White Asphodel
3752 - Torilis arvensis ssp. arvensis — Spreading Hedge-parsley, Spreading Bur-parsley, Field Hedge-parsley
3753 - Torilis japonica — Japanese Hedge-parsley, Erect Hedge-parsley
3754 - Torreya taxifolia — Florida Torreya, Stinking-cedar
3755 - Toxicodendron pubescens — Poison Oak, Southeastern Poison Oak
3756 - Toxicodendron radicans ssp. negundo — Midwestern Poison Ivy
3757 - Toxicodendron radicans ssp. radicans — Eastern Poison Ivy
3758 - Toxicodendron rydbergii — Wesern Poison Ivy
3759 - Toxicodendron vernix — Poison Sumac, Thunderwood
3760 - Trachelospermum difforme — Climbing Dogbane
3761 - Trachelospermum jasminoides — Confederate Jasmine, Star Jasmine
3762 - Tradescantia hirsuticaulis — Hairy Spiderwort
3763 - Tradescantia hirsutiflora — Hairy Spiderwort
3764 - Tradescantia ohiensis — Smooth Spiderwort, Ohio Spiderwort
3765 - Tradescantia subaspera var. subaspera — Zigzag Spiderwort, Wide-leaved Spiderwort
3766 - Tradescantia virginiana — Virginia Spiderwort
3767 - Tragia urens — Wavyleaf Noseburn, Southeastern Noseburn, Sandhill Noseburn
3768 - Tragia urticifolia — Nettleleaf Noseburn, Tragia
3769 - Tragopogon dubius — Vegetable-oyster, Yellow Salsify, Western Salsify, Yellow Goatsbeard
3770 - Tragopogon porrifolius — Purple Salsify, Vegetable-oyster, Oyster Plant, Purple Goat’s-beard
3771 - Trapa natans — European Water-chestnut, Water-caltrop, Four-spined Water-chestnut
3772 - Trautvetteria caroliniensis var. caroliniensis — Carolina Tassel-rue, Carolina Bugbane, False Bugbane
3773 - Trepocarpus aethusae — White-nymph
3774 - Triadenum tubulosum — Southern Marsh St. Johnswort
3775 - Triadenum virginicum — Virginia Marsh St. Johnswort, Common Marsh St. Johnswort
3776 - Triadenum walteri — Walter’s Marsh St. Johnswort, Greater Marsh St. Johnswort
3777 - Triadica sebifera — Popcorn Tree, Chinese Tallow-tree
3778 - Triantha glutinosa — Sticky Bog Asphodel, Northern Bog Asphodel, False Asphodel
3779 - Triantha racemosa — Coastal Bog Asphodel, Southern Bog Asphodel, Coastal False Asphodel, Savanna Asphodel
3780 - Tribulus cistoides — Jamaica Feverplant, Burr-nut
3781 - Tribulus terrestris — Puncture-weed, Caltrop, Devil's-thorn, Puncture Vine
3782 - Trichomanes boschianum — Appalachian Filmy-fern, Appalachian Bristle Fern
3783 - Trichomanes intricatum — Grotto-felt, Appalachian Trichomanes, Weft Fern
3784 - Trichomanes petersii — Dwarf Filmy-fern, Bristle Fern, Peters' Filmy Fern
3785 - Trichophorum cespitosum — Deerhair Bulrush, Deergrass, Tufted Bulrush
3786 - Trichostema brachiatum — Glade Blue Curls, False Pennyroyal, Fluxweed
3787 - Trichostema dichotomum — Common Blue Curls, Forked Blue Curls
3788 - Trichostema setaceum — Narrowleaf Blue Curls
3789 - Tricyrtis hirta — Toad Lily, Japanese Toad Lily, Hairy Toad Lily
3790 - Tridens carolinianus — Carolina Triodia, Carolina Fluffgrass
3791 - Tridens flavus var. flavus — Purpletop, Purpletop Tridens, Greasy Grass, Tall Redtop
3792 - Tridens strictus — Longspike Tridens, Longspike Fluffgrass, Spike Triodia
3793 - Trientalis borealis ssp. borealis — Northern Starflower, Maystar
3794 - Trifolium arvense — Rabbitfoot Clover
3795 - Trifolium aureum — Large Hop Clover, Yellow Clover, Golden Clover
3796 - Trifolium campestre — Hop Clover, Low Hop Clover, Field Clover
3797 - Trifolium carolinianum — Carolina Clover, Wild White Clover
3798 - Trifolium dubium — Least Hop Clover, Low Hop Clover, Suckling Clover, Little Hop Clover
3799 - Trifolium fragiferum — Strawberry Clover
3800 - Trifolium hybridum — Alsike Clover
3801 - Trifolium incarnatum — Crimson Clover
3802 - Trifolium pratense — Red Clover
3803 - Trifolium reflexum — Buffalo Clover
3804 - Trifolium repens — White Clover, White Dutch Clover, Ladino Clover
3805 - Trifolium resupinatum — Persian Clover, Reversed Clover
3806 - Trifolium vesiculosum — Arrowleaf Clover
3807 - Trillium catesbaei — Catesby's Trillium, Rosy Wake-robin, Bashful Trillium, Rose Trillium
3808 - Trillium cernuum — Northern Nodding Trillium
3809 - Trillium cuneatum — Little Sweet Betsy, Purple Toadshade
3810 - Trillium decipiens — Chattahoochee Trillium, Deceptive Trillium
3811 - Trillium decumbens — Decumbent Trillium, Trailing Trillium
3812 - Trillium discolor — Pale Yellow Trillium, Faded Trillium, Small Yellow Toadshade, Savannah River Trillium
3813 - Trillium erectum — Red Trillium, Purple Trillium, Stinking Willie, Stinking Benjamin
3814 - Trillium flexipes — Bent Trillium, Bent White Trillium, Bentstalk Trillium, Drooping Trillium
3815 - Trillium grandiflorum — Large-flowered Trillium, Great White Trillium, White Wake-robin, Showy Wake-robin
3816 - Trillium lancifolium — Lanceleaf Trillium, Narrowleaf Trillium
3817 - Trillium ludovicianum — Louisiana Trillium, Louisiana Wake-robin
3818 - Trillium luteum — Yellow Trillium, Yellow Toadshade, Lemon-scented Trillium, Wax Trillium
3819 - Trillium maculatum — Mottled Trillium, Spotted Trillium
3820 - Trillium persistens — Persistent Trillium, Edna's Trillium
3821 - Trillium pusillum + — Carolina Least Trillium, Virginia Dwarf Trillium, Aiken Least Trillium
3822 - Trillium pusillum var. pusillum — Georgia Least Trillium
3823 - Trillium recurvatum — Prairie Trillium, Prairie Wake-robin, Recurved Trillium
3824 - Trillium reliquum — Relict Trillium
3825 - Trillium rugelii — Southern Nodding Trillium
3826 - Trillium sessile — Sessile Trillium, Sessile Toadshade, Toad Trillium
3827 - Trillium simile — Sweet White Trillium, Confusing Trillium, Jeweled Trillium
3828 - Trillium stamineum — Twisted Trillium, Helicopter Trillium
3829 - Trillium sulcatum — Southern Red Trillium, Barksdale's Trillium
3830 - Trillium underwoodii — Underwood's Trillium
3831 - Trillium undulatum — Painted Trillium, Striped Wake-robin
3832 - Trillium vaseyi — Vasey's Trillium, Sweet Trillium, Sweet Beth
3833 - Triodanis biflora — Southern Venus's Looking-glass, Small Venus's Looking-glass
3834 - Triodanis perfoliata — Clasping Venus's Looking-glass
3835 - Triosteum angustifolium — Yellowfruit Horse-gentian, Lesser Horse-gentian
3836 - Triosteum aurantiacum var. aurantiacum — Orange-fruited Horse-gentian
3837 - Triosteum perfoliatum — Perfoliate Horse-gentian, Perfoliate Tinker's-weed, Wild Coffee, Feverwort
3838 - Triphora trianthophora — Three Birds Orchid, Nodding Pogonia, Nodding Ettercap
3839 - Triplasis americana — Southern Sandgrass, Perennial Sandgrass
3840 - Triplasis purpurea — Purple Sandgrass
3841 - Tripleurospermum perforatum — Scentless Chamomile, False Chamomile, Mayweed
3842 - Tripsacum dactyloides — Gama Grass, Eastern Gamagrass
3843 - Tristagma uniflorum — Spring Starflower, Spring Star, Star of Bethlehem
3844 - Triticum aestivum — Bread Wheat
3845 - Tsuga canadensis — Eastern Hemlock, Canada Hemlock, Spruce Pine, Hemlock Spruce
3846 - Tsuga caroliniana — Carolina Hemlock, Crag Hemlock
3847 - Tussilago farfara — Coltsfoot
3848 - Typha ×glauca — Hybrid Cattail
3849 - Typha angustifolia — Narrowleaf Cattail
3850 - Typha domingensis — Southern Cattail
3851 - Typha latifolia — Common Cattail, Broadleaf Cattail
3852 - Ulmus alata — Winged Elm
3853 - Ulmus americana — American Elm, White Elm
3854 - Ulmus americana — Florida Elm
3855 - Ulmus crassifolia — Cedar Elm
3856 - Ulmus glabra — Wych Elm, Scotch Elm
3857 - Ulmus parvifolia — Lacebark Elm, Chinese Elm
3858 - Ulmus procera — English Elm, English Cork Elm
3859 - Ulmus pumila — Siberian Elm, Dwarf Elm
3860 - Ulmus rubra — Slippery Elm, Red Elm
3861 - Ulmus serotina — September Elm, Rock Elm
3862 - Uniola paniculata — Sea Oats
3863 - Urochloa maxima — Guinea Grass
3864 - Urochloa ramosa — Browntop Millet, Dixie Signalgrass
3865 - Urtica chamaedryoides — Weak Nettle, Dwarf Stinging Nettle, Heartleaf Nettle
3866 - Urtica dioica ssp. dioica — European Stinging Nettle, Great Nettle
3867 - Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis — American Stinging Nettle, Slender Nettle
3868 - Utricularia cornuta — Horned Bladderwort
3869 - Utricularia foliosa — Flatstem Bladderwort, Leafy Bladderwort
3870 - Utricularia gibba — Shortspur Creeping Bladderwort, Humped Bladderwort
3871 - Utricularia gibba — Longspur Creeping Bladderwort, Twoflower Bladderwort
3872 - Utricularia inflata — Swollen Bladderwort, Inflated Bladderwort, Floating Bladderwort
3873 - Utricularia juncea — Southern Bladderwort, Slender Horned Bladderwort
3874 - Utricularia macrorhiza — Greater Bladderwort, Common Bladderwort
3875 - Utricularia olivacea — Dwarf Bladderwort, Minute Bladderwort
3876 - Utricularia purpurea — Purple Bladderwort
3877 - Utricularia radiata — Small Swollen Bladderwort, Floating Bladderwort, little floating bladderwort
3878 - Utricularia resupinata — Northeastern Bladderwort, Resupinate Bladderwort, Lavender Bladderwort
3879 - Utricularia simulans — Fringed Bladderwort
3880 - Utricularia striata — Fibrous Bladderwort, Striped Bladderwort
3881 - Utricularia subulata — Slender Bladderwort, Zigzag Bladderwort
3882 - Uvularia grandiflora — Large-flowered Bellwort
3883 - Uvularia perfoliata — Perfoliate Bellwort
3884 - Uvularia puberula — Mountain Bellwort, Appalachian Bellwort, Carolina Bellwort, Coastal Bellwort
3885 - Uvularia sessilifolia — Wild-oats, Sessile-leaf Bellwort, Straw-lily
3886 - Vaccinium angustifolium — Northern Lowbush Blueberry, Sugarberry, Low Sweet Blueberry
3887 - Vaccinium arboreum — Sparkleberry, Farkleberry
3888 - Vaccinium caesariense — New Jersey Highbush Blueberry
3889 - Vaccinium corymbosum — Smooth Highbush Blueberry, Northern Highbush Blueberry
3890 - Vaccinium crassifolium ssp. crassifolium — Creeping Blueberry
3891 - Vaccinium crassifolium ssp. sempervirens — Rayner's Blueberry
3892 - Vaccinium darrowii — Darrow's Blueberry
3893 - Vaccinium elliottii — Mayberry, Elliott's Blueberry
3894 - Vaccinium erythrocarpum — Bearberry, Highbush Cranberry, Mountain Cranberry
3895 - Vaccinium formosum — Southern Highbush Blueberry, Swamp Highbush Blueberry
3896 - Vaccinium fuscatum — Hairy Highbush Blueberry, Black Highbush Blueberry
3897 - Vaccinium hirsutum — Woollyberry, Hairy Blueberry, Low-lowbush Blueberry
3898 - Vaccinium macrocarpon — Cranberry, Large Cranberry
3899 - Vaccinium myrsinites — Southern Evergreen Blueberry
3900 - Vaccinium myrtilloides — Velvetleaf Blueberry, Sourtop, Canada Blueberry
3901 - Vaccinium oxycoccos — Small Cranberry
3902 - Vaccinium pallidum — Hillside Blueberry, Dryland Blueberry, Upland Low Blueberry, Lowbush Blueberry
3903 - Vaccinium pallidum — Blue Ridge Blueberry
3904 - Vaccinium simulatum — Mountain Highbush Blueberry
3905 - Vaccinium stamineum — Southern Deerberry
3906 - Vaccinium stamineum — Dwarf Deerberry
3907 - Vaccinium stamineum — Florida Deerberry, Whiteleaf Deerberry
3908 - Vaccinium stamineum — Common Deerberry
3909 - Vaccinium stamineum — Appalachian Deerberry
3910 - Vaccinium tenellum — Southern Dwarf Blueberry, Small Cluster Blueberry, Small Cluster Blueberry, Narrowleaf Blueberry
3911 - Vaccinium virgatum — Rabbiteye Blueberry, Swamp Blueberry, Rabbitberry, Smallflower Blueberry
3912 - Vachellia farnesiana — Common Sweet Acacia, Huisache
3913 - Valerianella locusta — European Cornsalad
3914 - Valerianella radiata — Beaked Cornsalad
3915 - Valerianella umbilicata — Navel Cornsalad
3916 - Vallisneria americana — American Eelgrass, Water-celery, Tapegrass, Vallisneria
3917 - Veratrum hybridum — Crisped Bunchflower, Broadleaf Bunchflower, Slender Bunchflower
3918 - Veratrum parviflorum — Mountain Bunchflower, Small-flowered Hellebore, Small False Hellebore, Appalachian Bunchflower
3919 - Veratrum virginicum — Virginia Bunchflower, Bog Bunchflower
3920 - Veratrum viride — White-hellebore, Indian Poke, Green Hellebore, Cornhusk Lily
3921 - Veratrum woodii — Ozark Bunchflower, Wood's False-hellebore
3922 - Verbascum blattaria — Moth Mullein
3923 - Verbascum phlomoides — Clasping Mullein, Orange Mullein
3924 - Verbascum thapsus — Woolly Mullein, Common Mullein, Flannel-plant, Velvet-plant
3925 - Verbascum virgatum — Wand Mullein, Twiggy Mullein, Moth Mullein
3926 - Verbena bonariensis — Purpletop Vervain, Tall Vervain
3927 - Verbena bonariensis — Purpletop Vervain, Tall Vervain
3928 - Verbena brasiliensis — Brazilian Vervain
3929 - Verbena hastata — Blue Vervain, Common Vervain, Simpler's-joy
3930 - Verbena rigida — Stiff Verbena, Tuberous Vervain, Veiny Vervain
3931 - Verbena simplex — Narrowleaf Vervain
3932 - Verbena stricta — Hoary Vervain
3933 - Verbena urticifolia — White Vervain, Nettleleaf Verbena, Velvetleaf Vervain
3934 - Verbesina alternifolia — Common Wingstem
3935 - Verbesina occidentalis — Southern Crownbeard, Yellow Crownbeard
3936 - Verbesina virginica var. laciniata — Southern Frostweed
3937 - Verbesina virginica var. virginica — White Crownbeard, Common Frostweed, White Wingstem, Virginia Wingstem
3938 - Verbesina walteri — Walter's Wingstem, Carolina Crownbeard, Walter's Crownbeard
3939 - Vernicia fordii — Tung-oil Tree
3940 - Vernonia ×georgiana [acaulis × angustifolia] — Georgia Ironweed
3941 - Vernonia acaulis — Stemless Ironweed, Carolina Ironweed, Flatwoods Ironweed
3942 - Vernonia angustifolia ssp. angustifolia — Narrowleaf Ironweed, Carolina Slender Ironweed, Carolina Sandhill Ironweed
3943 - Vernonia angustifolia var. scaberrima — Georgia Sandhill Ironweed, Georgia Slender Ironweed
3944 - Vernonia flaccidifolia — Tennessee Ironweed
3945 - Vernonia gigantea ssp. gigantea — Tall Ironweed, Common Ironweed, Giant Ironweed
3946 - Vernonia glauca — Broadleaf Ironweed, Appalachian Ironweed, Tawny Ironweed
3947 - Vernonia lettermannii — Lettermann's Ironweed, Narrowleaf Ironweed
3948 - Vernonia noveboracensis — New York Ironweed
3949 - Veronica americana — American Speedwell, Brooklime
3950 - Veronica anagallis-aquatica — Water Speedwell, Brook Pimpernel
3951 - Veronica arvensis — Corn Speedwell, Wall Speedwell
3952 - Veronica beccabunga — European Speedwell, European Brooklime
3953 - Veronica chamaedrys — Germander Speedwell
3954 - Veronica hederifolia — Ivyleaf Speedwell
3955 - Veronica officinalis — Common Speedwell, Gypsyweed, Heath Speedwell
3956 - Veronica peregrina ssp. peregrina — Purslane Speedwell, Neckweed, Necklace-weed
3957 - Veronica persica — Bird's-eye Speedwell
3958 - Veronica scutellata — Marsh Speedwell, Narrowleaf Speedwell
3959 - Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia — Thymeleaf Speedwell
3960 - Veronicastrum virginicum — Culver's-root, Culver's-physic
3961 - Viburnum acerifolium — Mapleleaf Viburnum, Maple-leaved Arrowwood, Dockmackie
3962 - Viburnum bracteatum — Limerock Arrowwood
3963 - Viburnum dentatum var. dentatum — Southern Arrowwood
3964 - Viburnum dentatum var. dentatum — Carolina Arrowwood
3965 - Viburnum dentatum var. venosum — Southern Arrowwood
3966 - Viburnum dilatatum — Linden Viburnum
3967 - Viburnum lantana — Wayfaring Tree
3968 - Viburnum lantanoides — Witch Hobble, Moosewood, Hobblebush, Tangle-legs
3969 - Viburnum lentago — Nannyberry, Sheepberry
3970 - Viburnum molle — Soft Arrowwood
3971 - Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides — Northern Wild Raisin, Witherod, Shonny Haw, Shawnee Haw
3972 - Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides — Possumhaw Viburnum, Witherod Viburnum, Shining Viburnum
3973 - Viburnum nudum var. nudum — Southern Wild Raisin, Possumhaw, Swamp Viburnum, Swamp-haw
3974 - Viburnum obovatum — Small-leaf Virburnum, Walter's Viburnum
3975 - Viburnum opulus var. americanum — Highbush-cranberry, Cranberry Tree, American Cranberry-bush
3976 - Viburnum opulus var. opulus — Guelder-rose Viburnum, Snowball
3977 - Viburnum plicatum — Japanese Snowball Viburnum, Doublefile Viburnum
3978 - Viburnum prunifolium — Blackhaw, Nannyberry
3979 - Viburnum rafinesqueanum — Downy Arrowwood
3980 - Viburnum recognitum — Smooth Arrowwood, Northern Arrowwood
3981 - Viburnum rufidulum — Rusty Blackhaw, Blue Haw, Southern Blackhaw, Rusty Haw
3982 - Viburnum sieboldii — Siebold's Viburnum
3983 - Vicia acutifolia — Sand Vetch, Fourleaf Vetch
3984 - Vicia americana ssp. americana — American Vetch, Purple Vetch, Tare
3985 - Vicia caroliniana — Carolina Vetch, Wood Vetch, Pale Vetch
3986 - Vicia cracca ssp. cracca — Cow Vetch, Tufted Vetch
3987 - Vicia grandiflora — Bigflower Vetch, Large Yellow Vetch
3988 - Vicia hirsuta — Tiny Vetch, Hairy Tare
3989 - Vicia lathyroides — Spring Vetch
3990 - Vicia sativa ssp. nigra — Narrowleaf Vetch, Garden Vetch
3991 - Vicia sativa ssp. sativa — Common Vetch
3992 - Vicia tetrasperma — Slender Vetch, Smooth Tare, Lentil Vetch, Sparrow Vetch
3993 - Vicia villosa ssp. varia — Smooth Vetch, Winter Vetch
3994 - Vicia villosa ssp. villosa — Hairy Vetch, Fodder Vetch, Winter Vetch
3995 - Vinca major — Bigleaf Periwinkle, Greater Periwinkle
3996 - Vinca minor — Common Periwinkle, Myrtle Vinca
3997 - Viola ×esculenta [septemloba × triloba] — Atlantic Coast Salad Violet
3998 - Viola ×palmata [brittoniana or pedatifida × affinis or sororia] — Wood Violet, Southern Three-lobed Violet
3999 - Viola ×primulifolia [lanceolata × macloskeyi] — Primrose-leaf Violet
4000 - Viola affinis — LeConte's Violet, Sand Violet, Thinleaf Violet, Missouri Violet
4001 - Viola appalachiensis — Appalachian Violet, Henry's Violet
4002 - Viola arvensis — European Field Pansy
4003 - Viola bicolor — Johnny Jump-up, American Field Pansy, Wild Pansy
4004 - Viola blanda var. blanda — Sweet White Violet
4005 - Viola blanda var. palustriformis — Disguised White Violet, Largeleaf White Violet, Common Sweet White Violet
4006 - Viola brittoniana var. brittoniana — Northern Coastal Violet, Coast Violet, Britton's Violet
4007 - Viola canadensis var. canadensis — Canada Violet, Tall White Violet
4008 - Viola cucullata — Blue Marsh Violet, Bog Violet
4009 - Viola egglestonii — Eggleston's Violet, Nashville Violet, Cedar Glade Violet
4010 - Viola hastata — Halberdleaf Violet, Halberdleaf Yellow Violet, Spearleaf Violet, Silverleaf Violet
4011 - Viola hirsutula — Southern Woodland Violet, Silvery Purple-leaf Violet, Southern Wood Violet
4012 - Viola labradorica — American Dog Violet
4013 - Viola lanceolata ssp. lanceolata — Lanceleaf Violet, Narrow-leaved Violet, White Bog Violet, Northern Water Violet
4014 - Viola lanceolata ssp. vittata — Strapleaf Violet, White Bog Violet, Southern Water Violet
4015 - Viola macloskeyi ssp. pallens — Wild White Violet, White Marsh Violet
4016 - Viola odorata — English Violet, Sweet Violet
4017 - Viola pedata — Common Birdsfoot Violet
4018 - Viola pedata — Sandhills Birdsfoot Violet
4019 - Viola pubescens var. pubescens — Downy Yellow Violet, Hairy Yellow Forest Violet
4020 - Viola pubescens var. scabriuscula — Smooth Yellow Forest Violet, Smooth Yellow Violet
4021 - Viola rostrata — Longspur Violet
4022 - Viola rotundifolia — Roundleaf Yellow Violet, Early Yellow Violet
4023 - Viola sagittata var. ovata — Ovate-leaf Violet, Northern Downy Violet, Sand Violet
4024 - Viola sagittata var. sagittata — Arrowleaf Violet, Arrowhead Violet
4025 - Viola septemloba — Southern Coastal Violet, Cleft-leaved Violet
4026 - Viola septentrionalis — Northern Wood Violet, Northern Blue Violet
4027 - Viola sororia — Dooryard Violet, Confederate Violet, Common Blue Violet
4028 - Viola striata — Pale Violet, Creamy Violet, Striped Cream Violet
4029 - Viola tricolor — Johnny Jump-up, Pansy
4030 - Viola triloba var. dilatata — Wavyleaf Violet
4031 - Viola triloba var. triloba — Northern Three-lobed Violet
4032 - Viola tripartita — Northern Wedgeleaf Violet
4033 - Viola tripartita — Threepart Violet, Three-parted Yellow Violet
4034 - Viola tripartita — Southern Wedgeleaf Violet
4035 - Viola villosa — Southern Woolly Violet, Carolina Violet
4036 - Viola walteri — Walter's Violet, Prostrate Blue Violet
4037 - Vitex agnus-castus var. agnus-castus — Chaste-tree
4038 - Vitex rotundifolia — Beach Vitex, Roundleaf Chaste-tree
4039 - Vitis ×labruscana — Concord Grape
4040 - Vitis aestivalis var. aestivalis — Summer Grape
4041 - Vitis aestivalis var. bicolor — Silverleaf Grape
4042 - Vitis cinerea var. baileyana — Possum Grape
4043 - Vitis cinerea var. cinerea — Graybark Grape, Pigeon Grape
4044 - Vitis cinerea var. floridana — Florida Grape
4045 - Vitis labrusca — Fox Grape
4046 - Vitis riparia — Riverbank Grape
4047 - Vitis rotundifolia var. munsoniana — Munson Grape, Bullace Grape
4048 - Vitis rotundifolia var. rotundifolia — Muscadine, Scuppernong
4049 - Vitis vinifera — European Wine Grape
4050 - Vitis vulpina — Frost Grape, Winter Grape, Chicken Grape
4051 - Vittaria appalachiana — Appalachian Shoestring Fern, "Appalachian gametophyte"
4052 - Vulpia myuros — Rat-tail Fescue
4053 - Vulpia octoflora var. octoflora — Southern Six-weeks Fescue
4054 - Wahlenbergia marginata — Wahlenbergia, Asian Rockbell, Asiatic bellflower, Southern Rockbell
4055 - Waldsteinia fragarioides ssp. doniana — Southern Barren Stawberry
4056 - Waldsteinia fragarioides ssp. fragarioides — Northern Barren Strawberry
4057 - Waldsteinia lobata — Piedmont Barren Strawberry, Lobed Barren Strawberry
4058 - Waltheria indica — Sleepy Morning
4059 - Warea cuneifolia — Carolina Warea, Carolina Pineland-cress
4060 - Wisteria ×formosa [floribunda × sinensis] — Hybrid Asian Wisteria
4061 - Wisteria floribunda — Japanese Wisteria
4062 - Wisteria frutescens — American Wisteria, Swamp Wisteria, Atlantic Wisteria
4063 - Wisteria frutescens — Mississippi Wisteria, American Wisteria, Swamp Wisteria, Kentucky Wisteria
4064 - Wisteria sinensis — Chinese Wisteria
4065 - Wolffia columbiana — Colombian Watermeal
4066 - Wolffiella gladiata — Bog-mat, Mud-midgets, Florida Mudmidget
4067 - Woodsia appalachiana — Appalachian Woodsia, Appalachian Cliff Fern, Mountain Woodsia
4068 - Woodsia ilvensis — Rusty Cliff Fern, Rusty Woodsia
4069 - Woodsia obtusa ssp. obtusa — Blunt-lobed Cliff Fern, Common Woodsia
4070 - Woodwardia areolata — Netted Chain-fern, Net-veined Chainfern
4071 - Woodwardia virginica — Virginia Chain-fern
4072 - Xanthium spinosum — Spiny Cocklebur
4073 - Xanthium strumarium — Oriental Cocklebur
4074 - Xanthium strumarium var. glabratum — Common Cocklebur
4075 - Xanthium strumarium var. strumarium — European Cocklebur
4076 - Xanthorhiza simplicissima — Yellowroot
4077 - Xanthosoma sagittifolium — Arrowleaf Elephant-ear, Malanga
4078 - Xerophyllum asphodeloides — Eastern Turkeybeard, Beargrass, Mountain-asphodel
4079 - Ximenia americana — Tallow-wood, Hog-plum
4080 - Xyris ambigua — Bog Yellow-eyed-grass, Coastal Plain Yellow-eyed-grass
4081 - Xyris baldwiniana — Baldwin's Yellow-eyed-grass, Grassleaf Yellow-eyed-grass
4082 - Xyris brevifolia — Shortleaf Yellow-eyed-grass
4083 - Xyris caroliniana — Pineland Yellow-eyed-grass, Carolina yellow-eyed-grass
4084 - Xyris difformis var. curtissii — Curtiss's yellow-eyed-grass
4085 - Xyris difformis var. difformis — Flatstem Yellow-eyed-grass, Bog Yellow-eyed-grass
4086 - Xyris elliottii — Elliott's Yellow-eyed-grass
4087 - Xyris fimbriata — Giant Yellow-eyed-grass, Fringed Yellow-eyed-grass
4088 - Xyris floridana — Florida Yellow-eyed-grass
4089 - Xyris jupicai — Richard's Yellow-eyed-grass
4090 - Xyris platylepis — Bulbous Yellow-eyed-grass, Tall Yellow-eyed-grass
4091 - Xyris scabrifolia — Roughleaf Yellow-eyed-grass, Scabrous-leaved Xyris, Harper's Yellow-eyed-grass
4092 - Xyris scabrifolia — Chapman's Yellow-eyed-grass
4093 - Xyris serotina — Acid Swamp Yellow-eyed-grass, Gray-leaved Yellow-eyed-grass
4094 - Xyris smalliana — Small's Yellow-eyed-grass
4095 - Xyris stricta — Pineland Yellow-eyed-grass, Strict Yellow-eyed-grass
4096 - Xyris torta — Twisted Yellow-eyed-grass, Mountain Yellow-eyed-grass, Slender Yellow-eyed-grass
4097 - Yeatesia viridiflora — Yellow Bractspike
4098 - Youngia japonica — Asiatic Hawksbeard, Youngia, Japanese Crepis, Oriental False Hawksbeard
4099 - Yucca aloifolia — Spanish Dagger, Aloe Yucca
4100 - Yucca filamentosa — Beargrass, Spoonleaf Yucca, Curlyleaf Yucca
4101 - Yucca flaccida — Weakleaf Yucca
4102 - Yucca gloriosa — Mound-lily Yucca, Spanish Bayonet
4103 - Yucca recurvifolia — Curve-leaf Yucca
4104 - Zamia pumila ssp. pumila — East Coast Coontie, Broad-leaflet Coontie, Palatka Giant Coontie
4105 - Zanthoxylum americanum — Northern Toothache Tree, Northern Prickly-ash
4106 - Zanthoxylum clava-herculis — Southern Toothache Tree, Hercules-club, Sea-ash, Southern Prickly-ash
4107 - Zanthoxylum fagara — Wild Lime, Lime Prickly-ash, Colima, Satinwood
4108 - Zea mays ssp. mays — Corn, Maize
4109 - Zea perennis — Mexican Teosinte
4110 - Zelkova serrata — Japanese Zelkova
4111 - Zenobia pulverulenta — Zenobia, Honeycups
4112 - Zephyranthes atamasca — Common Atamasco-lily, Rain-lily, Easter Lily, Naked Lily
4113 - Zephyranthes candida — Fall Rain-lily, Autumn Zephyrlily
4114 - Zephyranthes simpsonii — Florida Atamasco-lily, Red-margined Atamasco-lily, Rain-lily
4115 - Zephyranthes treatiae — Rain-lily, Treat's Zephyr-lily
4116 - Zigadenus densus — Crow-poison, Savanna Camass, Osceola-plume
4117 - Zigadenus elegans ssp. glaucus — White Death-camas, White Camass, Mountain Death-camas
4118 - Zigadenus glaberrimus — Large Death Camas, Snakeroot, Sandbog Death-camas, Bog Death Camas
4119 - Zigadenus leimanthoides — Pinebarrens Death-camas
4120 - Zinnia peruviana — Peruvian Zinnia
4121 - Zinnia violacea — Garden Zinnia, Elegant Zinnia
4122 - Zizania aquatica var. aquatica — Southern Wild-rice, Indian Rice
4123 - Zizaniopsis miliacea — Southern Wild-rice, Water-millet, Giant Cutgrass
4124 - Zizia aptera — Heartleaf Golden-Alexanders, Heartleaf Alexanders
4125 - Zizia aurea — Common Golden-Alexanders
4126 - Zizia trifoliata — Mountain Golden-Alexanders
4127 - Ziziphus zizyphus — Chinese Jujube, Common Jujube, Chinese Date
4128 - Zornia bracteata — Viperina, Zornia
Type only the first 2-3 letters to choose from a dropdown list of genera (this can be especially helpful when you're not sure of the spelling).
If "wooly" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "woolly" or just "wool".