The Images

For the most part, the goal of the pictures on this site is to highlight a particular plant or feature. Occasionally, they may just celebrate its beauty....

The images remain the property of the photographers/illustrators, who have agreed that pictures downloaded from this site may be used for non-profit, educational purposes provided proper credit is given to their creator.
For any other use, for higher resolution images, or for other pictures, please contact the photographer/illustrator directly.

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Ron Lance     (337)
Author of Woody Plants of the Southeastern United States: A Winter Guide and
Haws: A Guide to Hawthorns of the Southeastern United States
ronwlance55 @ gmail.com

Bridget Lassiter
Weed Specialist, Plant Industry Division
N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
bridget.lassiter @ ncagr.gov

Susan Laurie-Bourque
pryer @ duke.edu

Timothy Lee
South Carolina Parks Service
tlee @ scprt.com

Harry LeGrand
Co-author Vascular Plants of North Carolina
hlegrandjr @ gmail.com

Don Lewis
donlewis33 @ hughes.net

Susan Lochridge
needlespirits @ gmail.com

Doug Lockard
doug.lockard @ email.com

Penny Longhurst     (103)
colong7034 @ gmail.com

JK Marlow
webmaster @ namethatplant.net

Steve Marlow     (107)
Marlow Creative Services
steve @ MarlowCreativeServices.com

Roxanna Martin     (523)
RMartin @ spartanburg4.org

Patrick D. McMillan     (904)
Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department, Clemson University
Director of the SC Botanical Garden
Expeditions with Patrick McMillan
patrickACH @ JLBG.org

Trena McNabb

Dale McSwain
isptrader @ gmail.com

Larry Mellichamp
University of North Carolina / UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens
lmellichamp @ carolina.rr.com

Gemma Milly
gcmilly @ gmail.com

Gordon Murphy
South Carolina Association of Naturalists
agmurphy @ hughes.net

Mark A. Musselman
Audubon Center at the Francis Beidler Forest
mmusselman @ audubon.org

Craig Myers
salrwy @ mac.com

John B. Nelson
Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina
Flickr: Just Back's photostream
nelson @ sc.edu

Gill Newberry     (376)
Department of Biology, University of South Carolina, Upstate
gnewberry @ charter.net

Laura Nichols
lauranichols.avl @ gmail.com>

Teri Nye
TeriNye.com: Illustration, Photography & Design
tnye @ terinye.com

Jay Pakchar
jpakchar @ yahoo.com

Carrie Hannah Penn
Stone Mountain Memorial Association
hannah2 @ uga.edu

Greg Peters
peters5369 @ gmail.com

Glen Peterson
glen @ organicdesign.org

Jim Petranka
Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Asheville
petranka @ unca.edu

Ed Pivorun
ebpvr @ clemson.edu

A. Joseph Pollard
Rose J. Forgione Professor of Biology, Furman University
Joe.Pollard @ furman.edu

Richard D. Porcher
Author of A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina
porcherr @ citadel.edu

Eva Pratt
evaoncompton @ gmail.com

Sam Pratt     (264)
samoncompton @ gmail.com

Celeste Ray
cray87sly @ gmail.com

Peter Schafran
pscha005 @ odu.edu

Judy Seeley
judy_seeley @ hotmail.com

Emily B. Sessa     (154)
New York Botanical Garden, former president of the American Fern Society, and author of Ferns, Spikemosses, Clubmosses, and Quillworts of Eastern North America
esessa @ nybg.org

Bill Sharpton
Treehugger Images
GSharpton @ aol.com

Bruce A. Sorrie     (350)
Author of Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region
Co-author Vascular Plants of North Carolina
basorrie @ gmail.com

Timothy Spira     (128)
Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University
Author of Wildflowers and Plant Communities of the Southern Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont
stimoth @ clemson.edu

Marian StClair
marian.stclair @ gmail.com

Joe Standaert
joestand @ gmail.com

Mike Strickland
livinwell @ georgianatives.net

Bill Stringer
Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant Sciences, Clemson University
catboyz @ nctv.com

Will Stuart     (495)
Flickr: Will Stuart
willstuart2001 @ earthlink.net

Zen Sutherland
Zen Sutherland Photography
Flickr: Zen Sutherland's photostream
fotozen @ charter.net

Samantha Tessel
SC Department of Natural Resources
tessels @ dnr.sc.gov

Paul Thompson
Clemson University Extension Service, York County
pthmpsn @ exchange.clemson.edu

B. Joanna Thurman
bosunberrybiscuit @ gmail.com

Pam Torlina
Conserving Carolina
Pam @ carolinamountain.org

Jane Trentin
janetrentin @ yahoo.com

Eric Ungberg
SC Department of Natural Resources
ungberg @ gmail.com

Fran Durovchic Villa
fmdurov @ yahoo.com

Jose Villa
JoseVilla3240 @ gmail.com

Kay Wade
Jocassee Lake Tours
kay @ jocasseelaketours.com

Lisa Wagner
South Carolina Botanical Garden
lwagner @ clemson.edu

Richard & Teresa Ware     (1700)
Georgia Botanical Society
Richard is the author of Guide to the Wildflowers, Ferns, Trees, Shrubs & Woody Vines of Georgia and Adjacent States
gabotany @ comcast.net

Alan S. Weakley     (339)
UNC Herbarium / North Carolina Botanical Garden
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dept. of Biology
Author of Flora of the Southeastern United States
Coauthor of Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast
weakley @ bio.unc.edu

Jim Welch
ryegatecc @ gmail.com

Dan Whitten     (99)
sdwhit10 @ aol.com

Rusty Wilson
fwlsn @ clemson.edu

Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams Photography
Author of North Carolina's Best Wildflower Hikes: The Mountains
kevin @ kadamsphoto.com

Herb Amyx
patamyx @ yahoo.com

Arleigh Birchler
Distinctly Carolina Plants
arleigh.birchler @ yahoo.com

Jean Askew
jaskew @ nctv.com

Jeff Ausmus     (97)
jmausmus @ hotmail.com

Keith Bradley     (1166)
Botanist/Conservation Biologist
SC Department of Natural Resources
linaceae @ gmail.com

Frank Breazeale
Pendleton, SC

Frank Bridges
fabfab @ att.net

Jerry Bright
jerrybright @ gmail.com

Pat Bright
jerrybright @ gmail.com

Mason Brock
mbrock2 @ my.apsu.edu

Stephanie C. Brundage     (168)
sbrundage @ aol.com

The University of Georgia Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health

Karen Burnett
burnettm @ mindspring.com

Wesley Burnett
mollycat1200 @ gmail.com

Kevin Caldwell
Conservation Biologist
Mountains-to-Sea Ecological
mts.ecological @ gmail.com

David Campbell
Habitat Assessment and Restoration Professionals
david @ habitatassessment.com

Owen Carson
Botanist / Plant Ecologist
Equinox Environmental
owen @ equinoxenvironmental.com

John Cely
SC Department of Natural Resources
& Congaree Land Trust
cowasee @ gmail.com

Margaret Cirtain
Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina
cirtain @ mailbox.sc.edu

Steve Compton
DPI, Clemson University
scompto @ clemson.edu

Diane Creaton
dicreaton @ yahoo.com

Alan Cressler
Flickr: Alan Cressler
alan.cressler @ gmail.com

Dixie Z. Damrel
Curator, Clemson University Herbarium
ddamrel @ clemson.edu

Harry Davis
Flickr: Harry Davis's photostream
hld3dds @ charter.net

Becky Dill
gillydilly @ gmail.com

Bryan England
City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department
Bryan.England @ raleighnc.gov

Sonny Eppes

Jean Everett
Department of Biology, College of Charleston
EverettJ @ cofc.edu

Jim Fanning
sybjim @ msn.com

Tracy S. Feldman
Department of Natural and Life Sciences, St. Andrews University
feldmants @ sa.edu

Caleb Forrest
c4rest @ icloud.com

Jim Fowler     (107)
Jim Fowler Photography
Author of Wild Orchids of South Carolina: a Popular Natural History and
Orchids, Carnivorous Plants, and Other Wildflowers of the Green Swamp, North Carolina
(1946-2021) The natural world has lost a great ally and interpreter....

L.L. (Chick) Gaddy
terra incognita books
llgaddy @ bellsouth.net

Mark Garland
Botanist, USDA NRCS
mark.garland @ gnb.usda.gov

Terry Gentry
tmgentry @ charter.net

Betsy George
betsy.george1950 @ gmail.com

Alistair Glen
Growing Wild Nursery
info @ growingwildnursery.net

Laura Godfrey
lauraegodfrey1 @ gmail.com

Douglas Goldman
Botanist, USDA NRCS
doug.goldman @ gnb.usda.gov

Judy Gordon
Department of Biology, Augusta State University
jgordon @ aug.edu

Lisa Lofland Gould
lisalgould @ gmail.com

Bob Griffeth
rmgriffeth @ gmail.com

Jan Haldeman
Department of Biology, Erskine College
haldeman @ erskine.edu

Bobby Hattaway
Georgia Botanical Society, Past President
Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University (retired)
botanikman @ g-net.net

Dena Hayworth

Terry Holdsclaw     (389)
holdsclaw @ centurylink.net

Frank Holleman
Naturaland Trust
FrankHolleman @ NaturalandTrust.org

Bobbie L. Holt
Intrinsic Images
holt424 @ bellsouth.net

Charles N. Horn
Department of Sciences and Mathematics, Newberry College
Charles.Horn @ newberry.edu

Douglas Houck
PBase: Douglas Houck
dhouck0 @ gmail.com

Bob Howell
5jeeps @ bellsouth.net

Sharon Howell
jasminrc @ bellsouth.net

Chuck Hubbuch
hubbuchc @ gmail.com

Rick Huffman
SC Native Plant Society, founder
Earth Design, principal
rick_huffman @ earthdesignsc.com

Rob Hunnings
rhunnings @ charter.net

Alicia G. Jackson
Certified Wildlife Biologist
Dr. J.H. Carter III & Associates, Inc.
ajackson @ jhcarterinc.com

Sharleen Johnson
Native Plants to the People, LLC
sharleenpjohnson @ gmail.com

Gene Johnston
loner1986 @ gmail.com

Tom Jones
South Carolina Association of Naturalists
prestoea @ gmail.com

Ben Geer Keys
Keys Natural Images
keysni @ bellsouth.net

Wesley Knapp
Wesley_Knapp @ NatureServe.org

Anthony L. Koop
Anthony.L.Koop @ aphis.usda.gov

Kerrie L. Kyde
Maryland Department of Natural Resources (retired)

Tricia Kyzer
tricia.kyzer @ gmail.com


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Eastern Red Maple

"Ever notice how, after they cut down all the trees, they name the streets after them?" — Ziggy


Keever’s Onion
Southern Swamp-lily Keever’s Onion Single-sorus Spleenwort Green-fly Orchid American Persimmon Little Barley coastal plain balm  Mellichamp's Skullcap Wright's Cliffbrake Two-leaved Miterwort Opium Poppy Oconee Bells Featherfoil  Mimosa Vine Rosy Twisted-stalk wil_pleea_tenuifolia_379 Sandhills Pyxie-moss Butterfly Milkweed Common Pawpaw